Another update for the Forbidden Weekend Blu-Ray project;
I've now completed all the encoding, and sorting & assembling each disc-playlist. In addition to everything I transferred from VHS tapes, I added in a number of items from pre-existing DVD-R recordings. The final total is 58 entries totalling 60h 36m, spread over eight Blu-Ray discs. You can see the playlist for each disc further down.
I still have a shortlist to work through, including creating the base disc art for D7/8, and then finishing all eight disc arts, creating each discs' motion menu, then assembling each disc into the final Blu-Ray. Then I'm on to disc burning & checking through each one. In addition the 8-Way Blu-Ray cases I need are on a 2-3 week backorder with the supplier, so I can only start duplicating once those arrive. It's all progress anyway.
01 - The Forbidden Season (BBC2 - January-March, 1997)
02 - The Forbidden Weekend, Pt1 (BBC2 - Saturday May 27, 1995)
01 - The Forbidden Weekend, Pt2 (BBC2 - Sunday May 28, 1995)
01 - The Forbidden Weekend, Pt3 (BBC2 - Monday May 29, 1995)
02 - The Late Show - Forbidden WK (BBC1 - 23.15 Wednesday May 31, 1995)
01 - Channel 4's Censored Weekend, Pt1 (Ch4 - February 20, 1999)
02 - Channel 4's Censored Weekend, Pt2 (Ch4 - February 21, 1999)
01 - TISFS - Ep1, John Waters (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday August 5, 1988)
02 - TISFS - Ep2, Ray Dennis Steckler (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday August 12, 1988)
03 - TISFS - Ep3, Herschell Gordon Lewis (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday August 19, 1988)
04 - TISFS - Ep4, Ted V. Mikels (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday August 26, 1988)
05 - TISFS - Ep5, Sam Raimi (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday September 2, 1988)
06 - TISFS - Ep6, Russ Meyer (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday September 9, 1988)
07 - Son TISFS - Ep1, Jackie Chan (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday September 22, 1989)
08 - Son TISFS - Ep2, Ray/Wishman (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday September 29, 1989)
09 - Son TISFS - Ep3, El Santo (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday October 6, 1989)
10 - Son TISFS - Ep4, Ed Wood Jr (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday October 13, 1989)
11 - Son TISFS - Ep5, Hark/Gordon (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday October 20, 1989)
12 - Son TISFS - Ep6, Romero/Savini (Ch4 - 22.30 Friday October 27, 1989)
13 - JRP for OWO - Ep1, David Lynch (Ch4 - 23.05 Friday October 19, 1990)
14 - JRP for OWO - Ep2, Aki Kaurismäki (Ch4 - 23.00 Friday March 15, 1991)
15 - JRP for OWO - Ep3, Alejandro Jodorowsky (Ch4 - 23.20 Friday March 22, 1991)
16 - JRP for OW - Ep4, Pedro Almodóvar (Ch4 - 23.05 Friday March 29, 1991)
17 - Talk Talk - David Cronenberg (ITV - 01.00 Sunday February 5, 1989)
18 - The Media Show - Horror Special (Ch4 - 21.15 Friday February 17, 1989)
01 - Vault Of Horror - Halloween 1992 (BBC2 - October 31, 1992)
02 - CB A-Z - Ep1, American Psycho (BBC2 - 23.00 Saturday October 4, 1997)
03 - CB A-Z - Ep2, The Devil You Know (BBC2 - 23.30 Saturday October 11, 1997)
04 - CB A-Z - Ep3, The Kingdom Of The Dead (BBC2 - 22.50 Saturday October 18, 1997)
05 - CB A-Z - Ep4, Broken Homes (BBC2 - 22.30 Saturday October 25, 1997)
06 - CB A-Z - Ep5, A Fate Worse Than Death (BBC2 - 23.30 November 8, 1997)
07 - CB A-Z - Ep6, Beyond Good And Evil (BBC2 - 23.15 November 8, 1997)
08 - S*x And The Censors (Ch4 - 21.00 Sunday April 21, 1991)
09 - Violence And The Censors (Ch4 - 22.10 Saturday September 30, 1995)
10 - Panorama - The Killing Screens (BBC1 - 21.30 Monday February 27, 1995)
01 - Stephen King's World of Horror - Volume 1 (ITV - 02.30 Friday May 4, 1990)
02 - Stephen King's World of Horror - Volume 2 (ITV - 03.00 Tuesday May 15, 1990)
03 - Stephen King's World of Horror - Volume 3 (ITV - 03.00 Tuesday May 22, 1990)
04 - Stephen King's World of Horror - Volume 4 (ITV - 02.35 Tuesday May 29, 1990)
05 - Saturday Night At The Movies (ITV - 00.05 Sunday April 30, 1989)
06 - Film '89 - Hellraiser II - Hellbound Review (BBC1 - 21.35 Tuesday June 13, 1989)
07 - Video View - Horror Special (ITV - 01.00 Wednesday May 16, 1990)
08 - Video View - Nightbreed Review (ITV - 01.30 Wednesday September 26, 1990)
09 - Fear in the Dark (Ch4 - 22.30 Thursday October 31, 1991)
10 - Arena - Making The Shining (BBC2 - 21.55 Saturday March 27, 1999)
11 - The Real Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Ch4 - 22.00 Wednesday April 23, 2003)
12 - Does S***f Exist, Ch4's Dark Side Of P**n (Ch4 - 23.05 Tuesday April 18, 2006)
01 - The Exorcist, UK TV Premiere (Ch4 - 22.30 Saturday March 17, 2001)
02 - The Fear of God - 25 Years of the Exorcist (BBC2 - 22.30 Saturday June 13th, 1998)
03 - Fame Factor - Didn't You Used to Be Satan (Ch4 - 23.25 Saturday October 19, 1996)
04 - Channel 5's Exclusive Show - Exorcist Review & Trailers (Channel 5 - April 1999)
05 - The Return Of A Clockwork Orange (Ch4 - 23.30 Saturday March 18, 2000)
06 - A Clockwork Orange, UK TV Premiere Intro (Ch4 - 22.00 Sunday October 13, 2002)
07 - 4 Later - Vids (Ch4 - 02.20 Sunday March 18, 2000)
08 - Hell on Earth - The Devils (Ch4 - 23.10 Sunday November 25, 2001)
09 - Burnt Offering - The Cult Of The Wicker Man (Ch4 - 12.20 Saturday December 29 2001)
10 - The Driller Killer Intro, (FilmFour - 00.00 Saturday February 19, 2000)
11 - Henry Portrait Of A Serial Killer Discussion (Ch4 - Friday July 12, 1991)