You have the whole world in your hands, if you only knew how powerful you really are! G-d, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Source or as I like to call it The Universe is always giving you what you want….
Problem is most people spend most of their time thinking and giving their energy to what they don’t want.
The universe doesn’t know good or bad, it only know what you’re energetic about.
Ask yourself…
What are you giving your energy to?
What are you getting energetic about?
The biggest trick I’ve learned is that we have to programme ourselves to actively decide the life we want to create. We have to guard our thoughts like a knight and sa-tan will try us!
We cannot stop negative thoughts but we can decide how much weight and most importantly energy we give to them.
I liken them to passing clouds. ☁️ Observe them. Realise that isn’t you and actively choose a better upstream thought.
All too often we can go 0-worst case scenario in our heads in 0.93 seconds and before we know it we think our lives are terrible.
Put things into perspective, you’re likely reading this on an iPhone, on the internet, with a roof over your head, family around you. You’re literally RICH AF!
Get into faith! Don’t wait for crisis’ to ask the creator for its help. The universe is literally always conspiring for us. But most of us don’t have the confidence to ask for more because we don’t feel deserving because of the bs system that keeps us in a box.
This is my morning walk. My life is a constant mix of work/vacation. I travel every single month. I do what I love.
There’s nothing stopping you for doing the same other than you don’t think it’s possible.
I’m here to tell you that it totally is!
Be more, do more, have more. Then do that for others. Be more for others, do more for others, have more to give to others.
That’s when your whole world will change!