A common myth I’m asked pretty much each week from clients “I need you to grow my following as much as possible!”😱
But here’s the thing…WHY would you want hundreds of people following you who have no idea who you are; what you do or have no desire to buy from you😳?!
Instead…turn your focus to attracting AND retaining followers who are going to support your business and help you grow organically. It’s about quality NOT quantity 🙏
If you’re struggling with content ideas or management of your social media please just get in touch 😘
Sometimes it’s the smallest of gestures ☺️
These little messages in our gym lockers this morning 💙
Thanks The Gym, Strood 🙌🏻
Chuffed to see one of my clients Slimpod weight loss by Thinking Slimmer feature on tonight’s “How to lose weight well” on Channel 4 ❤️
A little Christmas message 🍾🥂🧡
When you manage to get one of your clients tweets read out on Lorraine ☺️☺️
Just getting one of my clients into the Halloween mood with some cheeky props