Wow. First practice with The Chapel Choir of Leeds Trinity University tonight and sounding STRONG! 😍
New members welcome! No previous experience necessary.
6pm on Wednesdays (term time) in the Leeds Trinity University Chapel.
The Trinity Conferece
Here's Bishop Marcus at the Trinity Conference. Interested in what Monsignor James talked about?
Watch his keynote talk here 👉
Diocese of Leeds/Bishop of Leeds Diocese of Leeds Faith Formation University of Mary Leeds Trinity University
Monsignor James Shea
We absolutely loved that Monsignor James could join us for the conference! Missed his spectacular keynote talk?
Watch it here 👉
University of Mary Leeds Trinity University Diocese of Leeds/Bishop of Leeds Diocese of Leeds Faith Formation
🎬 We're having a movie night and you're invited!
👀 Look out for the poll on our instagram (@ltuchaplaincy) and have your say in what we watch.
🕕 Tuesday 30 Jan, 6pm (Meet in the Chaplaincy)
🖊 Mark your calendars, and we'll see you there!