What a day! Our presenter Anna Yates took part in BBC Radio 2’s guess the voice this morning but the lovely @dermotoleary and his producer Ben, hearing that Anna was one of our wonderful volunteers, did something VERY special. (We’ll put a link in our stories so you can hear it!) AND Dermot very kindly recorded this message as well. Every single one of our team is a volunteer, and we’re a community radio station; we are all passionate about radio and love what we do. We really do believe in radio and it’s a privilege for us when you tune in - radio is magical. For a national BBC station to so kindly and generously feature us is just heart-warming and joyful. Radio is the best; the radio community is the best. Thank you Dermot - you’ve made us very proud ❤️📻❤️📻 #localradio #communityradio
Good to see lots of families enjoying the #StrollingBones #SkeletonParade in Uphill Lincoln today! The event was part of Lincoln BIG’s The Big Spook @lincoln.big !
Baby is your topic of the day with Nick Jones on drivetime from 3, do you have a suggestion for today's playlist?
We've only gone and made it through to Monday, which can mean only one thing, Nick Jones is on drive time from 3, join him and listen to some great music.
Thanks Athane great choice, Sunchyme by Dario G. 🤣
Nick Jones will be losing himself in the music from 3 on drivetime, join him with your choice of music to get lost with him !
Frankie Goes To…. Where, Julie?! 😆😆😆😆 With apologies to Holly Johnson!!! #radio #localradio #communityradio #radiopresenter
📻 Through Noon with Chris & Julie
Special guests in the studio with Janey this morning - LAODS! (Lincoln Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society.) Great fun! #localradio #communityradio
Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Paddy Micklefield, Alicia Desvignes, Gwen Cook
Indie loves fine folk with Alan Ritson on a Tuesday evening!
HOW TO SHOCK OUR PRESENTER LIVE ON AIR!! On Friday’s Drive Show our guest - the fabulous Lincolnshire antique expert Jono Dilley - completely took our presenter Amy Claridge by surprise by doing something rather unexpected… we hope you enjoy this clip!! We’re so grateful to Jono and all the wonderful Lincolnshire people who come into our studios as guests. You help us share so much fun!! ❤️📻 #localradio #communityradio #lincolnshire
DID YOU KNOW? We’re entirely run by volunteers including all our presenters but we’re a community commercial station. Please send a message if you would like to sponsor or advertise with you. Thank you.
On Friday’s Drive Show our guest - the fabulous Lincolnshire antique expert Jono Dilley @original_jazz_decor - completely took our presenter Amy Claridge by surprise by doing something rather unexpected… we hope you enjoy this clip!! We’re so grateful to Jono and all the wonderful Lincolnshire people who come into our studios as guests. You help us share so much fun!! ❤️📻 #localradio #communityradio #lincolnshire
DID YOU KNOW? We’re entirely run by volunteers including all our presenters but we’re a community commercial station. Please send a message if you would like to sponsor or advertise with you. Thank you.