If you're a facebook group admin, chances are you've used the @ everyone tag.
But here's the thing: while the @ everyone tag can be a helpful tool for facebook group admins, it can also be a huge pain for followers. 👀
Why? Because when you use the @ everyone tag, every single person in the group gets notified - whether they want to or not.
For some people, this is incredibly annoying.
They might be busy at work, or trying to focus on something else, and all of a sudden they get bombarded with notifications from a fb group they're not even that interested in.
So what's the solution? Well, as a fb group admin, there are a few things you can do to avoid irritating your followers 👇
📌Use the @ everyone tag sparingly. Only use it when it's absolutely necessary, such as when you're announcing a change to the group rules.
📌 Give people the option to opt out of receiving notifications from the group. This way, they can still be part of the group without being constantly bombarded with notifications.
📌Use other methods of communication, such as posting updates on the group page or sending out e-mails. This way, people can choose instead of having it forced upon them.
As a facebook group follower, there are also a few things you can do to avoid being annoyed by the tag 👇
📌Leave groups that use the tag excessively. If a group is constantly bombarding you with notifications, it might be time to find a new one.
📌Speak up! If you're part of a group that uses the tag too often, let the admin know. They might not be aware that it's bothering people, and they might be open to changing their policy.
So there you have it: a few things to keep in mind if you're a facebook group admin or follower.
Do you like this new tag? Let me know in the comments below ⬇️