✨ New Moon in Capricorn – A Rare Black Moon! ✨🤍💜🕊️💫
✨ Later today we have the second New Moon of this calendar month! Known as a 'Black Moon', a rare astronomical event that happens when a second New Moon appears within a single calendar month. An auspicious day indeed! We can use this time to tune into her Mystical Lunar Presence and set our intentions for the year ahead! We have now a perfect opportunity, this is the most wonderful lunar energy cycle to create your intentions and set firm foundations for your pathway ahead in 2025! ✨
This is the first New Moon to occur since the planet of Pluto moved into Aquarius, this inspirational New Moon brings forth the energies of mastery, achievement building, security, stronger foundations, and of course bright New Beginnings to start the year afresh. This Moon occurs at 9 degrees of Capricorn and is the 3rd new moon of 6 new moons at 9 degrees of the zodiac sign.
This New Moon marks a new energy cycle for us collectively and individually, and we can choose to go with the flow of this change. This is the perfect time to take a leap of faith forward towards your future freedom. This can be a moment of deep personal reflection and expansion. With this New Moon at the cusp of the New Year, this is the perfect time to connect with your higher self, and commit to step fully into living your highest purpose, with awareness, clarity of thought, and true belief in yourself and your abilities. You can manifest, with positive intentions, thoughts and actions. You can move yourself into a higher vibrational reality, your true potential can be made manifest.
This is a time of deep healing, and completion of cycles, bringing closure to the past enabling positive movement forward. We can use the energies of this New Moon in Capricorn, within this magical Lunar cycle to look forward and, using our powers of reflection bring clarity to our thoughts, and wisdom to our actions, it is a time of positive transformation creation, with inspiration, insight and awareness, we can set our New Year intentions wisely, leading us into a fully activated, and magical space in 2025.
This Rare New Moon occurs on Monday 30th December at 22:26 GMT, 14:26 PT, 17:26 ET and on Tuesday 31st December at 09:26 am AEDT.
This New Moon is the strongest energy point of 2025 for starting afresh, and creating new beginnings. This is the final New Moon of the year and the first Lunar cycle to guide us through 2025. The energy of the next 7 days will have a powerful impact upon our unfolding over the year ahead.
This Super New Moon is in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, which is symbolised by the mountain goat, and the element of Earth; symbolising growth, and manifestation upon the physical plane. Capricorn is ruled by the planet of Saturn. The energies of Capricorn can help you to remember who you are at a deep soul level, where you come from, and where you are most at home. The zodiac qualities of the Capricorn energies are, dedication, integrity, wisdom of the elders, mature thinking, stability, remaining grounded: having both feet on the ground; able to work within the physical plane, motivated and driven, focused upon goals, reliability, plus, the ability to maintain ones centre, during the most challenging of times without being thrown off course, meanwhile keeping everything in perfect balance. A mountain goat has the ability to climb high and perch itself on precarious rock ledges, all while keeping perfect balance. Some affirmations for Capricorn are, I stand firm, I endure, I succeed.
Capricorn rules the bones, the foundation of the body, where our physical stability comes from, and where we can store our most ancient patterns. It is a time of “Listening to the body & heeding its wisdom. If we can move forward with clarity, determination, focus of mind, and remain clear and grounded into our purpose, through our intentions and actions, we can find balance & harmony on the path ahead, as we move into our deepest knowing.
The wisdom of the Elder medicine that accompanies the Capricorn energy at this powerful New Moon Lunar cycle, teaches us that every cycle that we move through enables us to gain wisdom, and that we mature with the new understanding gained by the experiences that we have gone through. This is a very significant time, as we enter this new year super new lunar cycle, a beautiful energy surrounds us. This is a good time to remain fully grounded and follow our intuition, keeping an open mind towards any opportunities that arise now. Someone of importance to the future may make contact and could lead to new opportunities within career, finances, or romance. One message of this Capricorn New Moon is to remain focused with mindfulness and, remaining grounded, with awareness, focus your attention toward any new opportunities that arise, and tune into these carefully and with consideration, your intuition will guide you toward your highest pathway.
Adopting healthy habits at this time is a great way to start the year! You can find your inner strength at this time, to help you release the past and any old habits which are no longer serving you. This will assist you to become much stronger going forward. This is a wonderful time to honour yourself and your commitment to your own truth. You can ask yourself; What is my souls calling? What am I deeply committed to? What is my true inner guidance? What inner guidance am I hiding from myself? What and who do I need to let go of at this time?
Through practicing mindful awareness, tuning into your intuition, you have the opportunity to reset your psyche, and recreate, and plan your life ahead, through intention setting, setting goals, planning your next steps, and by focusing on wellbeing, self-nurture, self-care, nutrition and exercise, all of which will strengthen your energies and assist you to focus upon your pathway ahead, you can feel rejuvenated and energised as you move through this year ahead. Connecting daily to spirit, for a few minutes each day, is a powerful process of manifestation, using which ever practice feels right to you, quiet contemplation, journling, dancing, walking, movement, reiki or other energy management techniques.
This Super New Moon is going to bathe all of us in the strong willed, determined, Capricorn energy, so that we can find our inner strength and our determination to take positive action and movement forward. We can take action now and the energy of this Super New Moon in Capricorn reminds us of our ability to keep climbing to the mountain top even at the most challenging of times.
You have a fresh start now, with this new moon, and you have around you at this time, super clear and focused energies, to assist you in our movement forward. What are you committed to begin to build in 2025? This is a good time to rethink your priorities, and move forward with knowing towards your purpose, re-designing and “refining your intentions” How do we remain true to our values and goals in this ever challenging world? What are your values goals and intentions for the year ahead?
This is a potent time of year, to set intentions for your journey ahead. When setting your new year intentions, you could ask yourself: What are my goals for 2025? What are my true ambitions, and my dreams? What brings me abundance and joy? What would I love to achieve by the end of 2025? What do I need to put in place to enable this to manifest? Which foundations do I need to create now at the beginning of the year?
On a practical level it is a good time to get our worldly affairs in order to help manifest abundance in all areas of life. It is a good time and energy period to deeply reflect, and move into the flow of life with intuitive and mindful awareness. The only constant is change, and step by step we can remain firmly upon our own pathway, we can move forward towards our ideal vision of the future, and bring profound and positive change into our lives, one step at a time. This is a time of intention setting, planning, creating new foundations, and a time of action towards everything that we wish to achieve. There will be new opportunities presenting in our lives at this time, alike the tarot card of ‘The Star’, we can choose to be mindful of these opportunities that are presented to us. This is a time of great and profound opportunities and her Mystic Lunar guidance is to not allow your energies to get caught up in the negative right now, but to look into the future and watch for the opportunities as they arise, as there will be many bright gifts of abundance and joy flowing towards you this year!
We are standing within an exceptional gateway, a window of opportunity within time and space. This is the moment that we can completely transform our lives, leaving the past behind us, we can take a leap of faith into a bright and beautiful new future. Everything is shifting and changing right now as the wheels of the universe turn and we are guided towards our highest souls calling and the pathway which will lead us forward into our future. Alike the Capricorn mountain goat leading us forward towards the highest pathway. Can you feel the future calling to You?
The message of this New Moon is ‘Inspiration’, what lights you up and motivates you? The energy of this New Moon is all about leading from heart centred energies.
There is much magical energy available to you now during this Capricorn New Moon, cosmic lunar portal, you can use this energy to create your dreams, and lay your future foundations, towards your goals, passions, and aspirations. This energy potential is available to you for the rest of this year, particularly important is the next 3 weeks, and this time period, will move you into a different reality, placing you upon a new pathway, one that perhaps you could never have thought possible only a few moons ago. Life is full of choices, and whatever you choose, you can remember that it is all part of the magical adventure of life! ✨🤍💜🕊️💫
✨ Shine Your Bright Light into the World! Humanity needs Your Strength and Gifts at this time of expansion and great cosmic awakening! ✨
Bright New Year Blessings!
Love & Light Jasmine x
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✨ Sending you Light & Love Dear Friends ✨