Our lantern shone out across Harwich Harbour just after midnight on New Year's Day.
As the Duke mentioned, the weather is most definitely wintry, with high winds and very high tides! We are live from our floating studio in Harwich Harbour.
Tim Wardley of the Waverley Trust will be live at midday today, followed by Keith Skues at 2pm.
Steve Jenner at 9
A two hour show with only 45s and two turntables! Steve Jenner may surprise you!
We're open for visitors 11-4 this weekend and admission is free (donations are very welcome).
https://Lv18.org #harwich
Man Overboard!
Our neighbours RNLI Harwich Lifeboat Station celebrated 200 years on station today and demonstrated lifesaving by throwing a dummy overboard.
Happy New Year from Harwich Harbour
We're live in the studio with Garry Lee until midnight, when our overnight recorded shows take us into Christmas Day
Radio Mi Amigo launches our 24/7 stream. Harwich harbour is a buzz with love, peace and good music from the big red ship. Enjoy !!!