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Art - Poetry - Photography
Free Entry & Open to All Ages
We are delighted to be open for creative entries inspired by gratitude for the 5th Edition of the creative wellbeing resource The Yellow Book. You can now view the online galleries & enter your own art, poetry & photography. Uplift & inspire others with your . What are you thankful for?
We are so grateful for everyone who came together to make this project possible and we all hope that you enjoy the project. It's now 10 years since the first project was run and we are very grateful for all the help and support over the years!
Thanks Lisa Ward for all your work with the website!
AND THANK YOU to all those involved in the project single created to help inspire entries in to the project!
, Lucy Ward, Refuge, Bree Hubbard of Peterborough College, David Jackson Raf Hamaizia of Cygnet Group, Dan Starr of THE MOJO SHOW with Dan & Faye, Claire Evans at TLC Connection
The Choir features pupils from F&B Infants School, High Wych CE Primary School, Mandeville Primary School & Nursery, Reedings Junior School, Spellbrook C of E Primary School
These are the Sawbridgeworth schools that were part of the first yellow book for primary schools
Recorded mixed and mastered by Adam Ellis at Deadline Studios
Music Video & Filming James Douglas Films
Concept body art Emma Fay featuring Charlotte Parker
Primal Mistry - Graphic Designer
Arty Records
Thanks to everyone for their patience! we are now ready to Creatively Express Gratitude