Aerial view of Thamesmead, South London
Winter is coming...I mean going?
A birds' eye view of the richest part of Lagos.
Reaching the world by any means possible.
Automated marketing with video: 24-7
This is when a fashion designer feels the model needs more help
Shots fired at @freestudiolagos with @novexboss with @dazeimages
I am just a video hustler who lets videos do marketing for my business and so should you.
The only way to keep your phone ring and the email inquires becoming more and more is to market your business with video via @freestudiolagos call us on 09052212378 or visit
Great minds in discussion @novexboss @dazeimages
We are shooting all the way into the night.
Telly Media/Novex Africa filming Aunty Bose season 2. Coming to a phone near you.
You will glad to know that we finished the music video with small puffs