Country Squire Magazine

Country Squire Magazine Welcome to Country Squire Magazine – an online publication which provides “a platform for voices Welcome to Country Squire Magazine, Dear Reader.

Our Magazine launched at the start of November 2016 amidst great fanfare. Rural dwellers across these sceptred isles raised a glass. Then traffic to the Magazine boomed, for which we are eternally grateful. Unlike our more established rivals, popping corks at the metropolitan offices of The Field, Countryfile Magazine or Countrylife, we do not intend to create a vision of the rural idyll for wealt

hy townsfolk to coo over. The problem for actual countryside dwellers is that these publications tend to be looking at the countryside from suburbia or the city. They fail to see the world from the actual countryside perspective. Official figures show that the UK rural population will increase by 6 per cent over the next decade as people choose to leave cities and settle in the countryside. The most recent census found that over ten million people live in rural areas in the UK. Where is the magazine for them? We at Country Squire Magazine hope to reflect the vision, the dreams and the narrative of those who have already chosen green fields over high rises, narrow lanes over the fast lane. This is Your new platform which we hope will inform, inspire and entertain You for years to come. Country Squire Magazine has a simple mission statement: to be an online publication which provides a platform for voices from the overlooked Great British Countryside. We hope to live up to that mission. Country Squire Magazine houses a collection of interesting writers from myriad walks of life. There’s the country solicitor, the entrepreneur, the LGBTQ spokesperson, a newspaper journalist, a Westminster insider, a retired politician and a vicar. CSM aims to always provide a broad and eclectic mix of content which You the reader will hopefully enjoy, share and re-tweet on Twitter. We do not wish to compete with the Sunday newspapers. Instead we have decided to keep Sundays as a day of rest. So we shall not be posting articles on Sundays or on the big Christian feast days like Easter and Christmas. On Sundays, our Vicar will post something prayerful (no preaching). If you’d rather not read it, feel free to catch up on the myriad other articles published during the week. To quash any complaints about elitism or sexism in the Magazine’s title, Country Squire Magazine is for all – whether knights, squires, yeomen, squiresses or even goatherds! There is certainly no sexism or elitism to be found here. Country Squire Magazine is an independently-run website. CSM has no ties to existing media groups and is a stand-alone enterprise. Its writers come from all across the globe and the site is hosted from outside of the UK. If You have any questions about Country Squire Magazine or would like to use the website for Advertising or PR purposes then by all means contact us using the contact form on the contact page. Thank You so much, Dear Reader, for Your interest.

BY CHARLES HOFFMAN Grouse shooting is a time-honoured tradition in the UK, deeply rooted in the cultural and historical ...

BY CHARLES HOFFMAN Grouse shooting is a time-honoured tradition in the UK, deeply rooted in the cultural and historical fabric of rural Britain. Beyond its heritage value, grouse shooting significantly benefits the economy, contributes to environmental conservation, and sustains rural communities. Grouse shooting is a major contributor to the UK economy, particularly in rural areas where opportunities for economic growth can be limited....

BY CHARLES HOFFMAN Grouse shooting is a time-honoured tradition in the UK, deeply rooted in the cultural and historical fabric of rural Britain. Beyond its heritage value, grouse shooting significa…

BY JAMIE FOSTER How to Draw Ponies by Norman Thelwell is a delightful and insightful guide that combines expert drawing ...

BY JAMIE FOSTER How to Draw Ponies by Norman Thelwell is a delightful and insightful guide that combines expert drawing techniques with the artist’s signature wit and charm. First published in 1982, the book remains an enduring classic for both aspiring artists and fans of Thelwell's much-loved cartoon ponies. Thelwell, whose illustrations of stubborn, plump ponies and their determined young riders are known around the world, offers readers an engaging blend of practical advice and artistic humour in this comprehensive guide to drawing horses and ponies....

BY JAMIE FOSTER How to Draw Ponies by Norman Thelwell is a delightful and insightful guide that combines expert drawing techniques with the artist’s signature wit and charm. First published in 1982…

BY ALEX STORY Old Europe and the Americas are set on very different paths. Germany, France and the United Kingdom are vi...

BY ALEX STORY Old Europe and the Americas are set on very different paths. Germany, France and the United Kingdom are visibly stuck. El Salvador, Argentina and the United States, on the other hand, are not. Politically, Germany and France have become difficult places to govern, to say the least. The fragile German three-party coalition government collapsed in November 2024 over the beleaguered country’s economic policy and performance....

BY ALEX STORY Old Europe and the Americas are set on very different paths. Germany, France and the United Kingdom are visibly stuck. El Salvador, Argentina and the United States, on the other hand,…

BY GEORGE SIMM DCM Unveiling the Impact of Repealing the 2023 NI Legacy Act: A Catastrophic Blunder In examining the soc...

BY GEORGE SIMM DCM Unveiling the Impact of Repealing the 2023 NI Legacy Act: A Catastrophic Blunder In examining the socialist government’s latest political disaster—its repeal of the 2023 Northern Ireland (NI) Legacy Act, as highlighted in the Policy Exchange paper released yesterday—I initially considered describing this move as foolish or ill-advised. However, such adjectives fall woefully short of capturing the deliberate undermining of the previous government’s attempt to draw a line under the 30-year period of murder and mayhem inflicted on the people of Ulster, primarily by republican terrorists....

BY GEORGE SIMM DCM Unveiling the Impact of Repealing the 2023 NI Legacy Act: A Catastrophic Blunder In examining the socialist government’s latest political disaster—its repeal of the 2023 Northern…

BY JOE NUTT We are living in the age of the charlatan. Plenty of others have drawn attention to how little credible or r...

BY JOE NUTT We are living in the age of the charlatan. Plenty of others have drawn attention to how little credible or relevant professional experience, so many members of his Majesty’s current government possess. Whether it’s Rachel from accounts or Bridget from...well nowhere really, if you don’t count mum as your employer; many of those currently exerting considerable power over all our lives appear to have led noticeably unproductive, if not entirely pointless working lives themselves....

BY JOE NUTT We are living in the age of the charlatan. Plenty of others have drawn attention to how little credible or relevant professional experience, so many members of his Majesty’s current gov…

CITY GRUMP An old City colleague led me to a letter in the Financial Times last week. It is an eye-opening wake-up call ...

CITY GRUMP An old City colleague led me to a letter in the Financial Times last week. It is an eye-opening wake-up call to our politicians, civil servants and anyone else who professes to be interested in spurring on what the letter writer calls the “UK tech ecosystem”. It concerns the takeover bid for a £1.2bn UK listed investment company you probably have never heard of called…...

CITY GRUMP An old City colleague led me to a letter in the Financial Times last week. It is an eye-opening wake-up call to our politicians, civil servants and anyone else who professes to be intere…

BY JAMIE FOSTER Liz Hodgkinson's My Covid Diary is a bold and thought-provoking reflection on the unprecedented times of...

BY JAMIE FOSTER Liz Hodgkinson's My Covid Diary is a bold and thought-provoking reflection on the unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic and the societal, political, and personal upheavals that accompanied it. Through her candid and unapologetic lens, Hodgkinson challenges mainstream narratives, arguing that the pandemic's true purpose lay not in public health but in financial gain and societal control....

BY JAMIE FOSTER Liz Hodgkinson’s My Covid Diary is a bold and thought-provoking reflection on the unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic and the societal, political, and personal upheav…

BY STEWART SLATER The Columnists’ Paradox is that the more one writes, the less one need be read. We all have our relati...

BY STEWART SLATER The Columnists’ Paradox is that the more one writes, the less one need be read. We all have our relatively fixed biases and a reasonably finite store of stories and references, and it does not take too long (longer than my own writing “career” to date though, obviously…) for those to become sufficiently well-known to readers that they can predict with almost perfect accuracy whatever a writer will say....

BY STEWART SLATER The Columnists’ Paradox is that the more one writes, the less one need be read. We all have our relatively fixed biases and a reasonably finite store of stories and references, an…

BY NICK PEARCE From scout masters to librarians, the Labour Party has a long and sordid history of councillors getting e...

BY NICK PEARCE From scout masters to librarians, the Labour Party has a long and sordid history of councillors getting exposed as pa******les. With former Labour MP (Former Minister of State for Veterans' Affairs) Ivor Caplin in the news this weekend for his arrest on suspicion of engaging in sexual communication with a child (see video below), the spotlight has shone once again on Labour's pa******le problem which includes MPs, Mayors and Members of the House of Lords....

BY NICK PEARCE From scout masters to librarians, the Labour Party has a long and sordid history of councillors getting exposed as pa******les. With former Labour MP (Former Minister of State for Ve…

VICAR In the quiet corners of our schools and universities, where young minds gather to learn and grow, the work of teac...

VICAR In the quiet corners of our schools and universities, where young minds gather to learn and grow, the work of teachers shines as a beacon of hope and guidance. These dedicated individuals shape the next generation, instilling knowledge, values, and resilience. Yet, their work is often accompanied by challenges—overwhelming workloads, societal pressures, and the responsibility of nurturing every child under their care....

VICAR In the quiet corners of our schools and universities, where young minds gather to learn and grow, the work of teachers shines as a beacon of hope and guidance. These dedicated individuals sha…

BY ROGER WATSON I am sure that I am not alone. My life is dominated by series of electronic devices which include a MacB...

BY ROGER WATSON I am sure that I am not alone. My life is dominated by series of electronic devices which include a MacBook, an iPad, an iPhone (providers other than Apple are available) and a Kindle (Country Squire passim). It is not so much the fact that my whole life is on these devices, having fallen totally for the convenience of the digital age, but the almost continual obsession that develops – a ‘lust for power’ if you will – with keeping them charged....

BY ROGER WATSON I am sure that I am not alone. My life is dominated by series of electronic devices which include a MacBook, an iPad, an iPhone (providers other than Apple are available) and a Kind…

BY IAN MITCHELL Angus Martin and the Mull of Kintyre For once I shall abstain from thought about the restless-spirited d...

BY IAN MITCHELL Angus Martin and the Mull of Kintyre For once I shall abstain from thought about the restless-spirited denizens of the dark side who run this country, both nationally and locally, and concentrate instead on a trilogy which celebrates the beauty of life in one of the few parts of Scotland where outdoor life is still largely free of environmental corruption....

BY IAN MITCHELL Angus Martin and the Mull of Kintyre For once I shall abstain from thought about the restless-spirited denizens of the dark side who run this country, both nationally and locally, a…

BY DAVID EYLES Politics is driven by ideas, culture and events. Ideas and culture may sometimes clash to produce uninten...

BY DAVID EYLES Politics is driven by ideas, culture and events. Ideas and culture may sometimes clash to produce unintended consequences. These consequences, and events from outside the system, will dictate the outcome. The economist and philosopher Nassim Nicholas Taleb used the term ‘black swan event’ to describe those events which occur rarely, and which are not only unexpected but unpredictable by virtue of being very rare....

BY DAVID EYLES Politics is driven by ideas, culture and events. Ideas and culture may sometimes clash to produce unintended consequences. These consequences, and events from outside the system, wil…

BY DOMINIC WIGHTMAN Jimmy Carter died on the 29th of December. A century old. The press fêted him, especially the left f...

BY DOMINIC WIGHTMAN Jimmy Carter died on the 29th of December. A century old. The press fêted him, especially the left flank of the mainstream media. Now that the obligatory 72 hours have passed, it’s fair to speak plainly. Carter runs Biden close for the title of worst modern American president. I saw the actions of his “philanthropic” arm firsthand in the Philippines—sinister, appalling....

BY DOMINIC WIGHTMAN Jimmy Carter died on the 29th of December. A century old. The press fêted him, especially the left flank of the mainstream media. Now that the obligatory 72 hours have passed, i…

BY NICK PEARCE In British education, the tug-of-war between governmental initiatives and corporate sponsorship has long ...

BY NICK PEARCE In British education, the tug-of-war between governmental initiatives and corporate sponsorship has long been a contentious issue. The recent announcement by the Labour government to delay the rollout of free breakfast clubs in primary schools until at least 2026 is a stark reminder of the complexities and challenges that lie at the intersection of education and corporate influence....

BY NICK PEARCE In British education, the tug-of-war between governmental initiatives and corporate sponsorship has long been a contentious issue. The recent announcement by the Labour government to…


BY BERT BURNETT A project to help one of the country's most threatened breeding bird species, the curlew, has been awarded more than £156,000 from the Scottish Government’s Biodiversity Challenge Fund. This initiative, titled Curlews in Crisis Scotland, aims to increase breeding areas and reduce predation for Europe’s largest wader and one of its most iconic birds. Scotland is home to 15% of the world’s breeding population of curlews, a species that has faced severe declines due to agricultural intensification and habitat loss....

BY STEWART SLATER They have come for Roald Dahl. They have come for James Bond. They have not, yet, come for Sir Harry P...

BY STEWART SLATER They have come for Roald Dahl. They have come for James Bond. They have not, yet, come for Sir Harry Paget Flashman, V.C. Which is a surprise. For, it is hard to imagine a figure less in tune with our times. A Poster-boy for Victorian Imperialism at a time when colonialism has become a synonym for evil....

BY STEWART SLATER They have come for Roald Dahl. They have come for James Bond. They have not, yet, come for Sir Harry Paget Flashman, V.C. Which is a surprise. For, it is hard to imagine a figure …

VICAR In every nook and cranny of our planet, from the majestic mountains to the tranquil seas, the beauty of creation s...

VICAR In every nook and cranny of our planet, from the majestic mountains to the tranquil seas, the beauty of creation speaks to the wonders of life. Yet, as we tread upon this Earth, we also witness the repercussions of our actions – pollution, climate change, and habitat loss challenge our world and the myriad species that inhabit it. This week, …...

VICAR In every nook and cranny of our planet, from the majestic mountains to the tranquil seas, the beauty of creation speaks to the wonders of life. Yet, as we tread upon this Earth, we also witne…




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