My name is Sarah and I am a currently retraining as a Nutrition Therapist and Coach. My primary aim is to help women facing health issues such as fatigue, digestion problems, menopause symptoms, and those wishing to rebuild their health following illness and/or weight gain. I suffered from chronic fatigue myself for many years, which I managed to conquer through dietary and lifestyle changes. Then
in 2022 I was diagnosed with uterine cancer and underwent surgery, chemo- and radio-therapies. Happily the treatment was successful but it left me overweight, debilitated and with several inevitable side-effects. Since then I have had to completely rebuild my health and now, 8 months on and 23lb lighter I'm feeling strong and well again! I knew, post-treatment, that it was time to make changes in my life and launching into this new career feels so RIGHT for me. I've always believed that diet and nutrition hold the keys to our health and well-being and now I can put all my knowledge and experience to use, to help others achieve the vibrant health and vitality that we all deserve! I will be launching my Nutrition Coaching consultancy New Dawn Nutrition in September 2023. Following this, in 2024 I aim to complete my diploma in Naturopathic Nutrition with the Nutritional Healing Foundation and will then be qualified to offer a broader range of Nutritional Therapies. Please don't hesitate to DM me for a chat if you would like further information, I would love to hear from you! Wishing you very well, Sarah x