Support Partners are the leading independent media technology consultants in London and New York. We work with brands, broadcasters, newspapers and agencies to deliver fully integrated cloud and in-house production environments and workflows. Senior executives look to Support Partners for advice and ongoing support when:
• Seeking a competitive advantage by offering the most flexible and cost-effe
ctive production services
• Searching for a fully integrated cloud solution, combining analytics, automation and global collaboration
• Looking to analyse production efficiency and resource utilisation, to make business decisions based on these
• Facing a need for rapid expansion in production capacity without a corresponding increase in budget
• Committed to advancing a digital transformation strategy within tight timescales
Support Partners offer independent advice and consultancy, agile implementation and ongoing support for transformation projects in media production. We focus on delivering business value and operational gains while managing project implementation and supporting creative teams on the ground. By understanding our clients’ business, we help executives deliver measurable results, using cloud technology to shine light into the black box of their in-house media environments. This lets them analyse costs, improve resource management and automate and centralise production tasks. We work in partnership over many years with leading worldwide companies in different sectors - including the BBC, News Corporation, McCann Erickson and Walt Disney - and meet their enterprise-level standards for professionalism and compliance. Over 14 years, our strategy has always been to facilitate disruption for far-sighted executive teams, driving costs down while enabling transformation to new technologies as a competitive advantage.