In times of heightened fear, we generated this client over 135,000$ AFTER ad Cost in the month of April.
As everyone started to become scarce with their resources and in their business, my client and I went all in.
And the below screenshot goes to show that when you implement a time and a time again a proven system, will produce unmatched results no matter what the economy is experiencing.
But look, I get it ... you feel jaded.
I can't begin to tell you how many eCommerce and info product owners reach out to me saying they got stung badly by these agencies who promised the world and literally delivered nothing.
And this client was no different. they were in the exact same position before they started with AAA Media Agency.
Constantly spinning their wheels month in and month out.
Up at night, wondering whether they were going to generate the same amount of revenue this month as they did the previous month.
Because they didn't have a machine that routinely spits out cash day and night, optimistic economy or fear fuelled economy.