Why does the esteemed linguist and public intellectual Noam Chomsky view organisations like Beehive as the key to combat social manipulation and empower individuals? Chomsky, celebrated for his critical analyses of media and politics, highlights the pervasive control of public opinion through misinformation—a concern eshared by many. He argues that while people can resist this manipulation, they often lack the time, training, and resources to do so effectively. According to Chomsky, solutions lie in organisations like Beehive News, which employ collective knowledge developed by journalists, psychologists, and strategists to quickly flag misleading news stories and guide people to the most trustworthy articles. 🐝
The week is starting, and with it comes an overwhelming amount of news.
But how do we know what to truly trust Evaluating the trustworthiness of news can be a difficult and time-consuming task. But you don't have to do this work, because the Beehive News app does it for you.
Our app rates news based on three major criteria: trustworthiness, completeness, and quality of writing. It also informs you if news stories have a left or right-wing bias.
Welcome to the world of reliable information. Download the Beehive News app now and start your week well-informed! 🐝
Can you think of one good reason why not use Beehive News? Get top UK and international stories with thousands of daily ratings to avoid misinformation. We don’t own the truth - we provide detailed explanations for each rating, so you can decide for yourself. Plus, find related stories grouped together and discover the top and worst news of the day and week. Download now 🐝
Beehive News was born with a purpose: to expose distorted narratives and biased agendas in an objective way. We also promote well-crafted stories, agnostic of source and side of the political spectrum. Following that dream, we’ve become the only article-level rating platform in the world.
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