HUGS FROM HEAVEN by Julie Vivienne || LCBN TV UK 29/01/2025
HUGS FROM HEAVEN by Julie Vivienne || LCBN TV UK 29/01/2025
#lcbntv #julievivienne #hugsfromheaven
Bible Memory Verse Of The Week on LifeCom Radio #lcbntvuk #lcbntv #lifecomradio #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough #faith #prolife #Christianperseverance #faithwhich #prophetic #messianic #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough . Psalm 16:11
What is Biblical rest? There are 2 Hebrew words for "rest" in Genesis chapter 2. In verse 3 God rested from His work of creation. The Hebrew word for "rest" here is "shabbat" meaning to "stop" . The second word in verse 15 is the the Hebrew word "nuakh" meaning to abide, to dwell, to settle. GOD didn't just "put" Adam in Eden as a physical location. The Hebrew text says God "rested" Adam in Eden. The Lord Jesus invtes us to come to Him and receive the rest of GOD, to know His salvation and abiding Presence. ( Matthew 11:28-30). We learn from Him in that whilst His life on earth was very full, it was never striving or stressful because He took time not only to physically rest but He arose early to be alone with The Father. There is no rest for those outdide of a relationship with The LORD either upon the earth or in Hell. No matter how well they may rest their bodies, their soul is in the perpetual chaos and turmoil of this world, like the ever shifting oceans. Biblical rest is an invitation from GOD Himself to abide in His Presence, for all eternity, starting now. We "shabbat", rest from our labours in order to "nuakh" in Abba Father's everlasting arms of Comfort and Grace. We become places where His Presence dwells.
Join Julie Vivienne every day on LifeCom Radio for an impactful Daily Bible Devotional at 9am 5pm and 9pm UK time. Download the free LifeCom Radio App today #lcbntvuk #lcbntv #lifecomradio #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough #faith #prolife #Christianperseverance #faithwhich #prophetic #messianic #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough
JESUS THE GREAT HIGH PRIEST by Julie Vivienne || LCBN TV UK 15.01.2025
JESUS THE GREAT HIGH PRIEST by Julie Vivienne, || LCBN TV UK 15.01.2025
#lcbntv #julievivienne
This is the final part of our mini series on the garments of the High Priest. Julie will speak on this subject in fullness today 15.01.25 on LCBNTV at 9.30 a.m UK time. (Visit the LCBNTV website, page or YouTube to catch up.) The High Priest wore a turban representing submission to the will of God. Our LORD Jesus always did the will of The Father ( John 6:38, Luke 22:41-42, Philippians 2:8). The plate or crown of pure gold was fastened to the turban with blue ribbons, representing God's incorruptible and unchanging nature with Divine Grace.The forehead through the Scriptures symbolizes the will, the mind and thoughts. In Revelation 14:9 and 17:5 those who follow The Beast are marked on their foreheads. The great harlot of Revelation 17:4-5 has her name written on her forehead. Those who follow The Lamb have His Name upon their foreheads ( Revelation 22:4). Our Great High Priest took His own blood into The Holy Presence of GOD in Heaven and has obtained redemption for all who personally believe in Him as Saviour ( Hebrews 9:12) and He has been exalted to the highest place and given The Name above all names ( Philippians 2:8-11). Glory to GOD for ever more! #lcbntvuk #lcbntv #lifecomradio #faithwhich #Christianperseverance #prolife #prophetic #messianic #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough
Join Julie Vivienne every day on LifeCom Radio for an impactful Daily Bible Devotional at 9am 5pm and 9pm UK time. Download the free LifeCom Radio App today.
Nothing God says or does is without purpose and meticulous planning. The details in the construction of these garments of the High Priest reveal much to us about our LORD God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The "curious girdle" of Exodus 28:8 is a skillfully woven waistband or belt/sash that bound all the garments together. It speaks of being prepared for service. Our Great High Priest is still serving His people as He ever lives to make intercession for them ( Hebrews 7 :25). The Son Of Man came not to be served, but to serve. (Mark 10:45) The Holy Spirit comes to us and binds us to The LORD in close fellowship and no one can snatch us from His hands because we are tied and woven into Him by His Spirit. ( John 10:28). Each of us was woven or knitted together within our mother's womb by our Creator. Glory to His Holy Name forever more.
Join Julie Vivienne every day on LifeCom Radio for an impactful Daily Bible Devotional at 9am 5pm and 9pm UK time. Download the free LifeCom Radio App today #lcbntvuk #lcbntv #lifecomradio #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough #faith #prolife #Christianperseverance #faithwhich #prophetic #messianic #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough
The blue robe of the High Priest is trimmed with alternate golden bells and pomegranates made of blue, purple and scarlet. The pomegranate is the fruit with the most seeds in the world. One fruit can contain up to 1200 seeds! The bells represent testimony. The pomegranates represent fruit, the Fruit of The Spirit ( Galatians 5:22-23) The bells and fruit are in equal number, a perfect harmony between testimony and fruit. We are known by our fruit. ( Matthew 7:16 Luke 6:44)
The tongue of a bell is the part inside that swings to make the bell ring. Every bell has a mouth and lips and a tongue. Psalm 133 tells us of the Anointing of The Holy Spirit flowing from the head of Aaron, representing The Lord Jesus out Great High Priest, on to his robes upon his body, which is His people. In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon His church causing tongues to be anointed in testimony and praise together with a new heart and the Fruit of The Spirit being formed within us.
Join Julie Vivienne every day on LifeCom Radio for an impactful Daily Bible Devotional at 9am 5pm and 9pm UK time. Download the free LifeCom Radio App today #lcbntvuk #lcbntv #lifecomradio #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough #faith #prolife #Christianperseverance #faithwhich #prophetic #messianic #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough
The first of the seven garments of the High Priest is The Linen Coat, a foundation under garment made of fine linen. The word "coat" is translated from the Hebrew word "kethoneth" meaning a covering to cover or hide. It is the same word used in Genesis 3 :21 where God Himself made Adam and Eve "kethoneth" to cover them through the first death and first shedding of blood of an innocent animal substitute which speaks of the death of The Lamb of God Himself, our Lord Jesus . The fine linen represents spotless perfection. Our Great High Priest is both fully God and fully man. He is made unto us both righteousness and redemption. Hallelujah! What a Saviour!
Join Julie Vivienne every day on LifeCom Radio for an impactful Daily Bible Devotional at 9am 5pm and 9pm UK time. Download the free LifeCom Radio App today #lcbntvuk #lcbntv #lifecomradio #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough #faith #prolife #Christianperseverance #faithwhich #prophetic #messianic #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough
WHO is your precious one? The LORD or Mammon?
Gold does not corrode or tarnish and the ancient Egyptians referred to it as "the skin of the gods". Gold is not toxic and the ancient Egyptians believed that ingesting gold would bring them the strength of their gods. Pharoah would eat the flesh of a real bull that represented the false god Apis and people ingested "the skin of the gods" to join themselves to their god. The god of this world covers himself in the glittery gold of success, power, wealth, strength and wealth. He shall be crushed however by The LORD GOD under the feet of His own ( Romans 16:20)
Let us check and guard our hearts from ingesting anything of the idolatry of this world system. We cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve both God and mammon..all that this world system exalts... "Who is on The LORD's side?" Exodus 32:26
Join Julie Vivienne every day on LifeCom Radio for an impactful Daily Bible Devotional at 9am 5pm and 9pm UK time. Download the free LifeCom Radio App today #lcbntvuk #lcbntv #lifecomradio #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough #faith #prolife #Christianperseverance #faithwhich #prophetic #messianic
#lcbntv #clearparthministry #taiwokayode
Back in Eden, God walked with Adam in the cool of the day. That close fellowship was lost in The Fall but the plan of Redemption was always God's plan, passion and longing ( Isaiah 48:16) Through the sacrifices of the Old Covenant, sin was dealt with through the continuous shedding of the blood of animals, but in the fullness of time, God Himself sent Himself to be both fully God and fully human and to pay the penalty for sin once, for all ( Romans 6:10) His birth was for our re birth, to be born again. He declares that we MUST be born again. ( John 3:7)
Emmanuel comes to live inside us by His Spirit. We become the Temple of The Living GOD Himself( I Corinthians 3:16 and 6:19). Emmanuel - God With Us.
Join Julie Vivienne every day on LifeCom Radio for an impactful Daily Bible Devotional at 9am 5pm and 9pm UK time. Download the free LifeCom Radio App today #lcbntvuk #lcbntv #lifecomradio #biblicaltruth #SpiritualBreakthrough #faith #prolife #Christianperseverance #faithwhich #prophetic