Dear Citizens,
Please see the forwarded petition which has been published by Parliament today.
It is requesting new provisions/reform in healthcare.
This is a major move for all UK Citizens but especially for Minorities as we are more likely to receive poor treatment and injury within healthcare settings.
Most importantly, if this petition is successful it will not only provide compensation to individuals who have faced healthcare injuries, it will indirectly change the way minorities are treated within healthcare overall.
If individuals are gaining redress (compensation) from NHS funds due to injures within healthcare establishments, then healthcare professionals and departments will be forced to address the way they are providing services to all Citizens.
This won't solve all of our issues but it is a step in the right direction.
Please share and sign our petition.
If you would like to be part of our campaign or share your story of poor treatment in healthcare and the effects it has had on you, please email: [email protected]
All stories will be in a documentary format and will be shared on our website, several social platforms and used to promote out cause to the public and news broadcasting platforms.
We will be providing updates on our website: http://civilmckenziefriend.co.uk/
To sign the petition please see: https://petition.parliament.uk/signatures/130239266/verify?token=5SQE1-f3XVuEAMwrdkMr
Kind regards
Louise Emmanuel
Civil McKenzie Friend Ltd.
I would like to request new arrangements are put in place to compensate people who experience negative consequences from healthcare, even where it cannot be shown that a health practitioner fell short of acceptable professional standards.