🩵Soon to be available on Amazon.com our Sauna Hats, designed to allow you to stay in the sauna for longer so that you feel the benefits more deeply.🩵
I joined last January, on what would have been my Grandma’s 105th birthday! Since then I’ve had my head down figuring out the million piece puzzle that is Amazon. It looks so easy doesn’t it? Do we even think about how items are designed, sourced, shipped, checked in and sent out from Amazon? I never did. But now I do! It’s been a wild ride. But I’m getting closer to launching and have more products in the pipeline; all around enhancing your hobbies.
The process of choosing a product involves analysing data points; search volume, competition, price, shipping costs, cost per unit, profit margins. It’s geeky but fun! Then there’s the re-design, improvements, testing, tweaking, inspecting and shipping.
Creating an Amazon listing is a BEAST!! Images, videos, bullet points, SEO, A+ content if you’re brand registered (a whole other beast!)
Then the launch itself. Giveaways, a launch team (thank you to everyone who has signed up for it) blog posts, podcast episodes, reels.
All with the help of my lovely friends, the girls in our Slack channel in the USA, and the coaches who are amazing. That and a whole lot of putting one foot in front of the other. Every. Single. Day 🩵
If you’d like to know more, drop me a comment or a DM. And if you’re interested in the sauna hats, ditto! I’m always happy to chat about both! 🩵🩵🩵