Beauty Business Secrets

Beauty Business Secrets Helping beauty business owners get more clients and earn more money for 22 years!

I help beauty salon, spas and other independent beauty business owners to create a solid business foundation, get more clients, keep more clients, make more money, create more time for themselves and reduce the stress of running a modern beauty business.


How are everyone's enquiry levels?

It’s no fun when new enquiries go quiet.

Especially if you’ve been doing the things you’ve been told in order to generate those leads and enquiries.

…on social
…on google
…asking for reviews

It’s downright bloody infuriating when even the enquiries you DO get take ages to convert into clients.

Or worse still, they just ghost you…

Sound familiar?

This is why, if you are low on enquiries and struggling to convert them … that’s like a double-whammy, a one-two punch…

I have two things to say on this:

This is a common problem that a lot of beauty business owners are facing. You are not alone, so don’t give up…

Oh and I have a solution for you.

Last week, I showed you how to convert your hottest enquiries into clients quickly using a simple phone call…

But not everyone is ready right now, so what then?

Believe me, you can get more of those precious enquiries to book in with you.

And the best bit is you can make it all hands off, so once it’s set up, it costs you zero time and yet keeps working for you and converting enquiries into clients.

…even when you are asleep!

We call it the New Enquiry Sequence, and it’s a complete step-by-step sequence of what to do and what to say to new enquiries in the first few days they come into your world.

I’ll show you…

How to shorten the time between them discovering you and booking in
How to write personalised and professional emails that stand out, get opened and get read
How to automate the process so it happens like clockwork

… all of this works in harmony to generate new bookings for you every week.

I’m just putting the finishing touches on the training and cheatsheet now, but the first 50 people to comment the word SEQUENCE will get the training and the cheatsheet absolutely FREE!

As a beauty business owner, there’s one question you MUST know the answer to….What is one new client worth to you?Let’s ...

As a beauty business owner, there’s one question you MUST know the answer to….

What is one new client worth to you?

Let’s say they book in for your priciest thing…

Or your top treatment program or biggest course…

How much money will you be earning from that?

If you can’t give me an answer to that question straight away…

Well, I suggest you figure it out soon.


Because when you put a ‘dollar in my pocket’ value on your enquiries and leads…

You’ll immediately start to treat them differently.

And soon, as if by magic, you’ll see your enquiry to client conversion rate increase dramatically.

Here’s how this works…..

Let’s say you know that each new client who books an appointment with is has £3,000 price tag pinned to them…

You start to look at everyone who raises their hands to see if you can help them…

Not just as potential clients, but you see them as someone you can help AND another £3k in your business.

….and therefore a specific amount of money in YOUR pocket.
SO give this a try today…

Put an actual number on each new enquiry you get.

… this will help you start to treat every enquiry as a “soon to be client”.

Then everyday, when you look at your enquiries list and you see there are 11 people you spoke to recently…

You won’t see 11 maybe clients.

You’ll realise that’s £33,000 just waiting to be in your bank account.

I reckon when you start to look at it like that, you’ll be just a tiny bit more motivated to send that follow-up message…

Maybe even pick up the phone to start, or continue the conversation.

Because that’s the power of understanding the true value of your clients…

And it’ll give you the shove you need to prioritise converting your enquiries and to focus on moving them through your sales process starting today . . . .

I shudder when I think about my first-ever in-person workshop…Several years ago, I held a 2-day workshop at the Professi...

I shudder when I think about my first-ever in-person workshop…

Several years ago, I held a 2-day workshop at the Professional Beauty Conference in London.

Guess how many slides I had in my presentation.


Yeah, 323 slides . . . and that was just day one.

I wanted everyone to leave the workshop with as much knowledge and information as I could pack in so they’d get incredible value, grow their business and tell all their friends.

It was amazing … and exhausting, but the attendees loved it.
Only there was just WAY too much information for them to take in.

And, bless them, while they kept engaging, laughed in the appropriate places and by lunchtime had plastered smiles on their increasingly overwhelmed faces, I began to sense a collective vibe of ...

"Adam . . . stop with the slides already".

When day one came to a close, I happily announced that we'd get back to it first thing in the morning for MORE!

Problem was, . . . I hadn't actually got any slides prepped for Day Two. My ridiculous plan was to work on them overnight.

But I was shattered, out of breath, and my voice had gone.

All I had was the outline I scribbled out detailing what I wanted the people to take away from the workshop.

Fortunately, a friend of mine said:

"Adam, just use that. Your audience doesn't need perfectly branded slides . . . they just want the roadmap, print it out, give everyone a copy and talk them through that."

So I did.

And it worked brilliantly ... better even than the day before.
Since then, I've never looked back.

You see people can only take so much in at one time if they are going to usefully do anything with it.

In this way, information is like water. Too much at once is more harmful as not enough.

This principle is true for your clients and potential clients too.
You’ve got a LOT of knowledge and expertise. It's likely why your clients come to you.

When you attempt to pass it on, your ability to understand concepts, be it lash maintenance, skin care, home stretches, nutrition nuances . . . is far greater than your clients.

If you firehose them with information, they'll retain none of it or simply be confused by it.
..meaning they won’t follow it, and they'll fail.

When educating your clients and potential clients about what THEY need to do to obtain or maintain the best results from coming to you...
...give it to them like sips of water they can manage.

They'll understand more, implement more and win much more.

Let your information breathe . . . or your clients will drown.



Are you a solo Skin Clinic owner who wants to get to £8k in monthly revenue...

Learning how to manage time efficiently is absolutely critical to the success and growth of your skin clinic or beauty b...

Learning how to manage time efficiently is absolutely critical to the success and growth of your skin clinic or beauty business.

…not to mention your mental health.

In fact, if you manage your time correctly, you can free up the equivalent of an extra workday every week.

Imagine what you could do with that.

You could tick off every important to-do on your list…

You could work on increasing your revenue and profits, meaning more money in your pocket…

You could master the Tibetan nose flute…

Heck . . . you could even choose to use it up as a full day of rest.

The best part though?

This is exactly what I am talking about in today’s video.

Ready for it?

Get started here >>>

…Adam “Free Time” Chatterley

What’s the hardest part about getting everything done in your beauty business?Is it figuring out what to do first … seco...

What’s the hardest part about getting everything done in your beauty business?

Is it figuring out what to do first … second … third etc.?

Finding the time to do anything at all?

Or is it knowing what you should be working on to get you what you want?

Here’s the thing…

Most beauty business owners are OVERWHELMED.

They’ve already got too much on their plates.

But what if…

You had an extra day each week to get everything sorted?

You might say:

“Adam, that would be amazing! If only that was possible.”

Well, let me tell you…

It's 100% possible!!

There is a way to avoid drowning in to-dos…

And get some altitude on the tasks that matter - so you know what's really important.

No, it doesn’t involve cloning yourself.

In fact it only takes a couple of weeks to put in place.

I’m going to show you precisely what to do in this week’s workshop, The Extra 6 Hour Edge™.

For now, just know that it involves three key principles:

Controlling your time
Spending the extra time wisely
Building a two-week runway to deliver your ideal week

If you want to join me and gain your Extra 6 Hour Edge™ — comment the word EDGE and we’ll send you the workbook, training and next steps.


I just updated my playbook to make your marketing easier and ensure it gets more of your ideal clients...
Who wants a FREE copy?

Would you do something for me...Please stop squandering your marketing efforts by talking to the wrong people.I see it A...

Would you do something for me...

Please stop squandering your marketing efforts by talking to the wrong people.

I see it ALL the time . . . beauty business owners trying to talk to everybody.

I get why we think this is a good idea...

Surely if you offend no one by trying to appeal to everyone, that will increase the number of clients through your doors.


The truth is that everything becomes more effective when you speak directly and only to your P.F.C. (that's your Perfect Future Client) and actively ignore everyone else.

In today's world, it’s the only way your marketing will get attention.

…the right people’s attention.

This means your emails and social posts get responses.

Meaning YOU get more clients.

These days, your marketing should be focused on repelling anyone but your perfect client.

The problem is, how do you know WHO your perfect future client is, WHAT they want to hear and HOW to talk to them?

That's precisely what I'm covering in a free workshop this week.

Want to learn how to make getting new clients easier?

Comment the phrase "EASY CLIENTS" and I'll send you the details.

If you are starting a beauty business in 2024  the name you choose is more important than ever.....even if you're alread...

If you are starting a beauty business in 2024 the name you choose is more important than ever...
..even if you're already in business and thinking of rebranding, you don't want to make the same mistakes.

I've just revamped my "How to Choose the Perfect Beauty Business Name" YouTube video for 2024 with everything you need to think about...
..and the mistakes to avoid.

Check it out here:
. . and let me know what you think!

And if you know anyone starting their business in 2024, please share it with them.

The name you choose for your beauty business, skin clinic, salon, or beauty brand is more important than ever in 2024. It's the first thing potential clients...


I'm looking for 3 beauty business owners who need more clients and want to add £2-£3k in revenue in the next 8 weeks.

Oh and just in case you were actually stupid enough to think of voting Conservative tomorrow . . Here’s a quick summary ...

Oh and just in case you were actually stupid enough to think of voting Conservative tomorrow . .

Here’s a quick summary of their performance:

Pie's last rant about the Tories before the election.



🥁 Drumroll, please! 🥁

We are thrilled to announce the winner of the exclusive 6-week one-to-one coaching package worth £1500 with yours truly that we ran this week at the amazing Salon Life conference! 🌟

We put all the entries into a hat (bowl), and my beautiful assistant selected the winner, Cheryl Owens, as the lucky recipient of this incredible opportunity. 🏆

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated and showed such enthusiasm for their personal development and growth. Your engagement has been truly inspiring, and I am deeply grateful for each and every one of you. 🙏

To Cheryl: Get ready to embark on a transformative journey! I can't wait to work with you and help you achieve your goals. Let's make these six weeks truly extraordinary! 🌠

Warning: This post is likely to trigger some people and possibly garner me some hate comments, but I'm OK with that.Beca...

Warning: This post is likely to trigger some people and possibly garner me some hate comments, but I'm OK with that.

Because despite what some recent campaigns would have you believe...

There is no pricing crisis in the beauty industry.

Other so-called 'industry experts' have even jumped on this bandwagon, using it to scare other areas of the industry into believing there's a crisis.

The prices most beauty business owners charge are definitely too low, but it's certainly not a crisis because it's been going on for ages.

Welcome to the party people.

Let's get this straight shall we, your prices are YOUR prices.
It doesn't matter what anyone else is charging, your only concern is what you charge.

You can and should charge whatever you want for your treatment and services, but a handful of common mistakes often prevent beauty businesses from getting paid the prices you want to charge...and one mistake that means some of your treatments cost you money to perform without you even realising.

In this week's episode of The Beauty Business Podcast, I compiled the most common pricing mistakes and covered the quickest fixes for them.

Because that's one of the best thing about pricing problems...

They're the easiest to fix and the quickest to see results from.
And don't worry, I'm not even going to bang on about the theory,
I'm just going to give you the audio cheat sheet so you can simply identify the issues in your pricing and apply the corresponding fix.

Use any of the links below to listen NOW:

Apple Podcast


The Beauty Business Podcast Website

If you’re not familiar with podcasts, and you wouldn't know a podcast player if it walked up and slapped you in the face.

Don't worry.

If you have an iPhone (or iPad), click the Apple Podcasts link above. The episode will open in the App, ready for you to listen.

If you have an Android phone (basically, not an iPhone), click the Spotify link.

If you're old school and reading this on your computer or laptop, just click the Beauty Business Podcast link above which will open a webpage where you can listen online.

Once you’ve listened, if you have any questions at all . . . find this post, comment and ask away.

I do all my own stunts, read all your comments and more often than not, reply to them all too.

Fix your prices, get paid properly.

❌Key Pitfalls to Sidestep for Beauty Business Success❌There are several common pitfalls that beauty business owners fall...

❌Key Pitfalls to Sidestep for Beauty Business Success❌

There are several common pitfalls that beauty business owners fall into when operating from a place of fear. These include:

🚫Doing the Same Thing and Expecting Different Results:

This classic mistake, often attributed to Einstein, highlights the futility of repeating the same actions while hoping for a different outcome.

🚫Following the Crowd:

Instead of blazing their own trail, some entrepreneurs opt to mimic what everyone else is doing, believing it to be a safer option. However, this approach rarely leads to significant growth or differentiation.

🚫Avoiding Investment:

Whether it's investing time, money, or energy into their business, fear can cause entrepreneurs to hold back from making the necessary commitments to fuel growth.

🚫Preferring Freebies

Over Investment: While free resources can be valuable, they often lack the depth and quality needed to drive meaningful change. By prioritizing freebies over investments in themselves and their businesses, entrepreneurs miss out on opportunities for growth.

Learn how to avoid these key pitfalls by listening to the full episode of The Beauty Business Podcast: Is Fear Holding You Back?

Subscribe and tune in now using any of the links below 👇

Apple Podcast:



Every day in your business, decisions shape your destiny. 💼✨ But fear? It's the silent saboteur, lurking in every corner...

Every day in your business, decisions shape your destiny. 💼✨

But fear? It's the silent saboteur, lurking in every corner. 🚫

Don't let it hold you back!

Tune in to The Beauty Business Podcast for expert insights on spotting and squashing those fear-based decisions. 💪

Trust me, you'll want to listen again so here are the links to listen now 👇

Apple Podcast:



I've never been called that before . .  😳I got this message from Kay last week...As Kay's message says, it's wonderfully...

I've never been called that before . . 😳

I got this message from Kay last week...

As Kay's message says, it's wonderfully sparing with your time, delicately light on your wallet, yet unbelievably BIG on results.

...and it's like nothing else you've experienced.

The thing is, I only open up the doors to F.R.A.M.E. Yourself™ once a year, in January, but I've decided to open it up for a few people to join at the start of April.

So let me ask you ...

If you DON'T want:

❌ to watch a bunch of training videos
❌ to show up for zoom calls
❌ to join another Facebook group
❌ to learn more stuff you don't need to know or
❌ attend regular meet-ups....

But you DO

✅ want to get stuff done
✅ procrastinate less
✅ have more time, and
✅ make more money in your beauty business...

Comment the word FRAME and I'll send you back all the details plus a short video to explain exactly how it works.

Learning lead generation as a beauty business owner is integral for business growth, targeted marketing, building custom...

Learning lead generation as a beauty business owner is integral for business growth, targeted marketing, building customer relationships, and adapting to the digital age. Knowing this can be highly beneficial for beauty business owners. 📈

Here are four reasons why:

1. Business Growth: By acquiring potential customer leads, you expand your customer base, increasing the chances of converting leads into actual customers. This is crucial for the growth and sustainability of your beauty business. More leads mean more opportunities for sales and revenue.✨

2. Targeted Marketing: Understanding lead generation allows you to focus your marketing efforts on a specific target audience. This is particularly important in the beauty industry, where different products and services cater to various demographics.🎯

3. Building Customer Relationships: You can engage with your audience, understand their needs, and provide valuable information. Building a relationship with potential customers creates trust and increases the likelihood that they will choose your beauty business when they are ready to avail your products and services.🤝

4. Adaptability in the Digital Age: In today's digital age, online presence is crucial for any business. Learning lead generation techniques equips you with the skills to navigate the digital landscape effectively. Staying adaptable in the ever-evolving digital environment is key to remaining competitive in the beauty industry. 📱

Ready to take your beauty business to the next level? Learn how lead generation can make a big difference! Join me in an exclusive webinar where we dive deeper into lead generation strategies for beauty business owners.

Comment “LEAD” and we’ll send you the link 👇




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