Curious PR

Curious PR Multi-Award nominated London PR agency bringing

🧠🧬🩻 Are microplastics invading our brains? An ‘explosion of studies’ reveal they’re not just in our oceans—they’re in ou...

🧠🧬🩻 Are microplastics invading our brains? An ‘explosion of studies’ reveal they’re not just in our oceans—they’re in our organs too. Tiny fragments of plastic have been detected In the tissues of critical organs like the lungs, liver, kidneys, and even the brain.

One shocking discovery in early 2024 by the National Institutes of Health found that brain samples had 10-20 times more plastic than other organs. In fact, the study, led by Matthew Campen from the University of New Mexico, describes the brain as one of the most plastic-polluted tissues sampled so far. Another study published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials discovered microplastics in all 16 bone marrow samples analysed. Every sample contained polystyrene (used to make packing for peanuts and electronics), and nearly all included polyethylene (found in cling film and other household products).

With no U.S. governmental standards for microplastics in food or water yet, the Environmental Protection Agency is working on guidelines and grants to address the issue. “It’s time to declare a global emergency,” says Sedat Gündoğdu, a microplastics researcher from Cukurova University, Turkey. As microplastics invade our air, food, and water, researchers urge us to minimise exposure.

Top tips from Bloomberg and The Guardian include:
- Avoid microwaving food in plastic.
- Choose natural fibres clothing like cotton and wool.
- Drink tap water instead of bottled.
- Invest in glass or steel kitchenware instead of plastic.
- Eat out less and make food at home.
- Change your diet to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Is it time to rethink our relationship with plastic—not just for the planet, but for our health too.

Read the full articles here:

🌍 ❤️ 👏🏼 Happy International Day of Charity! Today we're celebrating all acts of charity, big or small. At Curious PR, we...

🌍 ❤️ 👏🏼 Happy International Day of Charity! Today we're celebrating all acts of charity, big or small. At Curious PR, we're proud to have supported (and still support) many charities over the years, such as by increasing public awareness of issues at play, helping gain new audiences, conveying complex messages to important stakeholders, and donating our time and expertise pro bono. Often, our most complex yet fascinating work is for non-profits. We've been privileged to help raise awareness about rare diseases, highlight the importance of healthy soil, shed light on unsustainable food systems, raise the profile of female veterans, and demonstrate the value of whistleblowers in the fight against crime, corruption and cover up.

We salute and celebrate good causes, and the people working all around the globe who work tirelessly for them. Thank you to our charity clients, their donors and partners, the media, and other people helping to generate positive impact. Keep up your incredible work. It's not always easy, but leaving a positive legacy makes it all worth while!

🦋🎨✨ Central London’s latest digital wonder seems to be ‘The Butterfly Trail’ at Outernet’s flagship space, where the wor...

🦋🎨✨ Central London’s latest digital wonder seems to be ‘The Butterfly Trail’ at Outernet’s flagship space, where the world's most advanced screens meets 1852 Butterfly Entomology.

The immersive (and free!) experience, crafted by Pixel Artworks, is located in The Now Building, with viewings all day, everyday.

Step into Professor Peter Pelgrin’s Botanical Workshop and Glass House, where wraparound 16k screens bring AR butterflies to life, fluttering through the space. Viewers can interact with the butterflies using their phone.

But whilst digital butterflies may be flourishing, their real life counterparts are in trouble. The UK’s butterfly population has hit a 14-year low due to extreme weather caused by climate change, threatening their mating season.

Want to make a difference? A study, by the Butterfly Conservation charity shows that letting your garden grow wild and free can boost butterfly numbers.

So come for the dreamlike immersive experience, and leave with a deeper appreciation for butterflies that need our help.

Read the full article here:

Read the full study here:

🚨🦠🇺🇳 Urgent Call for action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) & Superbugs! With over $13 trillion at stake, investors ar...

🚨🦠🇺🇳 Urgent Call for action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) & Superbugs!

With over $13 trillion at stake, investors are pushing for action on drug-resistant superbugs. As the UN gears up for its high level AMR meeting, 80+ investors (eg Legal & General Investment Management and Australia's Hesta) demand drastic cuts in antibiotic use across the human, animal, and agricultural sectors.

🚨 Why the urgency? Because AMR could lead to:-

⚰️ 10m deaths a year by 2050

📉 Reduction of global GDP by 3.8%

💸 $100 trillion in costs

🐷 The agricultural sector - which in the USA administers an estimated 80% of all antibiotics to livestock - is a major player in this crisis. Investor Action On AMR (IAAMR) is calling for global cooperation and innovative solutions to address this "existential risk" threatening both public health and financial stability.

🐟 Our work with US-based Rauch Foundation and on the campaign shows the urgent need to address this issue, particularly in the ‘overlooked’ aquaculture sector: aquaculture is set to account for 5.7% of ALL antimicrobial use by 2030, and has the highest intensity per kilogram of biomass.

This is all the more pressing given the UN FAO plans a 75% increase in global 'sustainable aquaculture' by 2040, raising concerns about its contribution to antibiotic resistance.

It’s time not only to back efforts to combat drug-resistant superbugs, but also to demand transparency from the aquaculture sector about what they’re calling ‘sustainable.’ ✋🏽🌊🐟🛑

AMR is a subject close to our hearts, as discussed in our blog written a while back. Let’s hope for lightening speeed action here, not minimum tick box effort.

To find out more, read:

🪱🐋 🌊Why do whales beach themselves? A recent discovery of parasitic worms in a pilot whale, stored in a Tasmanian museum...

🪱🐋 🌊Why do whales beach themselves? A recent discovery of parasitic worms in a pilot whale, stored in a Tasmanian museum since 1973, might hold some clues. In identifying the rare parasitic nematodes, a study by Charles Sturt University and the Czech Academy of Sciences has raised questions about their potential role in whale strandings, a recurring issue that leaves dozens stranded around Australia each year.

Dr. Shokoofeh Shamsi suggests, “Parasites cause su***de in many animals… why not whales?” Could these parasites be eating away at blowholes, impairing navigation, and leading to strandings? It’s a theory Shamsi finds likely, but other experts, like Dr. Olaf Meynecke, urges caution, noting the parasite's presence was likely a symptom of a pre-existing illness.

With 2,000 whale strandings globally each year and pilot whales being especially prone due to strong social bonds, understanding this phenomenon is crucial. Dr. Vanessa Pirotta emphasises the parasite theory is just one piece of the puzzle in understanding why these mass strandings occur. More research is needed, but this discovery could be a significant step toward finding answers.

Is it time to dive deeper into the mystery of whale strandings?

Read the full article here :

For our latest ‘Things We Love’ post, we’re spotlighting an outdoor art exhibition that’s been transforming London’s str...

For our latest ‘Things We Love’ post, we’re spotlighting an outdoor art exhibition that’s been transforming London’s streets into an open-air gallery for 13 years. Sculpture In The City 2024 is here, featuring 17 artworks from 15 artists across the globe. From Aldgate to Liverpool Street, your exploration of the city may be a lot more interesting...

There’s something for everyone. As Wendy Hyde, Chair of the initiative, puts it, this year boasts “incredible installations, a fun-filled family trail map, and unique activation experiences.” There’s also a scavenger hunt this year.

Whether you're a connoisseur of contemporary sculpture or are just exploring the city, this exhibition will run until spring 2025. Let us know if YOU get to see any of these diverse works. Happy sculpture hunting!

Read the full article here:

💭👫🏼🧠 What is driving the decline in mental health of today’s youth? Evidence shows a decline over the past 2 decades, pa...

💭👫🏼🧠 What is driving the decline in mental health of today’s youth? Evidence shows a decline over the past 2 decades, partly blamed by COVID-19's effect. Carissa Wong, health reporter for New Scientist, questions whether this is due to fears over climate change, the rise of smartphones, or because of removal of stigma around mental health issues.

With research revealing that, in England, 20% of children (8-16 years old) have probable mental health disorders, this situation has NEVER been so urgent. From social media pressures to ‘eco-anxiety’, young people are facing scenarios never dealt with before. Whilst adolescent psychiatrist, Emily Simonoff, believes social media helps increase the sense of 'social belonging', a JAMA Network study of 181 children shows that giving up smartphones and reducing screen time improves their psychological systems. The generation of young people who endured the isolating effects of remote learning during COVID-19 (at a crucial age for relationship-building) clearly need as much support as possible.

In 2018 - pre-COVID - we wrote this blog about teenage health, yet progress is far from being achieved. Is this our last chance to ensure that increased awareness leads to lasting change? -

Read the full article here:

👀🏆✍🏼 Exciting News! A blog about our nomination for this years’s UK Agency Awards is LIVE on their website: we outline o...

👀🏆✍🏼 Exciting News! A blog about our nomination for this years’s UK Agency Awards is LIVE on their website: we outline our philosophy and approach to PR campaigns, and how we achieve outstanding results.

Read about out how the campaign for Rauch Foundation has made waves globally. Also, how we secured media coverage on BBC World News, The Financial Times, Mail Online and other platforms, and helped rally 175 signatories across 6 continents on a letter urging the UN FAO to stop classifying industrial fish farming as 'sustainable.' It is anything but…

A huge thank you to the UK Agency Awards judges, Don't Panic Events, and the many others for their support in making this campaign such a success.

We’re can’t wait for September’s awards ceremony—bring it on!! 💪

🔗 Read our blog here:

🛫⚽🌏 'Things We Love’? Campaigns tackling carbon emissions, especially from major organisations like the Premier League. ...

🛫⚽🌏 'Things We Love’? Campaigns tackling carbon emissions, especially from major organisations like the Premier League. Their transport practices are soaring—perhaps higher than necessary. The ‘Black Boot’ Trophy, created in partnership with Leith, Campaign for Better Transport, and Fossil Free Football, aims to curb excessive air travel by football teams.

A recent BBC study of 100 games revealed top teams are flying a whopping 81 times, with flights as short as 27 minutes! That’s a lot of air miles for journeys that could easily be made by train or coach…
The real kicker? 37 of these were ‘ghost’ flights - empty planes ‘positioning’ to pick up players. Arsenal defends this as “a necessity based on player welfare and operational need”, but Dale Vince, Chairman of the most sustainable team, Forest Green, argues that coaches are comfortable and “aren't going to impair the performance of the players over that short distance”.

The ‘Black Boot’ Trophy will highlight the worst offenders in football’s carbon footprint, with social media awards like ‘Player of the Season', ‘Man of the Match’, and ‘Team of the Month’. The goal? To motivate teams to rethink their travel practices and avoid this unwanted recognition.

With the Premier League consuming our lives again, we’re rooting for those who are calling foul on unnecessary emissions.

Read the full article here:
Read more about the ‘Black Boot’ Trophy on their website:

📸🎥🌍 Happy World Photography Day!Today, we're thrilled to shine a spotlight on some truly incredible photographers who ha...

📸🎥🌍 Happy World Photography Day!

Today, we're thrilled to shine a spotlight on some truly incredible photographers who have the unique ability to turn fleeting moments into timeless works of art. At Curious, we understand that photography is more than just snapping pictures—it’s about capturing the essence of a moment, telling compelling stories, and revealing the hidden beauty in the everyday.

A huge thank you to the photographers and videographers who have collaborated with us over the years. Your skill and passion have not only brought our visions to life but have also shaped our projects in meaningful, often profound ways. Here’s to celebrating your artistry and the lasting impact of your work. Your creativity inspires us and helps us see the world through a different lens.

These are just a few of the brilliant photographers we have the privilege of knowing - here’s to you!


🎉🤞🏽🥂 Exciting NEWS! We’re finalists in TWO categories at the European Agency Awards! - 'Best Not-For-Profit Campaign' and 'Best Agency Culture'

🐟 Our campaign on behalf of Rauch Foundation - featured on BBC World News, Financial Times, MailOnline - is making waves globally, having united 175 voices from 6 continents to sign a letter to the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation (UNFAO) asking it to stop classifying industrial fish farming as 'sustainable'. It is anything BUT!

🤝 The word ‘Curious’ comes from the verb ‘to care’, so we're SUPER proud to be finalists in the 'Best Agency Culture' category, having conveyed our creative, collaborative, fair workplace culture, which we see as key to sustainable success.

🙏🏾 A huge thank you to the European Agency Awards judges, Don't Panic Events, rauchfoundation,, the_gsfr, Don't Cage Our Oceans , Conscience Consulting - plus other partners and collaborators, members of the media, and all who have supported our team and campaigns.

🍀 Good luck to all well-deserving finalists at the awards - bring on November’s event! 💪

Read more about (Link in Bio).

📸☀️ Throwback Thursday to a picture-perfect day in North London with The Workroom team! In June, we spent a sunny Thursd...

📸☀️ Throwback Thursday to a picture-perfect day in North London with The Workroom team! In June, we spent a sunny Thursday by the canal helping capture team photos and case study video content. The results were fantastic — great shots and videos of Workroom’s team and client, followed by a group drink. 🥂 Just another day at Curious PR!

🏟🤸🏾‍♂️🏋🏼As 'Olympic fever' took hold of locals and tourists, the Paris-based illustrator, Simon Landrein, brought his si...

🏟🤸🏾‍♂️🏋🏼As 'Olympic fever' took hold of locals and tourists, the Paris-based illustrator, Simon Landrein, brought his signature "bendy" style to 23 eye-catching posters. From grocery-shopping weightlifters, to stretchy rugby players, he reimagined everyday chores into extraordinary athletic feats.

These vibrant posters were scattered across Paris and Marseille, ranging from metro ads to giant billboards plastered on buildings. Although known for his bold colours, Simon toned down his palette for this project, ensuring the posters 'popped' in print as much as they do digitally. Creative Review commented that his work “shows why illustration to depict sports can be so effective.”

Did YOU spot any of these stretch-tastic displays?

Read the full article (Link in Bio).


🎈🎂🥂 The happiest of birthdays to our endlessly curious MD, Hannah Kapff ! 🥳


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🌍🌳 Tick trouble on the horizon! Scotland’s tick population could soar if global temperatures climb by 4°C, nearly doubling these parasite’s population and raising the risk of spread of Lyme disease. Even a smaller temperature rise below the 1.5C target could lead to a significant increase in ticks. Lyme disease, which already affects 1 in 10 people globally, is transmitted by infected ticks, causing symptoms from facial paralysis to memory loss, with symptoms lingering for months or even years after treatment.

Ticks thrive in warm conditions, and with climate change, researchers at the University of Stirling are sounding the alarm. They predict that even tick free habitats could be sustaining populations by 2080 - potentially leading to a 99% increase if temperatures hit 4C, the University’s Mathematicians have said.

However, there is a silver lining! A new model developed by Prof Rachel Norman and her team shows that if the temperature rise is kept below 1°C, tick numbers could drop by 26%. Additionally, this model could be key in predicting and preventing future disease risks, with Prof Norman commenting it could enable future “predictions of disease risk”, hopefully helping us keep ahead of the curve.

So what actions will YOU be taking against climate change to prevent these tiny terrors from taking over?

Read the full article (Link in Bio).

✨📽💍Throwback Thursday to a dazzling afternoon at ‘Vision & Virtuosity’ - an exhibition by Tiffany & Co. at the Saatchi G...

✨📽💍Throwback Thursday to a dazzling afternoon at ‘Vision & Virtuosity’ - an exhibition by Tiffany & Co. at the Saatchi Gallery, London. The Curious team wandered in awe through 150 years of sparkle and style, celebrating the brand's iconic heritage. It was a chance to see archives from Blake Edwards’ 'Breakfast At Tiffany's' film, as well as 400+ pieces of jewellery on display: exquisite craftsmanship and timeless beauty. And we couldn’t leave without leaving our mark via a clever interactive display. Just a reminder... ‘Stay Curious!'


🚌🏙️📸 Caught sight of this folded bus? You weren’t seeing things! London commuters were greeted by a full size London bus...

🚌🏙️📸 Caught sight of this folded bus? You weren’t seeing things! London commuters were greeted by a full size London bus folded at a 90 degree angle, with its rear elevated a dramatic 6 metres in the air.

The Curious team was crazy for Casper Phillip’s quirky creation, located in East London, Spitalfields - made with recycled real bus materials, such as LED lights, windscreen wipers, wing mirrors and chrome wheels. Yet, it was just one of several ‘folded’ surprise artworks popping up across London.

Other wonderful installations included works by Jem Hughes, in what was temporarily named ‘Fold Street’ (Old Street), featuring a folded bench, lamppost and telephone box. This was all part of Samsung’s celebratory launch of their new Galaxy Z Fold6, with the Director of Marketing commenting, “Welcome to Fold Town! We wanted to flip East London upside down with a series of unexpected activations, including the renaming of Old Street to Fold Street”.

And guess what? The Curious team loved this SO much we wanted to kick off a ‘Things We Love’ series, where we will be sharing other fun and eccentric pieces we adore with YOU! Stay tuned for more….

Read the full article here:

🦋🌻🌿Have you spotted any butterflies lately? The Butterfly Conservation has raised the alarm about the lowest butterfly c...

🦋🌻🌿Have you spotted any butterflies lately? The Butterfly Conservation has raised the alarm about the lowest butterfly count in the UK in 14 years, thanks to this year’s wet spring and summer disrupting their mating cycles. The UK saw its wettest spring since 1986, with 301.7mm of rainfall across March to May - severely impacting the butterflies natural reliance on the flow of the seasons.

Climate change is making it increasingly difficult for butterflies to recover from extreme weather events like the 2022 drought. While butterfly populations naturally boom and bust, extreme weather can prevent them from being able to ‘boom between the busts’. Caterpillars need water and nutrition to develop, and when consecutive weather extremes occur, these delicate creatures struggle.

But there's hope! A recent study shows that wilder lawns—where grass is allowed to grow longer—can significantly boost butterfly numbers. Gardens in intensively farmed areas saw a 93% increase in butterflies, and urban gardens experienced an 18% boost. The Butterfly Count ends on August 4th, and every contribution matters. Even reporting zero sightings can provide valuable data for this silent crisis.

Let us listen to nature’s warning and take action to help these vital pollinators.

Read the full articles (Link in Bio).

In this Throwback Thursday, we're reminiscing about a fabulous June lunch at the Chelsea Arts Club with Jonathan Bell an...

In this Throwback Thursday, we're reminiscing about a fabulous June lunch at the Chelsea Arts Club with Jonathan Bell and Aidan Crawshaw. We ‘unplugged’ and enjoyed fascinating conversation and plenty of laughs in the club’s serene garden. Convo ranged from Star Wars and ceramic pottery to the perils of fish farming and idyllic seaside childhood holidays. An afternoon well spent with some serious creative talent on the architecture, sculpture, potting and writing front!

👩🏼‍🎨🌟🎨 Had a great trip to the Royal Academy of Arts Young Artists’ summer exhibition yesterday! It was incredible to se...

👩🏼‍🎨🌟🎨 Had a great trip to the Royal Academy of Arts Young Artists’ summer exhibition yesterday! It was incredible to see such expansive, well-crafted art from ages ranging 4-19 on display. You really got a sense of the unique, expressive and imaginative minds of our youth. The artworks were chosen from 21,500 submissions, to emphasise the importance of art in education and its ability to help young people express themselves. Celebrating its 6th year, the Royal Academy continues to be a nurturing ground for emerging talent.

A few of our personal favourites were ‘Visual Barriers’ by 17 year old Thea, which used holes to act as braille, exploring the barriers created by visual impairment and ‘Sleeping’ by 18 year old Archie, a delicate pencil drawing capturing the mutual comfort and support between friends.

🌍🏅☀️The Paris 2024 Olympics are in full swing, but concerns about the event's environmental impact are heating up. Despi...

🌍🏅☀️The Paris 2024 Olympics are in full swing, but concerns about the event's environmental impact are heating up. Despite being dubbed the ‘greenest ever’, the Games will need 650 tonnes of ice—over 10 times the amount used in Tokyo 2020. Sponsorships from high-emission companies have sparked protests with mock adverts highlighting the green contradictions in Paris. Climate scientists are also sounding the alarm on potential health risks from intense heat, with 2023 being the hottest year on record and last Sunday the hottest day ever.

Yet, sustainability has been an Olympic priority since 1996, with the 2012 London Olympics pioneering the ISO2012 standard. The 2024 Paris Games will follow updated standards, using renewable energy, low-carbon concrete, recycled materials, and ensuring temporary structures are ‘contractually guaranteed a second life’.

Despite these green strides, the carbon footprint remains hefty, especially due to international travel, prompting critics to question if these events should continue. However, others argue Paris 2024 can promote global sustainable actions. With the Olympics' influence, there's hope that their sustainable efforts can inspire more event organisations to go green and encourage spectators to adopt sustainability in their everyday lives.

Read the full articles here:


🔥☀️🌎 Last Sunday, we experienced the world’s hottest day on earth. The global temperature record was shattered, with an average surface air temperature of 17.09°C (62.76°F), driven by carbon emissions. Though this may seem a small jump from 2023's 17.08°C, this slight increase is making a huge impact.

The Guardian reported on the terrifying repercussions of global warming, and the drastic measures we must ALL take. Even a glimpse at recent flooding and wildfires tells us just how unprepared we are now, and less prepared still for what an even warmer world will bring… It cites research showing the cuts needed from 2020- 2050: a supply fall of coal by 99%, oil by 70% and gas by 84%.
This cannot happen if global policies are still set to allow an increase in global warming to 2.5°C by 2100, rising from the current 1.3°C and surpassing the critical threshold of 1.5°C. Briefly, La Niña (cooling of the Pacific ocean) is expected to slow down a roasting of the planet - but if a natural phenomenon can’t stop it for long, what steps will YOU be taking to help our climate?

🖌️👩🏼‍🎨🎨 The Curious PR team enjoyed Royal Academy of Arts thought provoking exhibition, “In The Eye of the Storm: Modern...

🖌️👩🏼‍🎨🎨 The Curious PR team enjoyed Royal Academy of Arts thought provoking exhibition, “In The Eye of the Storm: Modernism in Ukraine 1900-1930s". We were captivated by its colours and wide range of painting styles, supported with compelling written accounts about featured artists who'd produced these works in an era littered with conflict and socio-political flux, from WW1 to the creation of 'Soviet' Ukraine. The Soviet Union’s domination of ‘all spheres of artistic output’ eventually led to the ‘ending of modernist experimentation’, and hundreds of artists were executed or exiled to labour camps, with artworks destroyed or sent to ‘secret repositories’.

It was good to view works from the ‘masters of Ukrainian modernism’ such as Anatol Petrytsky and Vasyl Yermilov, which included theatre sets, typeface design as well as oil paintings. In particular, we liked Alexandra Exter’s oil on canvas, 'Three Female Figures’ (1909-1910). Well worth a visit!

A huge thank you to Definition Magazine  and Katie Kasperson for the fantastic profile of our client, Jeremy Braben Asso...

A huge thank you to Definition Magazine and Katie Kasperson for the fantastic profile of our client, Jeremy Braben Assoc BSC, CEO of HFS (Helicopter Film Services Ltd - Aerial Filming). The feature brilliantly captures his journey from cameraman to aerial DOP, showcasing his influences and high-flying career.

HFS specialises in Aviation Services and Aerial Filming, offering a range of services including drones and high-speed camera tracking vehicles. They’ve been pivotal in blockbuster movies like Titanic and The Gentlemen. With over 30 years of experience, their team consistently brings your favourite film and TV moments to life from the sky! The profile touches upon various HFS projects over the years such as House of the Dragon and Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, and the ever-evolving world of aerial cinematography. In Jeremy’s words ‘it's the team that truly makes it special.


🐦🧐🦉Are you a ‘lark' or an ‘owl’? (Also known as chronotypes). For years we’ve been told early birds are more ‘productive' than night owls. BUT according to a new study, people who are 'evening-active’ tend to exhibit better cognitive performance than 'early risers’. The UK Biobank Cohort Study by West et al. reveals a positive correlation between optimal sleep length and cognitive scores, which is influenced by participants' morning or evening preferences. Notably, 'night owls' consistently outperformed their 'early bird' counterparts in cognitive tests.

The perfect sleep length - 7-9 hours - is emphasised as being crucial for cognitive function: too long, or too short, can be detrimental for brain health. Our key takeaway? Aligning your sleep schedule with your chronotype can help ensure peak cognitive performance. Most of our team are owls - but what’s YOUR chronotype?

Read the full article here:


🥂🙌🏾📣Some FANTASTIC news to end the week! We are FINALISTS for 'Best Not-For-Profit Campaign' at the 2024 UK Agency Awards! We've made it alongside 5 other agencies, based on our recent work with Brussels-based on behalf of US-based .

We are thrilled to be recognised for our achievements, which include securing media coverage in BBC World News, Financial Times and Mail Online. Not to mention helping to get 175 organisations from 6 continents to sign an open letter demanding that the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) stops classifying industrial fish farming as “sustainable.” To find out why we must protect vulnerable communities and ecologies from this impact, please read the facts at

🙏🏾Thank you to judges, , , strategic partners and , members of the media, and everyone else involved.

Good luck to all the other agencies, and and bring on September's event!!


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