Our Magazine launched at the start of November 2016 amidst great fanfare. Rural dwellers across these sceptred isles raised a glass. Then traffic to the Magazine boomed, for which we are eternally grateful. Unlike our more established rivals, popping corks at the metropolitan offices of The Field, Countryfile Magazine or Countrylife, we do not intend to create a vision of the rural idyll for wealt
hy townsfolk to coo over. The problem for actual countryside dwellers is that these publications tend to be looking at the countryside from suburbia or the city. They fail to see the world from the actual countryside perspective. Official figures show that the UK rural population will increase by 6 per cent over the next decade as people choose to leave cities and settle in the countryside. The most recent census found that over ten million people live in rural areas in the UK. Where is the magazine for them? We at Country Squire Magazine hope to reflect the vision, the dreams and the narrative of those who have already chosen green fields over high rises, narrow lanes over the fast lane. This is Your new platform which we hope will inform, inspire and entertain You for years to come. Country Squire Magazine has a simple mission statement: to be an online publication which provides a platform for voices from the overlooked Great British Countryside. We hope to live up to that mission. Country Squire Magazine houses a collection of interesting writers from myriad walks of life. There’s the country solicitor, the entrepreneur, the LGBTQ spokesperson, a newspaper journalist, a Westminster insider, a retired politician and a vicar. CSM aims to always provide a broad and eclectic mix of content which You the reader will hopefully enjoy, share and re-tweet on Twitter. We do not wish to compete with the Sunday newspapers. Instead we have decided to keep Sundays as a day of rest. So we shall not be posting articles on Sundays or on the big Christian feast days like Easter and Christmas. On Sundays, our Vicar will post something prayerful (no preaching). If you’d rather not read it, feel free to catch up on the myriad other articles published during the week. To quash any complaints about elitism or sexism in the Magazine’s title, Country Squire Magazine is for all – whether knights, squires, yeomen, squiresses or even goatherds! There is certainly no sexism or elitism to be found here. Country Squire Magazine is an independently-run website. CSM has no ties to existing media groups and is a stand-alone enterprise. Its writers come from all across the globe and the site is hosted from outside of the UK. If You have any questions about Country Squire Magazine or would like to use the website for Advertising or PR purposes then by all means contact us using the contact form on the contact page. Thank You so much, Dear Reader, for Your interest.