Hailing from the heart of Romania, Sebas explores the depths of underground music, weaving together the haunting allure of the dark arts with groovy minimal beats. Since embarking on his musical journey in 2015, inspired by a close friend who opened the doors to the fascinating world of Minimal, Sebas has cultivated a unique alter ego that resonates deeply with those who immerse themselves in his sound.
Drenched in ethereal rhythms and pulsating basslines, Sebas’s tracks reflect a captivating blend of shadow and groove—perfect for those who seek a sonic escape into a realm where the dark meets the dancefloor.
Hailing from the heart of Romania, Sebas explores the depths of underground music, weaving together the haunting allure of the dark arts with groovy minimal beats. Since embarking on his musical journey in 2015, inspired by a close friend who opened the doors to the fascinating world of Minimal, Sebas has cultivated a unique alter ego that resonates deeply with those who immerse themselves in his sound.
Drenched in ethereal rhythms and pulsating basslines, Sebas’s tracks reflect a captivating blend of shadow and groove—perfect for those who seek a sonic escape into a realm where the dark meets the dancefloor.
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Artwork by: Andrei Teo
Hailing from the heart of Romania, Sebas explores the depths of underground music, weaving together the haunting allure of the dark arts with groovy minimal beats. Since embarking on his musical journ