La Vida Journey - Vlogs

La Vida Journey - Vlogs La Vida Journey | Travel Vlog | Photography + Video As a couple, we have an incredible synergy and we keep our dreams alive.

La Vida Journey is a Video and Photography content creator hoping to inspire and share our love for travel, photography and the ocean. Join us on our YouTube Channel, La Vida Journey, for weekly videos

Today is such an important date for many of us as something finishes so something new can begin. I thought I would share...

Today is such an important date for many of us as something finishes so something new can begin. I thought I would share this ‘something’ that is personal and very important to me.

Several years ago I had a gratitude diary. Every evening for many months, I would write down 5 things that I was grateful for. Coming up with new things every time was a challenge, especially at first. Sometimes it would take me an hour or two to write it down, yet I had a chance to focus and reflect on all the good things in life.

That routine changed me and the way I see the world today. It’s not only that I look on the bright side of life, I think I always did, but I appreciate everything and everyone around me. It helps me get through difficult moments in life.

I started truly fully loving myself and my life. I know that everything I have has been given to me by my ancestors, universe, and God.

So when in doubt, Appreciate!

I am sure you can name 5 things you are grateful for but can you name 20?

Make some time and give it a try!
Today is a good day for it ⭐💫

We are already 3 days into advent but it’s never too late to show off the coolest dino advent calendar! Alex is into din...

We are already 3 days into advent but it’s never too late to show off the coolest dino advent calendar! Alex is into dinosaurs at the moment, and he wants to know ALL their names! So we are all learning dinosaur names, even his mandarin tutor is keeping up with the trend 😁💛🦖

It’s incredible to see how he develops his first interests. He always liked animals and cars but that kind of comes naturally as all baby books are about animals or cars. Dinosaurs are a next-level interest! 🦕

The advent calendar didn’t last 24 days, for obvious reasons, when it got into the little hands of an eager-to-explore toddler. I must say I am very surprised and happy with the quality of the dinos, they are nicely painted with all the details. The calendar comes with little explanatory cards and an Augmented Reality (AR) app. If you remember how pokemon used to work (I never played but I know how they worked), it is similar. It allows dinosaurs to come to life in our home if you look through the phone. Pretty cool! 🤓

Let me know what your little ones are currently excited about?

Have you ever had a feeling that someone read your mind and gave you the perfect present that you really needed? That ha...

Have you ever had a feeling that someone read your mind and gave you the perfect present that you really needed? That happened to me!
My amazing friend read my mind and for my birthday gave me a stay in a Spa in Monchique!

Since the pandemic started and since Alex was born we haven’t been on a proper holiday, we have been to Poland over the summer and we spent fantastic time visiting family, but it was a very intense holiday. We live in a holiday destination so we didn't really think about going anywhere.

Monchique is a small mountain range just a 30 minute drive from us, I really love it there! Caldas de Monchique is a spa town and it has been famous since Roman times for its waters, which supposedly have healing properties. It was also used as a seasonal retreat for Portuguese royalty.

Few days of Spa, hikes in the mountains and nice Portuguese food was something that we didn't take for granted. We shall do it more often. ☺

Thank you Luiza! 💛💛💛

[🇵🇱⬇️] 🇬🇧 Little Polyglot, part 7. Should I teach my son Spanish yet still should I teach him a language that is not nat...

[🇵🇱⬇️] 🇬🇧 Little Polyglot, part 7. Should I teach my son Spanish yet still should I teach him a language that is not native to me? Why not! I speak Spanish fluently as I lived and studied in Spain using the language daily for about 10 years. I am confident and I can express myself freely. As a non-native speaker, I do have an accent and I still make little mistakes but should that stop me from teaching the language? I don’t think so. If that was an issue then any non-native language teacher should quit their job and do something else. 😅

What do you think? Is it ok to teach your kids a language that is not native to you?

Let me know your thoughts! Have a great day! ☀️

Czy powinnam uczyć mojego syna hiszpańskiego? Czy powinnam uczyć języka, który nie jest moim językiem ojczystym? Dlaczego by nie! Mój hiszpański jest na dosyć dobrym poziomie. Mieszkałam, studiowałam i pracowałam w Hiszpanii i używałam tego języka codziennie przez ponad 10 lat. Lubię posługiwać się hiszpańskim nawet bardziej niż angielskim i wiem, że potrafię swobodnie i pewnie się w nim wyrażać. Jednak nie jest to mój język ojczysty więc mam akcent i popełnia drobne błędy, ale czy to powinno mnie powstrzymać przed mówieniem do mojego synka po Hiszpańsku?
Nie wydaje mi się! Jeśli to byłoby problemem wtedy każdy nauczyciel języka, który nie jest native speaker powinien poszukać sobie innej pracy. 😅

Co Ty o tym myślisz? Czy rodzice powinni uczyć dzieci języków, które nie są dla nich językami ojczystymi?

Miłego dnia! ☀️

When I was a little girl, one of the most amazing and memorable family outings were trips to the Zoo. These days, zoos a...

When I was a little girl, one of the most amazing and memorable family outings were trips to the Zoo. These days, zoos are quite a controversial subject. They are often accused of using animals for profit and for amusement, but many people insist that a good zoo provides much more than entertainment. They offer a unique opportunity to learn about wildlife and visitors can study animals at close range 🐦🦉🐢🐍🦎

I personally prefer to admire animals in their natural habitat and there is nothing more exciting than spotting a Giant Cassowary in Australian wilderness, a pink dolphin in the Amazonian river or a playful orangutan in a jungle of Borneo. But times have changed for me, the internal ( having a little baby) and external ( covid) factors have stopped me from traveling to the most exciting, exotic and remote places, for now at least. For this reason I do enjoy taking my son to the Zoo and he LOVES it! He loves animals a lot so there is no better way to teach him about other life forms 💚

I also believe that not all Zoos are the same and many especially in the first world countries offer animals fantastic conditions. In our local Zoo de Lagos the animals are really well looked after, most of them (if not all) were born in captivity, there are no big mammals but mostly birds and monkeys on islands without cages. So I never had a feeling that they were unhappy or distressed 💚

Let me know your thoughts, what do you think about the Zoos?
Check out the last picture to see the most amzaing photobomber 😍

[🇵🇱 ⬇️]🇬🇧 Why mandarin?? Every time I’m asked what languages does Alex speaks and every time I respond with Polish, Engl...

[🇵🇱 ⬇️]🇬🇧 Why mandarin?? Every time I’m asked what languages does Alex speaks and every time I respond with Polish, English, Spanish, and Mandarin, the follow-up is always: “Mandarin???”. No one cares about other languages but Mandarin. So why does Alex speak Mandarin? For no particular reason to be honest 😅

I remember when I was on a return flight from Kyrgyzstan, I had a chat with a young Swiss backpacker, who was returning to the UK from China.
I asked: “It must be difficult to travel in China.”
He responded: “No if you know Mandarin!”
He understood mandarin, as well as 5 other languages it turns out. I felt somewhat jealous that he had a key to a completely different world, inaccessible to many westerners.

I find the history of China very interesting and appreciate a lot of the aspects of their culture, ancient inventions, and Confucianism philosophy. I am fascinated by the ethics and principles of martial arts. Not to mention the complexity of the 4 tonal language that seems to be impossible to learn if you start learning as an adult.

Some people say it's the language of the future, I don’t know... we shall see…. 🤷

I do believe that knowledge of Mandarin can open some exciting opportunities not only in professional life but on many different levels, just like any other language that one knows.

Do you think we should introduce some other language? Let me know in the comment💛

🇵🇱 Dlaczego wybraliśmy język Chiński? Zawsze kiedy ktoś się pyta w jakich językach mówi Alex, odpowiadam, że mówi po Polsku, Angielsku, Hiszpańsku i Chińsku. Zawsze następnym pytaniem jest… dlaczego po Chińsku? (tak jakby inne języki były mniej wartościowe)

Dziś postaram się odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, nawet chyba i sama sobie 😅

Kiedyś wracając z samolotem z Kirgistanu rozmawiałam z chłopakiem ze Szwajcarii, który właśnie wracał z Chin. Zapytałam go, czy trudno jest podróżować po Chinach? Odpowiedział, że nie jest trudno jeśli zna się język. On oczywiście znał Chiński, jak również 5 innych języków. W tamtym momencie poczułam zazdrość, że on ma klucz do kompletnie innego świata, niedostępnego dla wielu cudzoziemców.
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Today we hike to Llyn Idwal a small lake that lies within Cwm Idwal in the Glyderau mountains of Snowdonia. The Devil's Kitchen is the name given to the dark...


Having a baby and then going into lockdown made us rethink a couple of things. In this video, we share what we've been up to during the lockdown and changes ...

After a long parental leave we are finaly back with the cutest possible adition to our channal! Meet our baby! :D ------*****Add new content here + add hasht...


👉👉 👈👈

Our latest vlog is now out!!!. We sail the land of the Scots, where everything's green and beautiful! See what we think about our first every experience on the open seas.


Watch Full episode here: 👉👉 👈👈
We venture on to try something new in our latest VLOG. Can you guess where we are? (Lets us know in the comments if you think you know the area) :) Teaser below

Should we leave London and move to Spain??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Should we leave London and move to Spain??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Vlog location: Es Trenc, Ses Covetes, Mallorca Should we move to Mallorca? Pros and cons of living in Mallorca In this episode we will answer few questions.....


If you are ever in the beautiful island of Mallorca (Majorca) and would like to spend some time on the beach, watch our Top 5 Best Beaches in Mallorca for some inspiration:)

We got Engaged! ❤️ If you want to know how he proposed in Cape Verde check out our latest vlog...

We got Engaged! ❤️ If you want to know how he proposed in Cape Verde check out our latest vlog... - check out our other vlog: 5 Top Things to Do in Cape Verde | Sal Engagement In Cape Verde. In this travel vlog, La Vida Journe...


Our new summer video from Cape Verde is out! Check it out ➡️ and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel! :)

👉👉 👈👈A Day In New York City - Arek takes his first ever trip to the United States of Americ...

👉👉 👈👈
A Day In New York City - Arek takes his first ever trip to the United States of America (aka the USA). In this video, he's spending the day in New York and decides to take some pictures of Central Park. He shares his impression of the big city and huge Park as well as some pictures taken during his visit.

A Day In New York City - Arek takes his first ever trip to the United States of America aka the USA. In this video, he's spending the day in New York and dec...

This week we changed locations and set out to Amsterdam. Check out our new vlog...  👉👉 👈👈 I...

This week we changed locations and set out to Amsterdam. Check out our new vlog... 👉👉 👈👈 In this episode, we cover 7 Things You May Not Know About Amsterdam. As it turns out, there's more to the city than smoking w**d and the Red Light District.

We spent a couple of days in Amsterdam as Margo had a work gig here. While she was doing the media coverage for an event, Arek took the opportunity to explor...


The last day of our Epic Balkan Road Trip was spent in Kotor and Budva, another absolutely stunning location in Montenegro. See full episode on our YouTube Channel here 👉👉👉 👈👈👈


👉👉 👈👈
Seen the last Game of Thornes? Well, this is what the city used to look like before Daenerys happened! lol. Not Seen it? Watch the next episode from our Balkan Road Trip and enjoy the Epic views of Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik got burned to the ground in Game of Thrones  ,  but you can still admire it untouched in our video.  It's an i...

Dubrovnik got burned to the ground in Game of Thrones , but you can still admire it untouched in our video. It's an insanely beautiful city so it's no wonder why it is regularly being chosen as a film set. Hope you will enjoy this episode as much as we enjoyed exploring the city walls and our short tour of the city.

Dubrovnik got burned to the ground in Game of Thrones , but you can still admire it untouched in our video. It's an insanely beautiful city so it's no wo...

The Great War started with 2 bullets shot in Sarajevo and the rest is history! Should you want to visit Sarajevo, take a...

The Great War started with 2 bullets shot in Sarajevo and the rest is history! Should you want to visit Sarajevo, take a look at 7 things to do while you are there:

Vlog #6 In this episode we are visiting the cutest wooden village situated on the top of a hill. If you ever planning a ...

Vlog #6 In this episode we are visiting the cutest wooden village situated on the top of a hill. If you ever planning a trip to Serbia stopping here is a must. Check out our next video:

Today we will take you on a tour of Pristina and show you the top 5 places you should visit while you are there. After a...

Today we will take you on a tour of Pristina and show you the top 5 places you should visit while you are there. After a day of sightseeing we spend a night in a mountains in Montenegro were we had a chance to try local food and enjoy Balkan music. The whole experience surpassed our expectations.

Today we are on a walking tour of Pristina and show you the top 5 places you should visit while you are in the capital of Kosovo. After a day of sightseeing ...



1 Duke Street Hill


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Our Story

La Vida Journey is a Video and Photography content creator hoping to inspire and share our love for travel, photography and the ocean. As a couple, we have an incredible synergy and we keep our dreams alive. Join us on our YouTube Channel, La Vida Journey, for weekly videos

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