Stop Jabba-Ing On

Stop Jabba-Ing On Hi, I'm Simon, the Founder of Perception Studios UK. Something I love doing is helping brands and b

Maybe im in the wrong business. The last few weeks have been garden based weekends. Our bottom flowerbed finally rotted ...

Maybe im in the wrong business.

The last few weeks have been garden based weekends.

Our bottom flowerbed finally rotted away cracking and dropping chalk and wood everywhere rather dangerously.

I have since, dug this all out to find I had to rebuild the steps.

I learnt how to mix cement, disk cut and brick lay so I could do that part. I also built up some older sleeper based beds and moved most of the chalk (about 4 tonnes of it) up the garden to fill the bed and flatten the ground off behind it.

Today I finally got to do something easier with putting in new much stronger sleepers than the scaffolding boards that where holding back about 10 tonnes of soil.

Still loads to do but think I’m getting there slowly but surely.

What do you think for a first timer?

Today is   a day to celebrate all types of wine and let’s be honest there’s 1000’s of different types to suit almost eve...

Today is a day to celebrate all types of wine and let’s be honest there’s 1000’s of different types to suit almost every single taste.

Now, there’s not 1000’s of types of content but there are enough types to suit everyone too.

When it comes to creating content I do like to see my clients creating content across the board so as not to alienate a potential new community member. You see, you might only love writing, you could indeed be the great blog writer known to human kind, but, if I don’t want to read it how can I get all that value?

This is where working with a content creator like me helps as I can take that piece of content you love creating and help you make it into multiple pieces so then you have content to appeal a wider audience.

So, if you’re looking to create regular content on just one platform from now on, make sure you get some help to keep talking to everyone else too. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Today is   a chance to celebrate these amazing creatures and all the wisdom they seem to possess. The thing is, there wi...

Today is a chance to celebrate these amazing creatures and all the wisdom they seem to possess.

The thing is, there wisdom is just like all these so called “experts” on social media these days. It’s unqualified until you see results.

This is why with all my visual content I try to help my clients also test and measure. In other words look at results, analytics and potentially even have two versions of the same content with a different call to action, otherwise known as a b testing.

There are too many people just throwing around un tested advice when it comes to content and you have to be sure you’re getting the right advice.

I’m in no way saying that I’m giving the right advice (although I know I am) but do some testing of your own and make sure the advice your putting all the faith of your business into actually measures up. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Today is so, here’s a question for you, and be honest, do you reply to the comments?

If you’re getting any comments on your content, you should be looking to respond.

It seems that a lot of accounts, especially business account, ignore the comments under their own posts. Remember, I’ve spoken about this before……that integral word……SOCIAL. So, be social and react to comments.

You wouldn’t ignore people’s remarks at a party and just casually pass them by so don’t do it here. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Today is   and got me thinking how happy do you make your audience by giving enough value? So many people spend their ti...

Today is and got me thinking how happy do you make your audience by giving enough value?

So many people spend their time on social media SELLING. They forget to treat the platforms of choice and the people digesting their content the same way they’d like to be treated. As a you have so much value you’re able to give.

Think about this, how often do you go into a store, get sold to instantly and want out straight away. Social media is the best place to give value, value and a bit more value. However, too many see this as crazy as they’re giving away their content for free.

However, keep giving for free and watch your brand and group of raving fans grow, and then as your audience grows you can start to drop in the ask now and again.

To find out more about how my process helps you with this and the content creation, just drop me a line (email in bio) I’m always happy to chat and help where I can.

It’s   Now I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but then neither am I which is why I get trolled from time to time. I s...

It’s Now I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but then neither am I which is why I get trolled from time to time.

I sometimes actually think of social media trolls in the same way as coriander. The have no place in the world but sadly they exist and there’s not a huge amount we can do to eradicate them but we can do our best to stop them in their track.

One of the things I try to live by is “it’s none of my business what anyone else thinks of me”. Easier said than done I know, but that helps me make sure I press go on all my content. However, when the trolls hit, sometimes it’s difficult. There’s a few things you can do though,

1. Kill them with kindness, there’s usually someone with a whole lot of hurt behind the hate, so talk to them super nicely, I’ve usually got them round to my side of things by doing this

2. Ignore them completely, this doesn’t help interaction on your content but it does usually cheese them off

3. Remember they’re helping the algorithm push your content further as their interaction, even negative is interaction on your content and the software sees this, so respond to them (nicely preferably), and keep responding as all that lovely interaction improves your algorithm score and gets your content seen by more people

The main thing to remember is point number 3 really, yes they must be a hateful person to feel the need to blindly troll people, but, the main thing is they’re helping your content, they’re certainly not hindering it by watching it and commenting on it. So what I say is “I LOVE TROLLS”. ⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

It’s   day, so I want to know what random acts you’ve done today?Also, let’s have a chat about what you could do for you...

It’s day, so I want to know what random acts you’ve done today?

Also, let’s have a chat about what you could do for your audience that’s also an act of kindness.

For me and for you on social media, so many people forget the most important concept behind social media, and that’s being SOCIAL. It’s what the platforms where invented for, they all originated from forums and sites like Friends ReUnited which are meant for talking to friends about things, catching up, or speaking to long lost friends.

So, when a social media channel is designed specifically for this type of thing, and businesses have just latched on to the idea, do you not think it’s best to use them for what they’re meant to be used for….being SOCIAL. Yes, it’s great to make money from potential new customers on social media, but the main thing is to help people, give your audience value and have those conversations with people.

So, next time you’re on social media, maybe it’s time for you to be sure you’re giving value based content and perhaps reaching out to people who’re literally asking for help in your area of expertise on social media i.e. use the search function and find them. Get involved in the community.

If you need more help, just drop me a line for a chat. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

So how often do you do a health check on your social media?So many of us just post randomly in the hope it’ll get a resp...

So how often do you do a health check on your social media?

So many of us just post randomly in the hope it’ll get a response of some sort. If you understand who your avatar (audience) is then you’ll have a much better idea of when they’re using the platform of choice and be able to not only make content that appeals to them but also when they’ll be likely to be online to see it.

So, do you know who your avatar client is, and if not how to find them? ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Well today is   what do you do to show your audience you care?Well how about by not selling but giving value.We all know...

Well today is what do you do to show your audience you care?

Well how about by not selling but giving value.

We all know that we don’t like being sold to, so why do we still see so many businesses ignoring the rules of engagement and spending their time selling solidly on their social media channels.

They don’t respond to comments, and every single photo and piece of copy is selling to their audience, and then they wonder why the don’t get the interaction rates they really wanted.

Now, imagine giving nothing but value to your audience. Imagine being an expert in your field, a voice of authority, and giving them that value for free, value that will really help them, value they can use and implement in their business straight away. Imagine responding to every single comment you get rather than acting like a douchbag and not talking to the 5 people who’ve taken time to write to you in the comments.

If you can do the above, you’ll be amazed at how your audience will grow, and how you’ll build a group of incredible raving fans.

If you want to discuss your social media more, you can always drop me a line (link in my profile), I look forward to speaking to you

I’m back and I mean business…..let’s help you get creating content in 2022. I’ve had a bit of a hiatus, honestly I was b...

I’m back and I mean business…..let’s help you get creating content in 2022.

I’ve had a bit of a hiatus, honestly I was burnt out, exhausted, shattered……whatever you’d call it. I’d been on full tilt since Covid hit in 2020 and wasn’t able to keep pushing on. I feel more refreshed now though and ready to help as many people as possible create content and make their videos the D’s B’s. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

I KNOW, I KNOWI preach that doing video content yourself is important for your brand and business. However, there comes ...


I preach that doing video content yourself is important for your brand and business.

However, there comes a time when you should get someone in who knows what they’re doing.

When you’re putting your brand or business in front of people, and trying to sell it, there’s nothing worse than sticking a badly filmed, edited, or thought out piece of content in front of your community.

You’ve got to be honest with yourself. Just because you or someone from your team made it, it doesn’t mean it’s great.

Watch your piece / pieces of content and would they actually bring you ANY business. In fact, would they make YOU stop as you scroll to see them?

If the honest answer is no, it’s time to drop me a line for a chat and we can take your content to the next level and get you a much better return on it than a couple of bot comments and 3 likes from an audience of 1000’s.


You’ve no doubt set your goals and plans for 2022 and your brand and business. The question is, do they include creating...

You’ve no doubt set your goals and plans for 2022 and your brand and business. The question is, do they include creating videos, the likely hood is yes.

So, to help you start creating great talking head videos I’m going to create a series of posts to help you make great looking and sounding content using just your phone.

Yes, you’ll need to spend a few quid but you’ll then end up with great content to hand over to your editor to make your social media videos week after week after week. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

ARE YOU PLANNING YOUR CONTENT?When it comes to content creation, I've heard all the excuses.....however, in an age where...


When it comes to content creation, I've heard all the excuses.....however, in an age where we nearly all walk around with a smart phone in our back pocket, with the ability to download apps onto them......there's NO EXCUSE for not creating content for your brand and or business.

With meme creation apps, podcast creating apps, video editing software and so much more, all available on your mobile phone, what is it that's really stopping you from creating content to pass on your value and build a group of raving fans?


So, are you ready for 2022?

Do you know what you’re going to be posting about?

Don’t forget the opportunity for you to create content galore by simply getting that blog written and published.

Start writing a blog, and with this one thing you can make so much more with the “How to 9 x your social media” process.

  you beautiful people. So, yet another festive period is almost over. I’ve still done some editing work while I’ve been...

you beautiful people. So, yet another festive period is almost over. I’ve still done some editing work while I’ve been away in but it’s been mostly family time and a whole lot of sledging.

However, 2022 is here now, and as much as we all have no idea what’s in store I do know it’ll continue to involve creating great visual content for amazing new and current clients for me.

Fingers crossed for a great new year for you@and your brand. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Ah, here we are again in a new year speaking about one of my favourite subject matters.If I gave you 20k followers on yo...

Ah, here we are again in a new year speaking about one of my favourite subject matters.

If I gave you 20k followers on your social media right now, what would you do?

Throw a party 🎉
Tell the world your an influencer

Or would you be more worried about whether the 20k people are actually going to give a damn about your content. ❌

When you're building an audience, don’t look to gain a fake audience. Stop asking for sub for sub, follow for follow and everything else that will hurt your brand.

Social media channels are Intelligent and look at your content and see low interactions on your content with massively high sub numbers and assume your content is 💩

Just grow a channel with people who give a damn about your content. Who cares if you’ve got 100 followers, they care about your content and the value you’ve got to give. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Today is   which is fairly apt on the launch day of   The thing is, as a brand and business you should now be fully awar...

Today is which is fairly apt on the launch day of The thing is, as a brand and business you should now be fully aware that the attention for an audience is now on the thing in your hands.

Can you tell me what adverts where on in the first break?????

Of course not, the first thing you did was pick up your phone and see what’s happening on social media…..or maybe made a brew.

Remember, this is where the attention is, so make sure you’re speaking to your audience on a regular basis on it so they don’t forget you or even worse, follow a competitor. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Which men in your life do you want to celebrate?As it’s   I wanted to give thanks to having my dad in my life for the ti...

Which men in your life do you want to celebrate?

As it’s I wanted to give thanks to having my dad in my life for the time I did.

In fact, it was him passing away that put me where I am now in that I want to leave a legacy of helping people.

I had no idea how many people my dad had helped in the world of engineering. So many people came to me to tell me how they’d not be doing the jobs they do today if it wasn’t for my dad.

It made me realise how much I simply want to help people with their content and simply creating some of it themselves.

Thanks dad

Which men in your life do you want to celebrate?


Today is   and let’s face it, there’s not many people in the world who don’t like him. Sadly being liked by everyone is ...

Today is and let’s face it, there’s not many people in the world who don’t like him. Sadly being liked by everyone is something we all seem to get caught up in from time to time. We air on the side of caution sometimes with our content, or even worse not put anything out.

In fact pretty much the number one reason (apart from fear of what anyone else thinks) for not putting out your content, is the fear of perfection, which does kind of tie itself back into what others think of your content too.

Perfect content is the one illusive goal we all, always want to aim for, however, aiming for perfection every single time we put out a single piece of social media content, especially as a small business trying to build a group of raving fans through the value we give, is damn near impossible.

If we always waited until a piece of content we made was perfect, well, let’s be honest, we’d never put anything out for people to consume. It ties back into my main point I’ve made many times


So how do you get over this level of perfection you’re always striving for. Well frankly it’s not easy. For me, I just told myself


For you, it might be something completely different. However, the one thing that’s for sure is you have to get over it, to produce the amount of content that can make an impact for your brand and business on a daily basis.

So, next time you’re creating content, don’t panic about the imperfect edit.

If you want to chat through this more, drop me a line (link in my profile) I’d be more than happy to talk

DECEMBER IS ROUND THE CORNERSo, we’ve got two weeks to go until the Festive season madness really kicks in.  So it begs ...


So, we’ve got two weeks to go until the Festive season madness really kicks in. So it begs the question, as a brand and a business is it a chance for you you to ramp up your content?

Not all businesses need to slow down in the lead up, so what content have you got planned?

Have you planned anything at all?

Spend today to planning and maybe even reaching out to companies who can help you create your content in time for December the 1st. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

STOP CHASING PERFECTIONSo many of us sit down, ready to post something on social media but the picture we want to use is...


So many of us sit down, ready to post something on social media but the picture we want to use is just not quite right, the audio doesn’t sound like we’d like it too, the video we want to use isn’t PERFECT.

You have got to stop chasing perfection with your daily content. The important part of daily content is the value you’re giving your audience, it’s not about the perfect lighting. Don’t get me wrong it’s nice now and again to post something that looks nice, but, it’s not the be all and end all for your content.

Remember…..if you’re not communicating then nobody can hear what you’ve got to say, and it could be the most important information they’ll ever consume for their business and make them want to be a customer of yours.

The only thing I need to be perfect day to day for me is my coffee.

So, next time you’re creating content, don’t panic about the imperfect edit, the dodgy masked line in a photo / meme, the slight clip on some audio, just remember, if you don’t put it out at all, then you’re never going to grow your audience of raving fans on social media…..and let’s not forget, we all want attention, and social media and the mobile phone is where that attention is at.

If you want to chat through this more, drop me a line (link in my profile) I’d be more than happy to talk

We all love a great story.  Especially when it comes to creating content we should always be thinking about the story we...

We all love a great story. Especially when it comes to creating content we should always be thinking about the story we’re telling.

If your content doesn’t have a story too it, the value someone can get from it, why would they opt to consume it.

Your content wants to engage your audience, draw them in, take them on a journey and turn them into a raving fan so they subscribe for more.

So plan your content, and make sure you plan the story to go with each piece so you have a beginning middle and end to draw your audience through. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

IT’S FRIDAY NIGHT AND THAT MEANS LONGER IN BEDThe rains been pouring down, it’s 10pm and it’s almost the weekend, and we...


The rains been pouring down, it’s 10pm and it’s almost the weekend, and we all love the weekend.

It’s a time to take a break, spend time with family and friends and have some time off from working. However, we have to remember, social media doesn’t switch off for the weekend and have a bit longer in bed

The weekend is the perfect time to be speaking to your amazing audience, they’ve got time on theirs hands and will be checking their social media channels more often. That doesn’t mean you have to post more often, but, it does mean if you do post you’ve more chance of being seen and heard as the chances are your competition isn’t talking to them yet.

So this weekend, put out a few pieces of content and show your audience you care, even on a day off.

Lest we forget.

Lest we forget.

On international accountants day HOW DO YOU APPROACH WRITING YOUR BLOGS to make it interesting and connect to today or a...

On international accountants day HOW DO YOU APPROACH WRITING YOUR BLOGS to make it interesting and connect to today or any other day?

So many people stop before they’ve even started with their social media content because they struggle with ideas. The blog is the doorway to creating amazing content going forwards, but, if you’re not sure what you’re going to be writing about in the first place, it can become massively daunting, and you end up doing nothing at all and hitting social media with scattergun content.

So, how should you approach writing a blog?

Well, something I speak about a lot is planning your content, even if it’s month by month, at least then you understand what you’re going to be writing about week on week. Now to make this even easier for yourself, look at potentially tieing your content back into events that are happening generally.

ie blogging on , and you’re an accountant, write a blog about how you claim for mileage when you’re using an electric vehicle for your business etc etc.

It’s simply about thinking about what people will be looking for, or more importantly stumble across as they’re searching the # connected to that event and find interesting enough to click and read the content.

So, stop now, start planning your content, thinking about what you’re going to write about for the next month, and move on from there with your content. I can’t wait to see what you’re writing about.


Hurstbourne Tarrant


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