
Mbckonsult At MBC Konsults, we help experts and entrepreneurs build a prosperous business rapidly through strat

Unlock the Power of Collaboration: Join Our Exclusive Mastermind Networking Event for Business Owners.FPMG Mastermind is...

Unlock the Power of Collaboration: Join Our Exclusive Mastermind Networking Event for Business Owners.

FPMG Mastermind is a network of business leaders helping one another to grow their business and make impact in the world.
Join us to network, learn and grow your business rapidly. Work smarter and make more.

Our online event is designed to help you expand your network and grow your business faster.

Don’t miss out on this chance to take your business to the next level free of charge!”

Click here to register

FPMG is dedicated to helping it's members succeed in their businesses by leveraging our network and expertise to help everyone in our group.



Jim Rohn said ‘you are an average of 5 people you have close relationships with’. I know this is true because I have experienced it directly and I would tell the story in a later post.

If you, just like me, have a curious mind; you may be thinking why is it true?

When people come together there seems to be this unseen power at play to enhance their experience.

In the book ‘Chimp Paradox’ by Prof Steve Peters; if you don’t know him, he was instrumental to the unprecedented success of the athletes at the 2012 Olympics as the Psychologist.

He said in this book that one of the fastest way to achieve success is to belong to a ‘tribe’. Andrew Carnegie was one of the richest men in the world and he attributed his success to Mastermind.

What is a Mastermind? Group of people coming together to solve a problem or achieve a goal.

FPMG Mastermind is a network of business leaders helping one another to grow their business and make impact in the world.

We invite you to our next online networking event where we share innovative business ideas, troubleshoot business challenges and network like a ninja.

Register here: https://bit.ly/3PhENC2


• Save time and money – it is online and you don’t spend money and time travelling.

• Membership Opportunity – We have standard and rules for joining but don’t worry about that because the only qualification to attend is that you are running a business.

• Save the World – Ok, may be that’s a bit too far! But you can meet as many people as possible as we allow more intimate networking during the session using break out rooms to build relationship.

• No impact on the environment, that’s got be a good thing, right?

Register Now: https://bit.ly/3PhENC2

Limited Space

I use this analogy in my seminars and it would open your mind about use of technologies. I asked my delegates to think o...

I use this analogy in my seminars and it would open your mind about use of technologies. I asked my delegates to think of a very small task in their business, then I ask them to imagine doing it 10x faster manually. No matter how small the task may be, you may not be able to do it. Then I asked them if a machine could do it 100 times faster, they agree. I take it even further and asked if a machine could do it 1000 times faster; yes, is the answer.

If you really want to grow faster, you must employ simple technologies, some of them you have never heard of. At the webinar ‘One strategy to Build a Profitable Self-Managing Business’; I am going to share with you some of these technologies that may change your business for good. It doesn’t matter what business you are in; you will find one that’s suitable and effective for you. Some of them are even free.

Please set your reminder for the webinar and get ready for a simple to implement strategy for growth.


According to Government statistics 70% of new businesses fail within 10 years, the remaining 15% of those remaining are struggling with inconsistent…

‘One Strategy to Build a Self-Managing Profitable Business (make more, work less)’At last, after many months I succumbed...

‘One Strategy to Build a Self-Managing Profitable Business (make more, work less)’

At last, after many months I succumbed to the pressure by my business community to organize this training to help entrepreneurs achieve freedom of time and money. The title is ‘One Strategy to Build a Self-Managing Profitable Business (make more, work less)’

With inflation at 9.1%, it is likely to get a little more challenging for businesses. According to Government statistics, 70% of new businesses fail within 10 years, the remaining 15% of those remaining are struggling with inconsistent results; only 15% are doing great. There is a common theme among those doing well and that’s part of what we are sharing at this webinar.

There may be no repeat or replay so register now and set your reminder

Ayo Benson is the author of the best-selling book 'Goldmine of Your Mind'. He is an award-winning Master Coach helping entrepreneurs build prosperous businesses through his coaching, seminars, books, webinars, tv programmes, etc. He has worked with high achievers and celebrities to create exponential results. He has business interests in e-commerce, publishing, media and finance.

Your Mind is Goldmine – Use it.


According to Government statistics 70% of new businesses fail within 10 years, the remaining 15% of those remaining are struggling with inconsistent…

One of the business leaders I am coaching during his first session was struggling in all areas of his business. I asked ...

One of the business leaders I am coaching during his first session was struggling in all areas of his business. I asked him one question that changed everything.

Four weeks after our first session, he had already hit more than half of his target for the 90 days. He got 80000 pounds with 2 more orders on the way worth 37000 pounds. I would share the question with you now.

Would you teach me how you are getting your current result?

He was quiet for a moment and he asked me; to teach you how to do what is not working?

When things are not working, most people do more of what they are already doing!

The question is not a formula and everyone’s question is unique to their situation.

This is what I called the power of one question.

Do you want to solve your business problem or even personal problem?

Please book appointment below and my team will arrange a session for you.


Very rarely do people excel in a particular field or skill by innate ability alone, most people need practice in order t...

Very rarely do people excel in a particular field or skill by innate ability alone, most people need practice in order to reach perfection.

Take, for instance, David Beckham the Freekick Special started by kicking the Care Bears in his sister’s bedroom, then practiced every day for over 2hours daily since he was seven years old.

He said he must have tens of thousands of free-kicks before he eventually became seemly perfect. Nonetheless, Beckham never scored all the free-kicks he took.

It just goes to show you how hard it is to reach “perfection,” no matter how talented and dedicated you are.

So what type of “practice” should you be doing as part of your journey toward becoming a successful entrepreneur?

It comes down to four things…
1. Research
2. Accepting advice and mentorship
3. Taking action
4. Failing
5. Starting again with the lessons learnt from failing

If you’re ready to listen to advice and take action you can always reach out to my team here calendly.com/ayobenson44

THE ART OF SELLING WITHOUT SELLING FOR CONSULTANTS- Communication that sells is worth billions of pounds when it comes t...

THE ART OF SELLING WITHOUT SELLING FOR CONSULTANTS- Communication that sells is worth billions of pounds when it comes to the world of advertising. In my stint in this environment, I discovered some simple structure of communication that is so simple yet so powerful.

Most people never developed their ability to influence others because they just cannot see the value in it but it is the hidden secret of success for consultants, coaches, speakers, accountants, lawyers, networkers etc.

So today focus on learning how to present your products/service without sounding salesy.

People want to buy, but not from being forced to buy.

Have a great day

My television program ‘Goldmine of Your Mind’ is part of my desire to give back to my community and you are one of them....

My television program ‘Goldmine of Your Mind’ is part of my desire to give back to my community and you are one of them.

After the COVID crises, I believe there is a big opportunity for people to get out of their habitual behaviour and change their lives for good.

Steven Windmill was a soldier (Rtd Colonel) but what do you do after years of doing only one thing? He reinvented himself into becoming one of the most successful Consultants in the UK. He is now running multi-billion dollar projects for government and FTSE 100 companies.

He shared some of his stories with me that may inspire you to greatness if you learn how to change your paradigm. Watch the program below:

My most sought-after program is ‘Rapid Change Program – Mindset Transformation for Abundance’ If you want to change anything about your life situation, this is the program for you. To see how this program has changed a lot of people’s lives, watch testimonials here: https://mbckonsult.com/testimonials/

To learn more about how to explore this program, book an appointment with me below:

Steven Windmill shared his insights about how to turn a busiiness around rapidly in this interview with Ayo Benson on the television program 'Goldmine of You...

As of today, the quickest and fastest way to show expertise in your niche is through webinars. We have tested this appro...

As of today, the quickest and fastest way to show expertise in your niche is through webinars.

We have tested this approach we are going to be teaching on Cynthia, one of my client's business, and her result has been tremendous.

In her first-ever webinar, she was able to sign 3 new businesses.

If you want to learn the method of using webinars to grow your coaching or consulting business, click here now.


This past year has taught us the importance of webinar and how effective it is. However, we took a break to carry out so...

This past year has taught us the importance of webinar and how effective it is. However, we took a break to carry out some research and still found out that the majority of coaches and consultants don't know how to use webinars to grow their business.

So we've decided to do something about it.

On Thursday 29th of July, we will be hosting a training session where we will teach consultants and coaches how to use webinars to grow their business.

Education builds rapport but selling breaks rapport. We would be teaching an educational marketing strategy that earns the respect and trust of your prospects. The rapport will help you sell your services easily at a very good price. It is what I call 'Selling without selling'.

In addition, we would also share a conversion methodology to help you convert the prospects in front of you using a tried and tested NLP communication meta-model.

To book your seat and find more information, click here. https://mbckonsult.com/how-to-grow-your-coaching-consulting-business-using-webinars/

Limited Space

I look forward to seeing you there.

In light of the EURO 2021, dubbed EURO 2020, the idea of giving those stomach-churning feelings of fear the red card is ...

In light of the EURO 2021, dubbed EURO 2020, the idea of giving those stomach-churning feelings of fear the red card is quite apt. Whenever you venture out of your comfort zone the feeling of fear is automatic for most people, but it doesn’t have to be. As a baby, we have only 2 types of fear; fear of loud noise and fear of falling; the rest of them are learned behaviour.

You can also unlearn any behaviour that doesn’t serve you like procrastination, doubt, low self-esteem, shyness, low confidence etc.

As a transformational coach, I have seen it all. Some of the people in high places that you admire so much are empty inside and the veneer of success is just a cover up for inner turmoil. What are you thinking right now? Most people think their personality is fixed and there is nothing they can do about it but that’s so untrue, as I have seen this with so many of my clients achieving change. They never thought it was possible.

I talked a little bit about this phenomenon in my book ‘Goldmine of Your Mind-Your Fast Track to Abundance’. I coached a woman who heads a very large government agency but she was miserable and depended on medication to get through her day. Her major concern was that one day she would be found out as an impostor and everything would come crashing down. How long has she been suffering from this false belief? More than 20 years! I coached her for 3 months and she had the insight (ha ha moment) that this thought was not only false but it was also stupid! Yes, you may say that it is stupid because you are looking from the outside. The truth is that the mind is not logical!

The only way to change beliefs is through insights! What does that mean? The moment you have seen something, you cannot unsee it! Does that make sense? If I showed you a faster and more convenient route to your workplace that would only take 30 minutes instead of 90 minutes, would you still be using the old route? Nope, therefore, when you get the insight about a belief and you know the truth, then you are free. Even the bible states, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. I did a webinar on how to achieve this transformation and it is called ‘Rapid Change Program- Mindset Transformation for Success’, if you want a recorded version of it. Please click on the link below to get it immediately.


How would your life change if you could get rid of that belief that is holding you back? It is not who you think you are that holds you back but who you think you are not’ Dennis Waitley. That’s what this is about.

Dayo Olomu sets to release his new book, ‘The Premium Leader: Leadership attributes and strategies for today’s volatile ...

Dayo Olomu sets to release his new book, ‘The Premium Leader: Leadership attributes and strategies for today’s volatile world’

Dayo Olomu, leadership trainer and the best-selling author of You Got the Power is now set to release his new book on leadership, THE PREMIUM LEADER: Leadership Attributes and Strategies for Today's Volatile World. The 290-page book will be launched on Friday 25 June 2021.

Dayo Olomu said: “This is a work of research that has taken me 5 years to publish. There is no gainsaying the fact that the elongated period has also been subjected to the brutal vagaries of the ever-changing world that we inhabit. No less so is the current pandemic with its attendant lockdowns and global meltdowns, forcing us to live as we have not experienced before. It is the more reason that the publication of a book purveying functional approaches to the volatilities, uncertainties, complexities, and ambiguities of our times has become so expedient. I have published this book, but even of more importance to me is getting it to the desired hands and the reading populace. The more the message is spread, the more people will get to hear about it and the more people we would likely reach.”

One important strand of leadership that Olomu has brought to the table that needs mentioning is the reason he wrote the book. It was out of a compelling desire to not just contribute to the body of knowledge and leadership discourse, but from a knowledgeable base that the American and British voices on the subject have not been effectively captured.

His thinking was that the western perspectives of leadership cannot be a one-size-fits-all for solving African's problems, nor the only template for grooming their next generation of leaders. You can't begrudge him for wanting to have his say and bring an overlooked perspective.

By putting his voice out there, not only has he provided an equally authentic pathway about leadership, but also positioned himself as a representative of the often-neglected constituency. His should be a voice that they can readily and proudly relate to and one that makes others find theirs.

1. The Premium Leader is published in the United Kingdom by Dayo Olomu Publishing.

2. Distributed in the UK, Europe and globally via the BookVAULT and BookGLOBAL platforms of UK’s veritable books printers and marketing facilitator, PrintOnDemand-Worldwide

3. All editorials, design and layout services provided in consultancy by Infomediaworks Limited, a consortium of information brokers providing services in publishing, knowledge & information management (KIM).

4. Among others, the following top UK and European outlets already stocked The Premium Leader:

The Book Depository


The Great British Bookshop

Amazon (UK)

Athenaeum Bookstores & English Books (Netherlands)

Thank you.

Dayo Olomu

I need your help answering this question. How hard is it to change a person's mindset in 48 hours? Professionals and med...

I need your help answering this question.

How hard is it to change a person's mindset in 48 hours?

Professionals and medical experts claim that it takes a person to 21 days of consistency to change their behavior.

With the Mindset Transformation for Abundance-Rapid Change Program, we took delegates in for 48 hours, and we were able to change their mindset.

Check the testimonials of attendees on the registration page.

How did we do it?

By helping them see the bigger picture and therefore the need to make the right decisions.

If you want to learn more, kindly book your seat for our webinar holding today, Wednesday by 8:00 PM. https://mbckonsult.com/mindset-transformation


A Wake-Up Call to Live Your Dream Life- It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not! Denis ...

A Wake-Up Call to Live Your Dream Life- It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not! Denis Waitley

95% of our behaviour is habitual! This is why change is so difficult for most people even the most determined individuals. It is like running uphill because you are working against a natural tendency that is running automatically.

So most people never wake up from these habitual tendencies because they don’t know how or they don’t even know that they exist. Let me share some of the symptoms of these attitudes; procrastination, self-doubt, low energy, self-sabotage, overeating, lethargy, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, etc. you may add your own list because we all know it or have been there before or still there now!

I shared a little bit of this in my book but I have decided to share even my coaching secrets on this call to help people change for good.

I have broken down the secrets into 3 easy parts and I would be sharing this at the webinar on Wednesday 2nd June 2021 at 8pm, register now before all seats are gone!


I look forward to seeing you there.

Yours Sincerely

What is stopping you? You need to change only one thing! The universe is a model of polarity. What does that mean?Darkne...

What is stopping you? You need to change only one thing! The universe is a model of polarity. What does that mean?

Darkness/Light, Male/Female, Negative/Positive, God/Devil etc. You get the idea now?

I shared a little part of this insight in my book ‘Goldmine of Your Mind’ Your Fast Track to Abundance’ but what I am going to share now is going to blow your mind.

One of my coaching client is the head of a multibillion government agency and looking at her from the outside, you will assume that her life is perfect. Great husband, successful children, tons of money etc.

This woman was miserable! We worked together for 3 months and everything changed.

Why was she miserable? What did we do to get her back to enjoying life of abundance that she deserves? I will tell you the full story in our next webinar on Wednesday evening.

Have you experienced setting a big goal for yourself and you get overly excited but from nowhere a big adversity hit and then you are distracted from pursuing it? There is a part of you that is positive and then the other part that is negative; how do you get both sides to work together for your own good?

Entrepreneurs are prone to this phenomenal because their success is dependent mostly on their mindset and actions, so this is why I have decided to share these insights that may be transformational.

Do not miss this webinar for any reason.

We have limited space so register now.

Mindset Transformation for Abundance Webinar.

See you there.

This is the biggest lie that has ever been told.Have you ever heard the phrase, "Knowledge Is Power"?That is the biggest...

This is the biggest lie that has ever been told.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Knowledge Is Power"?

That is the biggest lie that has been ever told in the world.

Knowledge isn't power, Applied Knowledge is Power.

Over my career as a Business Coach and Consultant, I have met some of the brightest and knowledgeable people who knew what to do to succeed and take their business to the next level but just couldn't bring themselves to doing it.

Why? They had reached their mindset ceiling, and until that mind ceiling is broken, they couldn't go further than where they were.

Work on breaking your mindset ceiling today so you can live your best life.

1. List out the things you need to do to achieve your next level

2. Start doing those things immediately.

3, If you meet any obstacle, close your highs and take deep breathes for 30 seconds

4. Start all over again.

N.B- I am holding a webinar on Wednesday next week, where we will be sharing insights on how to Transform your mind to achieve extraordinary results. Kindly click here to book your seat. https://mbckonsult.com/mindset-transformation

Your mind is a goldmine. Use It!

Have a wonderful weekend



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Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm




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