Israel's gross violations of international law, it's abuse of human and civil rights, it's illegal occupation of Palestine, it's illegal building of Israeli settlements on occupied territory, it's illegal transfer of Jewish population to occupied territories, it's demolition of Palestinian homes, it’s wiping out Palestinian villages and towns and Judaizing others, it’s destruction of Palestinian crops and farms, it's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians now reaching genocidal proportions – all this has been going on, in open sight of the world, for years.
There have been plenty of condemnations and denunciations by international and humanitarian organizations, some churches and universities have divested. Apart from this NOTHING. Nations claim their hands are tied because the US vetoes any action proposed by the UN. That is sheer nonsense. Every nation has a right to act independently or as a group. It/they can boycott Israel, divest from it, cut off trade relations with it, and sanction it. This has been done before, notably in the case of South Africa. To end Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait, the US went beyond the UN, formed a “coalition of the willing” and not only vacated Iraqi’s occupation of Kuwait but chased the Iraqi forces right up to the gates of Basra, leaving a trail of dead Iraqis and their burned tanks and transport vehicles on the road from Kuwait to Basra.
It is different in the case of Israel. Many, including some Mid-Eastern countries (notably Saudi Arabia) flock to Israel to “normalize” relations and strike trade deals. The US shifts its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognizes Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, recognizes Israeli sovereignty over illegally occupied Golan Heights, is crafting, under the guise of offering a ‘peace plan’, a declaration of surrender by the Palestinians accompanied by a threat of cutting off all aid to the Palestinians and getting other nations to do the same, if the Palestinians do not agree. To add insult to injury, some states have enacted legislation effectively mandating allegiance to Israel by those seeking contracts with the government. At the federal level efforts are being made to criminalize criticism of Israel or supporting the BDS ( Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement by supporters of Palestine. This is not all. It sends billions of dollars annually as aid to Israel, no questions asked, and sends arms and ammunitions worth billions of dollars to Israel, even while it is actively engaged in a blitzkrieg of unarmed Gaza!
And what do we, activists in the social media, do? Some of us put on our timeline videos and articles detailing Israel’s atrocities. Most content themselves by attaching “like” or “love” or “angry” or “sad” signs. But most do not bother to even “share” the post on their timeline lest they be targeted by the Zionists or the government. Or lead to their job applications being thrown in the wastepaper basket by wary prospective employers.
How many think of organizing a protest march, or holding a screening of a film showing the true facts in Israel, or organizing a talk about the US policy as it relates to Israel?
I did all these as Chairman of Justice for Palestinians Committee or as Chairman of Danbury Committee for World Peace. And though now 91 years old and seriously ill, l am dying to organize a protest in front of the Danbury library, as I often did in the past. Do I have any takers?
"Such actions amount to war crimes," declared Amnesty International