COMING SOON.... We're in the middle of writing a 1920s gender neutral suspect game - to make it really easy for people to cast their friends in any role. However every time we release a game, we're always being asked to swap characters out of specific sizes as people don't want to play them... so Question for you this lazy sunday afternoon which of the following characters do you like best so we can get the "best characters" in the smaller copies of the game?
Ally Money - Wealthy divorcee
Newly divorced, with a sizeable settlement, Ally is impressively dressed and clearly back out on the dating circuit.
Jay Walker - Risk taker
A rebellious child of “old money”, Jay is often outrageously clothed and drives the fastest cars available.
Chris Tingle - Fashion Designer
Bright and shiny, Chris loves to dress to impress, and is a walking spectacle of colour and bling.
Ryan Aire - Aviation Enthusiast
The first to fly solo across the Atlantic, Ryan often arrives to parties in aviation attire having just flown in.
Alex Aah - Journalist
Well researched and quite the know it all, Alex has an answer for everything and is exceptionally well dressed.
Kendall Mintcake - Famous Explorer
Fresh from exploring North of the Arctic Circle, Kendall has always preferred to dress in natural fibres and furs which retain the heat better.
Angel Voices - Jazz Singer
Well known in Jazz circles, Angel has a voice to be reckoned with and a very distinctive style.
Gray Shades - Romance Novelist
Don’t be mistaken by the dark attire, this author is not a wall flower and is always in the centre of a scandal.
Jules Trader- Jeweller
Specialising in diamonds, this perfectly coiffured shop keeper always has an eye glass to hand to check out any interesting stones.
Brooklyn Bridges - Famous architect
With rolls of drawings, or sketch book to hand, this architect is never lost for ideas and often found extolling the curves and lines of local buildings.
August Daze - Tennis coach
Sportily dressed and ready for action, August positively oozes summer and is never seen without a racquet.
Jordan Riviera - Wine Merchant
A perfect accompaniment to any gathering, Jordan comes complete with witty patter and several bottles of vintage wine.
Val Lewation - Auctioneer
Snappily dressed and ready to make comment on any antiques or paintings, Val is used to rubbing shoulders with the rich and helping them to realise their assets.
Max Doutt - Nouveau-Rich Neighbour
Self made millionaire with dubious connections, Max is dressed with as much pizzazz as possible to be sure to stand out.
Pat Akake - Club owner
With dubious connections to the criminal underworld, Pat tends to keep to the shadows and is often found hiding underneath a large wide brimmed hat.
Taylor Thrift - Party Gatecrasher
Living somewhat close to the edge financially, Taylor’s clothing has seen better days and often sports a repair or two.
Charlie Stone - Musician
Dressed in Jazz appropriate black, Charlie has a reputation for making excellent music and has perfect timing.
Sandy Bunker - Professional Golfer
Sporting a dapper set of plus fours, Sandy is often found regaling people with tales of winning the latest golfing tournament.
Wynne Lawsuits - Yale Graduate
Impeccably dressed with perfect tailoring and clean cut lines and form, Wynne charges by the hour and isn’t one to give out free advice.
Andy Moorin - Yachty
Fresh with sea breeze and dressed in nautical style, Andy’s yacht doubles as a floating gin palace when docked.