After a frenetic few weeks over the Christmas period pulling together 3 very bespoke and very different custom writes, we're back on getting all the ducks lined up in a row for the Sherlock Holmes weekend on the 22nd February this year. It's a virtual weekend, and we have people from all over the globe joining us. As I'm sat here writing up the story.... we have enough funding from the Kickstarter campaign for the 6 suspect plot... but I have a really good plot for 7 (just not enough funding for that 7th suspect). Another 20 guests though... and I can get that 7th suspect into the game... so if you haven't already got tickets for the event - I'll link it below and perhaps you'd consider a weekend of fun with us and some other puzzle people at the end of feb!!
Video is from the original Kickstarter. But tickets are still available on our website on the link below: