Our new sound library of Winds Of Patagonia And Other South American Ambience is out now to buy in 🔥💨🍃💨
It's a brilliant compilation of sounds from all over the remote landscapes of South America, especially the vast Patagonian region.
This library took 3 years in the making and sounds have been carefully selected and edited to provide sonic layers to build or add to different ambiences. A little bit more leaf rustle, some small debris flying in the wind, some resonance of wind in metal, etc. These are some of the examples of how these isolated textures can be added or combined to build the ideal soundscape for your film.
The vast expanse and remoteness of Patagonia has allowed us to capture these wind textures in complete isolation.
And additionally, you also get a bunch of remote and natural South American ambiences, including Pampas, Deserts, High Mountains, Salt Planes, and Wetlands, amongst others.
Just head over to A Sound Effect and search for Winds Of Patagonia, it will be the first one to come up. 😉