"Curious about what you could get from an HMRC tax refund? Here are some common scenarios where you might be eligible for a refund:
Overpaid taxes: If you've paid more tax than you owe, you could be due a refund.
Employment expenses: Certain work-related costs like uniforms or travel expenses could entitle you to a refund.
Pension contributions: Contributions to your pension scheme may qualify you for tax relief and a potential refund.
Job-related expenses: Purchases of tools or equipment for your job, not covered by your employer, could lead to a refund.
Charitable donations: If you donate to charity as a UK taxpayer, you can often claim tax relief, potentially resulting in a refund.
Marriage Allowance: Couples may transfer unused allowances between partners, possibly leading to a refund.
Investments: Overpaid tax on savings interest or dividends could mean a refund.
Student loan repayments: Overpayments through the PAYE system may entitle you to a refund.
Remember, claiming a tax refund involves proper documentation and forms. If you think you might be eligible, it's worth exploring further. Have questions? Drop them below!