It’s #NewMusicFriday and we are thrilled to announce that ‘Let’s Go On Holiday’ by Baked Bean DJ Collective is now live ☀️
Full of energy, passion and humour, this track encapsulates the collective’s incredible creative community and marks a new exciting direction for Daylight Studio as it supports other creative organisations in releasing their work. A lot of fun was had making this song, we hope you enjoy!
You can listen to the track now on Spotify and watch its music video on YouTube. Follow the link via our bio or below.
Hashtags: #NewMusicFriday #LondonCharity #DaylightStudio The Baked Bean Charity
It was a pleasure performing at @BubbleClub for a second time around, thank you for having us🥰
On the stage we had Jonetta, Lee, Tina, Yusuf, Hisba and Tharek. Can you tell we had a lot of fun?
Visit our website to find out more.
#Performance #Charity
Yusuf - Cream Cakes
What makes you happy?
At Daylight Studio we use our music sessions to explore and grow. Listen to this sneak peak of an upcoming track, where Yusuf lays down the laws of the land by asking an important question. Tell us what you think in the comments 💭
You can listen to more of Yusuf on our latest single Boogie Boogie, listen via the link:
#DaylightStudio #Happiness #Accessibility #ImportanceOfBeingHeard
Reem playing synth
Today Daylight Studio were still at work, check out this video of Reem jamming on the synth. We want to take this moment to thank the great music technology manufacturers like KORG and ABLETON who make our way of working possible.
We hope you enjoy our music as much as we enjoy making it!
Hashtags: #DaylightStudio #Jamming #NewMusic #MusicSession #MusicAccessibility #WebsiteAccessibility
Ableton Korg UK & Ireland
[VIDEO] A musician at Daylight Studio runs their figures across a Korg synth creating a beautiful melody as they go. The path their finger traces is illuminated as green squares.
This week has been a good one for Daylight Studio, and it all started on Tuesday…when we were featured on Do You Radio!
Charlie Bones played two new tracks from our Debut Album, check out this sound bite.
🍌Want to hear more? You can find us on spotify with the link below 🍌
Thank you Charlie Bones and the Do You World Team!
#radio #debutalbum #disabledtalent #charity
#DidYouKnow we are looking for two new trustees from our community?
To apply, all you need to do is answer these five questions and email your answers to [email protected]
See questions in each image!
#Opportunity #Charity #disabledambassador
When we took part in Islington Council’s My Way Day at Emirates Stadium it was a complete nostalgia trip to one of our favourite projects.
Featuring Jonetta and the team at Daylight Centre, our ‘Craig David at the Party’ music video was an experience we will never forget.
Watch the full thing with the link below now!
#mywayday #communitycatalyst #islingtoncouncil #islington #disabledcommunity #disabledrapper #britishrapper #femalerapper #jonetta #dreamscometrue #craigdavid #craigdavidattheparty
Thank you so much to Community Catalyst for inviting us to have a stall at Islington Council’s My Way Day at Emirates Stadium.
We loved meeting other organisations that do good for our community and we loved showing off some of our talent.
With studio demos throughout the day and encouragement for all visitors to have a go, we even got to do a live performance with good vibes all around.
Check this video of Jonetta on the mic!
To hear Jonetta’s own ep head over to our Spotify and search for ‘Dreams Come True’!
Community Catalysts - Unlocking Potential, Effecting Change
#mywayday #communitycatalyst #islingtoncouncil #islington #disabledcommunity #disabledrapper #britishrapper #femalerapper #jonetta #dreamscometrue
It’s Friday and we have an exciting announcement!
As you know, we love to collaborate with other charities who support disabled creatives and through our recent listening parties we have seen some amazing contenders for our album cover.
So…two weeks from today we will be highlighting each piece and asking you to vote through likes on our Instagram page, make sure to follow us @daylightstudio_uk and keep your eye peeled for our next post.
And while you wait here are the artworks from our first session with Livability.
#disabledartist #artinspiredbymusic #disabledcharity #albumart #creativecollaboration
When we teamed up with Artbox London last week to create some album artworks, one of the artists came up with a whole anime storyboard! We loved this because we use music to help our musicians make tangible change within their life and with this each song becomes a story.
Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comments!
#anime #listeningclub #artandmusic #musiccharity #tangiblechange #makingadifference
Daylight Studio x Artbox London Listening Club
Wednesday we were lucky enough to share our latest album with the amazing artists from Artbox London. Thanks to them we have some great potential album artworks! Watch this space to find out! And turn your sound ON for a sneak peak of one of our tracks…
Please reach out if you want to take part in one of our listening parties!
#listeningparty #newalbum #callforcollaboration #artcharity #arttherapy #musicandart