BTS at MRCR shoot!
🎥 We know how to craft a story.
From concept to completion, we worked with @MRCR Rangecooker Repairs to deliver YouTube content to its team of enjineers to ultimatley teach them how to use ovens, so when they are out on customer visits, there's no hang ups!
Watch the full video here:
What did you guys think?
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Here’s a bit of Friday fun for you! 😁
When you’re deep in the FL1 trenches and realise sometimes the best strategy is leaning on your clients' wisdom. 🤝💡
At FL1, we have a whole range of skills so get in touch and let's see how we can collaborate too!
Thanks to Karyn The Price Is Wight 👏🏻
We're massive fans of Stripe because its a clean, user-friendly website that we hero as a fantasit example of a modern site.
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