Thank you for sticking with us this week and listening to our giving review information. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you with any aspect of Stewardship and Income Generation. [email protected]
Diocese of Leeds, Church of England
Get your online giving page promoted..
FIFTY PERCENT of our churches have online giving. Is your online giving page working hard for you?
Grants and loans from the Diocese of Leeds
Grants and loans from the Diocese!
Applications welcomed NOW!
Legacies... why and how?
Anglicans are 3 times more likely to leave a legacy gift to charity other than their church. How do we put that right?
The stewardship path
This week's Tuesday Tip... the journey of generosity on the stewardship path...
About our Grant Surgeries...
Have you heard that we do Grant Surgeries?
You can drop in and talk to us about your grant related questions. This month we shall also hear about the Sir George Martin Trust.
Joining information in the comments below.
Thank you!
Diocese of Leeds, Church of England