Governments use an array of policies to attract multinationals to their countries, but often it can be difficult to truly know what works.
LSE’s Global Investments and Local Development team built the first census of all regional investment agencies across Europe in order to unlock the real impact of these policies.
#Investment #Economics #Multinationals
Crime has dropped significantly in countries across the world over the past 25 years.
Understanding Inequalities took a look at the reasons why some people have a higher likelihood of offending, to see which factors were most likely to result in youth offending.
#YouthOffending #CrimeReduction #Inequalities
Our success can be determined by our talent or hard work, but it is also often determined by where we come from, and the opportunities we were given.
Education policy is a key ground for equalising opportunities, which is why the Centre for Education Policy & Equalising Opportunities at ULC is dedicated to researching in this field.
#EqualOpportunities #SocialMobility
Ethical consumption is something that many of us strive for, but do we really know how many of the items we purchase rely on exploitation?
Through the use of animation, we worked with Anti Slavery International to help raise vital awareness around the issue of forced labour across the globe.
#ForcedLabour #ModernSlavery
By 2030, half the worlds poorest people will live in countries impacted by war and instability.
The fragility trap sees a vicious cycle that keeps nations in a state of precarity - as explained through this animated video for the IGC.
#FragilityCommission #Precarity #Economics #Development
The advantages we do or do not inherit from our parents can have long term effects on our ability to progress through life.
But what can be done to address these inequalities?
Video produced as part of the Understanding Inequalities project with the ESRC.
#Inequality #ESRC
In the extractive sector, transparency has been a continual issue - with an increased risk of corruption, leading to an increased risk of poverty.
This video for Highgrade explores the ways in which transparency is improving, and how citizens can use information in their best interests.
#ExtractiveSector #EconomicDevelopment
What should tax policy look like in the developing world?
Lucie Gadenne from The University of Warwick and The IFS explores the ways in which VAT can impact trade between firms.
#Economics #TaxPolicy
A clear brief is essential for creating impactful video.
When pulling together a brief, there are a number of things you may want to consider, for instance:
➡️ What are your objectives?
➡️ What message do you want to send?
➡️ Who is the intended audience?
#VideoProduction #Marketing
Violence against Women and Girls is an issue across the globe.
In this video produced with KCL, Cathy McIlwaine highlights experiences of Brazilian women in the UK, in order to raise awareness with the public and policy makers.
#VAWG #GenderBasedViolence
How much impact can the humble pea have?
The powerful protein packed plant has widely been recognised as an essential element of the human diet. This little legume is also essential for wider crop and soil health - but pea yields are under threat from potentially devastating root rot.
That's why the World Food System Center at ETH Zurich have been working on breeding disease resistant peas to ensure this vital food source can continue to have a huge impact.