Rob's Nostalgia Projects

Rob's Nostalgia Projects Here you can keep up with updates to my latest & future projects, and current requests for material.

If you're interested in any of my projects, please get in touch!


The cinema in Leicester Square says its landlord wants to hike its rent under a new contract.

I spent all day yesterday (8am till past midnight) transferring the eight Bad Influence VHS tapes (I don't have a BetaMa...

I spent all day yesterday (8am till past midnight) transferring the eight Bad Influence VHS tapes (I don't have a BetaMax player so can't do those two tapes, although they're the later series' which I already have in decent quality). Seven were 240min tapes recorded in Long-Play so 7-8hrs each, with the last one a 300min tape in LP; 10hrs, so around 60hrs to trawl through! Each one had one BI episode on, along with an assortment of other shows; One Foot In The Grave, A Touch Of Frost, Quantum Leap, Allo Allo, Spitting Image, The Detectives, plus a few films; Splash, Abyss, Karate Kid 2/3, etc... I set each tape recording, then fast-forwarded through stopping to catch and ad breaks or promos which might be useful, and the episodes themselves.

So I have around 7hrs of usable material. That's eight BI episodes from Series 1 (of the 15 broadcast), and one from S4, plus there were five Gamesmaster S2 episodes, and a Head To Head episode on computer games, an episode of Cyber Zone presented by Andi Peters played during BBC2's DEFII, a few SNES, MegaDrive & Game Gear adverts, plus a couple of other little bits & pieces. It's all LP, but the quality is quite decent.

It's certainly a good start, but please share this post, and if anyone out there has more tapes to add, please get in touch!

Hi all,I got these tapes though in the post this week; 8 VHS tapes and 2 BetaMax tapes containing episodes of the ITV ki...

Hi all,

I got these tapes though in the post this week; 8 VHS tapes and 2 BetaMax tapes containing episodes of the ITV kids computer games show Bad Influence which ran over four series from 1992 to 1996 (! ), I'll be transferring the VHS tapes this weekend.

So I need your help!

Does anyone have original VHS recordings of either Bad Influence or Gamesmaster?

Some of you with long memories might remember my 2011 Gamesmaster DVD project. It's long been my intention to do a SD Blu-Ray upgrade, with as much new/upgraded footage as I can get, along with including Bad Influence.

A year or so back, I did look at re-loaning and re-transferring all the original Gamesmaster source VHS tapes with the much better capture setup I have today, but I found that two out of the three source tape owners, binned them back in 2011 once they got a copy of my original DVD set. I have the third tape owner's tapes, but unless I get more new footage, it might not be worth doing a new transfer of that.

I also tracked down the original owner of the defunct Bad Influence website, he traded a 12-disc DVD set containing all the episodes of Bad Influence with me around 2010, and I have his permission to re-author and include that as part of my revised Blu-Ray set. I also asked after his source tapes, but they were lost to mould years back. The DVD set is complete, although S1's quality is a bit rough.

If you can help with this project, please get in touch, and if not, please share this post!

The Bunker Blu-Ray has finally been completed. It's a two-disc set with a reversible cover. D1 has a 35mm scan the film ...

The Bunker Blu-Ray has finally been completed. It's a two-disc set with a reversible cover. D1 has a 35mm scan the film cropped into 1.77:1, with a number of extras carried over from the old 2003 UK DVD release. D2 has the 35mm open matte release, with 35mm trailers and snipes.

It has long been a favourite of mine, since I saw it at the 2001 London Frightfest. It's an outstanding slow burning atmospheric World War II N**i ghost story in the same mould as the BBC Ghost Stories For Christmas. After the very limited theatrical run, it was released on DVD by Salvation in 2003, and then nothing. No Blu-Ray, 4K, or HD streaming, and only a handful of SD TV airings & foreign DVD releases pre-2009.

In May 2023 on a shot to nothing, I contacted the director through Facebook to see if he would be interested in my making a Blu-Ray set, and if had a print he could loan out for scanning. Unexpectedly, it turns out he was both was interested, and had a print. This was scanned back in June 2023. You can read more at the link above,

The set was coming together but was put on hold awaiting one additional element. A new commentary track with the director and a number of the cast, recorded specifically for this release.

Cut to October 2024 over a year later, and between Covid, the actor's strike, acting jobs, injury and other commitments, this still hasn't come together, so I decided to complete the set as-is, and I can always release an upgraded first disc to add the commentary if it's done at some point in the future.

If you are interested in being added to the mailing list for a copy of this project, please message me (don't just add a comment to this post as they're easy to miss).

All the Censorship Blu-Ray orders are being dispatched tomorrow!UK orders should arrive by the weekend, and overseas wit...

All the Censorship Blu-Ray orders are being dispatched tomorrow!

UK orders should arrive by the weekend, and overseas within a few weeks or less.

The Censorship/Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray is finally ready to be duplicated! Apologies it's taken way too long to get the...

The Censorship/Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray is finally ready to be duplicated! Apologies it's taken way too long to get the cases I wanted, but they're on their way to me now;

Everyone on the project mailing list has already been emailed. If you're interested please message me with your email address to be added. Please see the webpage linked above for all the project details.


Another quick update on the Censorship/Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray;

So, all 8 discs have been authored & checked (most multiple times), the Radio Times is finalized and I have the paper for that, and the BD-R discs I should need. The last thing I was waiting on was the cases.

Due to the shipping diversion/Red Sea situation, Covid issues, economy, and/or Ukraine war (take your assorted pick!), I'm still waiting for the cases I want on backorder (8 or 10-way Blu-Ray with 25mm spines). I've tried various suppliers in the UK including eBay, plus mainland Europe but no luck. Some places have them listed, but don't actually have them in stock. Really just means waiting a few more weeks. Still waiting on a few replies, but not much point in dashing it out in cheap DVD cases just to have it done.

I don't want to confirm any orders until I know I can fill them, so I'll just hang on for a bit. Apologies for the longer than expected wait!

The Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray set has now been re-titled to the Censorship Blu-ray Set. It's been given its own page you...

The Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray set has now been re-titled to the Censorship Blu-ray Set. It's been given its own page you can see here

It's still in progress with tweaks to make, but most of the information is there.

Really, I just have to finish the menus, then I'm on to assembling & checking each disc, and final tweaks to the webpage, and waiting for the 8-way cases to arrive in a week or two.

Another update for the Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray project;

Another update for the Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray project;

I've now completed all the encoding, and sorting & assembling each disc-playlist. In addition to everything I transferred from VHS tapes, I added in a number of items from pre-existing DVD-R recordings. The final total is 58 entries totalling 60h 36m, spread over eight Blu-Ray discs. You can see the playlist for each disc further down.

I still have a shortlist to work through, including creating the base disc art for D7/8, and then finishing all eight disc arts, creating each discs' motion menu, then assembling each disc into the final Blu-Ray. Then I'm on to disc burning & checking through each one. In addition the 8-Way Blu-Ray cases I need are on a 2-3 week backorder with the supplier, so I can only start duplicating once those arrive. It's all progress anyway.

01 - The Forbidden Season (BBC2 - January-March, 1997)
02 - The Forbidden Weekend, Pt1 (BBC2 - Saturday May 27, 1995)

01 - The Forbidden Weekend, Pt2 (BBC2 - Sunday May 28, 1995)

01 - The Forbidden Weekend, Pt3 (BBC2 - Monday May 29, 1995)
02 - The Late Show - Forbidden WK (BBC1 - 23.15 Wednesday May 31, 1995)

01 - Channel 4's Censored Weekend, Pt1 (Ch4 - February 20, 1999)
02 - Channel 4's Censored Weekend, Pt2 (Ch4 - February 21, 1999)

01 - TISFS - Ep1, John Waters (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday August 5, 1988)
02 - TISFS - Ep2, Ray Dennis Steckler (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday August 12, 1988)
03 - TISFS - Ep3, Herschell Gordon Lewis (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday August 19, 1988)
04 - TISFS - Ep4, Ted V. Mikels (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday August 26, 1988)
05 - TISFS - Ep5, Sam Raimi (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday September 2, 1988)
06 - TISFS - Ep6, Russ Meyer (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday September 9, 1988)
07 - Son TISFS - Ep1, Jackie Chan (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday September 22, 1989)
08 - Son TISFS - Ep2, Ray/Wishman (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday September 29, 1989)
09 - Son TISFS - Ep3, El Santo (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday October 6, 1989)
10 - Son TISFS - Ep4, Ed Wood Jr (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday October 13, 1989)
11 - Son TISFS - Ep5, Hark/Gordon (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday October 20, 1989)
12 - Son TISFS - Ep6, Romero/Savini (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday October 27, 1989)
13 - JRP for OWO - Ep1, David Lynch (Ch4 - 23.05 Friday October 19, 1990)
14 - JRP for OWO - Ep2, Aki Kaurismäki (Ch4 - 23.00 Friday March 15, 1991)
15 - JRP for OWO - Ep3, Alejandro Jodorowsky (Ch4 - 23.20 Friday March 22, 1991)
16 - JRP for OW - Ep4, Pedro Almodóvar (Ch4 - 23.05 Friday March 29, 1991)
17 - Talk Talk - David Cronenberg (ITV - 01.00 Sunday February 5, 1989)
18 - The Media Show - Horror Special (Ch4 - 21.15 Friday February 17, 1989)

01 - Vault Of Horror - Halloween 1992 (BBC2 - October 31, 1992)
02 - CB A-Z - Ep1, American Psycho (BBC2 - 23.00 Saturday October 4, 1997)
03 - CB A-Z - Ep2, The Devil You Know (BBC2 - 23.30 Saturday October 11, 1997)
04 - CB A-Z - Ep3, The Kingdom Of The Dead (BBC2 - 22.50 Saturday October 18, 1997)
05 - CB A-Z - Ep4, Broken Homes (BBC2 - 22.30 Saturday October 25, 1997)
06 - CB A-Z - Ep5, A Fate Worse Than Death (BBC2 - 23.30 November 8, 1997)
07 - CB A-Z - Ep6, Beyond Good And Evil (BBC2 - 23.15 November 8, 1997)
08 - S*x And The Censors (Ch4 - 21.00 Sunday April 21, 1991)
09 - Violence And The Censors (Ch4 - 22.10 Saturday September 30, 1995)
10 - Panorama - The Killing Screens (BBC1 - 21.30 Monday February 27, 1995)

01 - Stephen King's World of Horror - Volume 1 (ITV - 02.30 Friday May 4, 1990)
02 - Stephen King's World of Horror - Volume 2 (ITV - 03.00 Tuesday May 15, 1990)
03 - Stephen King's World of Horror - Volume 3 (ITV - 03.00 Tuesday May 22, 1990)
04 - Stephen King's World of Horror - Volume 4 (ITV - 02.35 Tuesday May 29, 1990)
05 - Saturday Night At The Movies (ITV - 00.05 Sunday April 30, 1989)
06 - Film '89 - Hellraiser II - Hellbound Review (BBC1 - 21.35 Tuesday June 13, 1989)
07 - Video View - Horror Special (ITV - 01.00 Wednesday May 16, 1990)
08 - Video View - Nightbreed Review (ITV - 01.30 Wednesday September 26, 1990)
09 - Fear in the Dark (Ch4 - 22.30 Thursday October 31, 1991)
10 - Arena - Making The Shining (BBC2 - 21.55 Saturday March 27, 1999)
11 - The Real Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Ch4 - 22.00 Wednesday April 23, 2003)
12 - Does S***f Exist, Ch4's Dark Side Of P**n (Ch4 - 23.05 Tuesday April 18, 2006)

01 - The Exorcist, UK TV Premiere (Ch4 - 22.30 Saturday March 17, 2001)
02 - The Fear of God - 25 Years of the Exorcist (BBC2 - 22.30 Saturday June 13th, 1998)
03 - Fame Factor - Didn't You Used to Be Satan (Ch4 - 23.25 Saturday October 19, 1996)
04 - Channel 5's Exclusive Show - Exorcist Review & Trailers (Channel 5 - April 1999)
05 - The Return Of A Clockwork Orange (Ch4 - 23.30 Saturday March 18, 2000)
06 - A Clockwork Orange, UK TV Premiere Intro (Ch4 - 22.00 Sunday October 13, 2002)
07 - 4 Later - Vids (Ch4 - 02.20 Sunday March 18, 2000)
08 - Hell on Earth - The Devils (Ch4 - 23.10 Sunday November 25, 2001)
09 - Burnt Offering - The Cult Of The Wicker Man (Ch4 - 12.20 Saturday December 29 2001)
10 - The Driller Killer Intro, (FilmFour - 00.00 Saturday February 19, 2000)
11 - Henry Portrait Of A Serial Killer Discussion (Ch4 - Friday July 12, 1991)

Here you can see the finished laser-printed replica Radio Times which will come with the Forbidden Weekend set, along wi...

Here you can see the finished laser-printed replica Radio Times which will come with the Forbidden Weekend set, along with the revised Blu-Ray cover artwork;

I'm quite pleased how it's come out. It will be 146mm x 127mm closed, with 4 pages/8 sides. The TV listings cover the majority of the contents of the set (but not everything). I've included what I think would be all the most popular entries, which I could fit in to the 4 pages of listings. I'm still making little tweaks though.

The old Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray cover has been ditched and re-designed to a VHS cardboard slipcase style cover; something more generic. Once the set is complete and website updated, the set will be re-titled to the 'Censorship' Blu-Ray set, as the actual Forbidden Weekend is now quite a small part of the overall contents, and that generic title better reflects the package as a whole.




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