’What seems to me, afterwards, to be the thread is the emphasis on the very impossibility of the question “What is woman?”. Lacan indicated this as early as the beginning of his teaching: “Becoming a woman and wondering what a woman is are two essentially different things […] it is because one doesn’t become one that one wonders and, up to a point, to wonder is the contrary of becoming one […] Her position is essentially problematic, and up to a certain point it’s unassimilable.”
How did Lacan, and Freud in his own way, situate this “unassimilable”? In order to approach it, we have to get rid of a certain number of obvious ideas, such that of a male/female bipolarity is founded in anatomy or inscribed in the unconscious. The active/passive polarity merely “metaphorise[s] that which remains unfathomable in sexual difference”.’
Anne Lysy