Small Fish Brand Co. Scotland

Small Fish Brand Co. Scotland Small business branding studio in Glasgow, Scotland.

Helping female founders build strong brands with:

⚡️brand identity & strategy sessions
⚡️content audits & strategy sessions
⚡️brand & product photography
⚡️photography training

How do you make an “about me” post interesting but still share all the key info?Let’s give it a go! So “official” stuff ...

How do you make an “about me” post interesting but still share all the key info?

Let’s give it a go!

So “official” stuff out of the way first. I’m Rhiannon and I’m a brand photographer and storyteller.

I come from a background in Communications which sets me apart from other brand photographers- I have education and experience on the strategy side of branding and content too.

I run a second business, alternative wedding & family photography over at . I also host a podcast called The Self Employed Mum, I co host networking events and workshops as a founding member of , and I give back to the community through volunteering and fundraising.

I’m mum to two girls (Charlotte, 6 and Poppy 2) and two rescue pets (Dexter, 13 and Luna, 1). I’m married to a Scottish guy (Paul, 40 something) and we are currently renovating a Victorian Terrace (DIY style) just outside the West End of Glasgow.

Now for the fun stuff:

I’m Canadian and once spent the day following around the Prime Minister with my camera (paid work, not stalking)!

I love horror films/ animals/ house plants/ Michael Scott/ reading memoirs/ eating pastries / all things retro.

I hate mornings more than anyone you know. Also olives.

I feel most alive when I’m exploring a new place (I’ve visited 27 countries to date!)

I'm BIG into supporting small/local/indie biz- in my personal life and my work.

I’m really into craft coffee and nice food (but I hate the word foodie)

I strength train 3-4 times a week and am trying to get into running (sure it’s good for you, but at what cost?!)

I’m a leftie, anti Tory, anti-patriarchy type gal. Inclusivity, feminism and taking care of each other are values I think we should all have! The people I like to work with agree. ;)

That’s all for now folks!

💡THREE TIPS for finding your niche- and your ideal clients- online.1. SHOW YOUR FACE- this is SO important. We know that...

💡THREE TIPS for finding your niche- and your ideal clients- online.

1. SHOW YOUR FACE- this is SO important. We know that people buy from people, but above and beyond that people buy from people they find relatable. Who they like. Who get them.

2. SHOW OFF WHO YOU REALLY ARE- right back to that relatable thing. SHOW and SHARE what’s important to you, how you spend your spare time, what kind of stuff you surround yourself with.

3. SHARE YOUR OPINIONS- YES this will put some people off. But they are not your kinda people! We all want to work with people we can chat openly with. Don’t be afraid to share your opinions on big topics- for me that’s things like Inclusivity. Feminism. Left wing politics. Supporting indie biz not big corporations.

🤔Not sure what kind of content you should be creating to reach the right audience? I’ve got you covered!

👋Drop me a message to find out more about Content Strategy Sessions or Power Hour Brainstorming Sessions.

📧[email protected].

You know that elusive work/life balance? 🦄The thing we are always trying to find, adjust our schedules and workload to.T...

You know that elusive work/life balance? 🦄

The thing we are always trying to find, adjust our schedules and workload to.

The thing that’s different for each and every one of us.

That needs tweaking constantly. For changes in life and in business.

I think I’m slowly finding mine. 6 years into full time self employment.

I’m learning what I need, what my business needs, and what my family needs.

I’m learning to take care of myself, to say no, and not to let me excitement get the better of me.

And I’m learning to listen to my body and take better care of me.

Right now things feel balanced. I don’t know for how long, but I’m going to embrace it while it lasts.

I’m taking proper holidays. And days off. I’m switching off early some days. I’m saying no when I have too much on my calendar. It’s hard… but it’s working.

Anyone else feel this is a constant struggle?! I know it’s not just me (esp in the summertime!)

We don’t have to be consistent and “on” ALL of the time. 24/7, 365. Even though it’s hard not to feel obligated to. Hand...

We don’t have to be consistent and “on” ALL of the time. 24/7, 365.

Even though it’s hard not to feel obligated to.

Hands up if you’re struggling to juggle it all over the summer?

To take an actual break without worrying about the algorithm or late replies to enquiries or suffering a set back for slowing down for a bit.

I had planned to create a big batch of content to schedule in for while I’m on holidays and I ran out of time. Too busy finishing up client work and getting ready to travel overseas with two small children. 🤷‍♀️

And you know what? Chances are no one even noticed I haven’t posted in two weeks.

New enquiries are still coming in.

Some of you will still see this post.

And both of my businesses are still here.

Hustle culture isn’t positive and it doesn’t need to be a reality we love.

This is your reminder that it’s ok to take a break. 👍

What’s most important to show online: you, your process, your product/service or your real life BTS??The answer is: all ...

What’s most important to show online: you, your process, your product/service or your real life BTS??

The answer is: all of the above!

⚡️Show YOU to remind people there is a real life person behind the thing you do. Builds trust, relatability and sets you apart.

⚡️YOUR PROCESS to give your audience a glimpse into the u inquest way you do what you do. Builds interest, trust and shows off your skills!

⚡️YOUR PRODUCTS OR SERVICES if people don’t know what you do or make, how can they buy from you?!

YOUR BTS your hobbies and interests, your favourite places, the things that are important to you. A reminder that you’re human and probably likeminded to a lot of your audience. Builds more trust too!

This is a very small peek of the portfolio I created with the lovely Justine of - watch this space for more, coming soon!

If you’re ready to show up for your brand in a big way, drop me an email at [email protected]


I really want to be someone who…😳How many times have you said (or thought) this? That you “wish you could be someone who...

I really want to be someone who…😳

How many times have you said (or thought) this? That you “wish you could be someone who…”

In life and in business, it’s so easy to get caught up in who you think you are- and the habits you currently have- and not give yourself any confidence in changing the parts of you that you wish were different.

The thing is though, our ACTIONS determine who we are. And WE HAVE THE POWER to change our actions as often as we like.

If you want to be someone who shows up for their business, all you have to do is start showing up for your business. Post a pic introducing yourself. Share a story of you chatting on video. Start with one, and make it a habit.

Every time you do it, it gets easier. And soon you become one of “those people” whose face is a big part of their content.

You get to choose what type of person- and business owner- you are, even if you’re not that person now.

I would be remiss if I didn’t share my own struggle with this, and something I’m working on is putting myself out there more. I want to be the type of business owner who is known as THE expert in her area- who gets asked to speak at events and be a podcast guests and collaborate on big projects.

So I need to start reaching out to new people, listening to new podcasts and introducing myself to the hosts. Attending more events and putting myself forward to speak at them. I’m going to commit to send out one email or message a week and see how it goes.

And I’m writing it here to keep myself accountable.

What’s something you want to become, as a person or an entrepreneur?

Also, I’m halfway through James Clear’s Atomic Habits (listening audio book style bc I have zero time to read these days) and it is an absolute game changer. So glad I’m finally getting to it! 👍

If the right message isn’t reaching the right people it doesn’t matter how good you are at what you do. How do you know ...

If the right message isn’t reaching the right people it doesn’t matter how good you are at what you do.

How do you know if this is the case?

Your content is lacking engagement. You aren’t seeing much audience growth. Your enquiries aren’t coming in from the right kind of clients. Or you aren’t getting many clients or customers through the door full stop.

There’s no point creating content if you haven’t worked out a strategy first- so let’s get a strong one in place and get your business back on track.

Swipe for more info, and drop me a message if you’re ready to find out more. [email protected]


This selfie featuring my head being split in half by a ray of light is a great example of why it’s time for me to get so...

This selfie featuring my head being split in half by a ray of light is a great example of why it’s time for me to get some brand photos done.

(Although I do have a wicked sinus headache today so it’s kind of apt).

Also… how is it May already? 🤯

Doing a bit of planning today and saw the lovely post about sharing your month ahead. So here we are!

In May I have:

🌱two new strategy clients starting

📸 three brand photo sessions

👋one networking event to co host

🎙️two podcast interviews

⚡️And lots of meetings too!

💥For my own business I’m aiming to review my processes, update my instagram highlights and get a date booked in for my own brand photoshoot too.

What are you up to this month? Worried about fitting it all in (what’s with all the school holidays this month?!) 😵‍💫

What's the difference between headshots and brand photos? 🧐👩 Headshots are essentially portraits, used to market yoursel...

What's the difference between headshots and brand photos? 🧐

👩 Headshots are essentially portraits, used to market yourself in a professional space.

👉Traditional headshots tend to be taken in a studio, with artificial lighting, against a plain backdrop- formal and very posed, often heavily polished and edited.

👉Modern headshots are the exact opposite- usually done on location, with a natural backdrop and lighting, less formal posing and minimal editing that's focused more on a creative look specific to the photographer.

(Can you guess which type I prefer? 😬)

💥 Brand sessions typically include headshots, but encompass a lot more. They tell the story of who you are, what you do and how you do it, as well as sharing what's important to you and what inspires you. They focus more on your process, your behind the scenes and the real life spaces you spend your time in.

👉Even when you think a headshot is all you need, it can be very helpful to have some more candid, behind the scenes photos that show off your process and what inspires you.

📸 Like I did here for soon to be published author Ann: a nice relaxed shoot, in the West End of Glasgow (my neck of the woods and the setting of much of her new novel) sharing little hints at who she is as a human and as an author.

Is 2023 the year you update your brand photos? I have two spots left for summer- that's all folks! [email protected]

I was guilty of this too. Still am sometimes. 🫣I have lots of big picture goals for the future, and I’m confident saying...

I was guilty of this too. Still am sometimes. 🫣

I have lots of big picture goals for the future, and I’m confident saying them out loud and even writing them down.

But it’s taking action towards the BIG goals that I found (and still find) difficult.

🌱More specifically, it’s STARTING. Taking those first steps to plan out that goal: breaking it into smaller, actionable steps and setting a deadline for each.

I think a big part of it is fear of failure: what if it doesn’t work, or people don’t like it or someone thinks I’m out of my league? What if no one comes to my event, or buys my new product, or books my new service?

👉Worst case scenario? Your new idea doesn’t work. Your goal isn’t successful. Big deal- you shake it off and you just keep going.

Thing is, if you don’t try you will never know. The big leaps I’ve taken have been the biggest opportunities for growth. Moving to a new continent. Starting a business. Leaving my part time job. Starting a second business.

Have there been things that didn’t work out along the way? Sure! But That’s also where I LEARNED the most. GREW the most. As a biz owner and as a human being.

💥 So… are you ready to turn those wishes into real, actionable goals?

What if I told you we could iron out your specific goals, break them into steps and set deadlines together in one hour. Over coffee or zoom. With a follow up chat for accountability?

Drop me a message to find out more. Let’s do this together. 🙌

Well that was a learning experience… and it certainly wasn’t all sunshine, wine, selfies and beautiful views. 🥸First tim...

Well that was a learning experience… and it certainly wasn’t all sunshine, wine, selfies and beautiful views. 🥸

First time I’ve taken two weeks properly off (not even emails or instagram! 😱) in six years being full time self employed.

I could tell you it was a perfectly magical holiday and everything went to plan and the kids were angels and I came back feeling relaxed and recharged.

That would be about half of the truth… the other half being that our holiday was also stressful and frustrating and exhausting because the above was only true a small portion of the time. But I digress.

The point of this post is to share what I learned taking a real, proper break from my business(es). So here it is:

☀️1. I need to spend more time living in the moment (and less with a phone in my hand). My anxiety and stress are minimised to almost nothing when I forget about everything except what’s happening in front of me.

☀️2. My business is still here after a break- my socials still exist with roughly the same numbers and no one has really even noticed I was gone.

☀️3. People can wait. And reasonable people don’t mind doing so. It’s ok if emails aren’t answered immediately, or work gets sent out on time instead of early. No one minds.

☀️4. I need time for me. Two weeks of full time parenting with no break was too much. Just like two weeks of working 24/7 would be too much. Me time is more important than I realized.

☀️5. Hiring a VA was the single best investment I have ever made in my business. Hands down. Having .va on hand to monitor emails for me and do a few behind the scenes tasks made a HUGE difference in me being able to check out from my business without worrying what would happen.

Lessons learned… now to keep them top of mind. 🙌

Also… need to plan different kinds of holidays now we are a family of four, less adventure and more relaxing for the foreseeable. 😅

Happy to be back- how were your holidays?

Rhiannon stood out as having a beautiful unique style of photography, and I thought she would be friendly and dynamic… I...

Rhiannon stood out as having a beautiful unique style of photography, and I thought she would be friendly and dynamic… I was right! I found her before I moved from London to Glasgow and I’m so pleased I met her and worked with her!

When we first met up we instantly connected, she totally got who I was and how I could be portrayed. I am also creative and it was brilliant to brainstorm with her and come up with lots of fun ideas.

On the day we took the brand photos
was fun and we found some great spots for relevant and completely fitting backdrops in the West End of Glasgow.

Rhiannon is such an amazing person! We’ve actually become friends. The images she produces are all little masterpieces. I couldn’t be happier with them! She helps you feel extremely relaxed in front of the camera and the time we spent together was a joy!

If you are thinking of booking Rhiannon from Small Fish Brand Co, do it! You will get a massive selection of wonderful images for your business that reflect you and your personal brand and values! And you will enjoy to process of making and taking them.

-Caroline Lambie, and


Rhiannon stood out as having a beautiful unique style of photography, and I thought she would be friendly and dynamic, I...

Rhiannon stood out as having a beautiful unique style of photography, and I thought she would be friendly and dynamic, I was right!

She was brilliant and lovely and the images are exceptional, I’m so pleased I met her and worked with her!

When we first met up we instantly connected, she totally got who I was and how I could be portrayed. I am also creative and it was brilliant to brainstorm with her and come up with lots of fun ideas.

On the day we took the brand photos
was fun and we found some great spots for relevant and completely fitting backdrops in the West End of Glasgow.

Rhiannon is such an amazing person! We’ve actually become friends. The images she produces are all little masterpieces. I couldn’t be happier with them! She helps you feel extremely relaxed in front of the camera and the time we spent together was a joy!

If you are thinking of booking Rhiannon from Small Fish Brand Co, do it! You will get a massive selection of wonderful images for your business that reflect you and your personal brand and values! And you will enjoy to process of making and taking them.

-Caroline Lambie, and

Do you live your brand values (or do you just talk the talk?) 😒‘Authentic’ is a bit of a cringey word but authenticity a...

Do you live your brand values (or do you just talk the talk?) 😒

‘Authentic’ is a bit of a cringey word but authenticity as a small business is pretty darn important.

If you pretend to be something you’re not, it shows through. And if you pretend your business values are one way but then make decisions that prove otherwise, that just breaks any trust you had built (and makes you look phone and in it for the wrong reasons).

So, when you’re thinking about brand values make sure they are honest and in line with the way you run your business (and hopefully your life).

I talk a lot about how I champion small businesses and support them however I can and I love that every day- whether I’m supporting the indie cafes and restaurants around me, buying my gifts from indie shops or working with small businesses to help them grow.

I even practice what I preach when I travel: I carefully research the small, independent businesses locals love and I spend my money there (rather than big chains). Here’s a few photos to prove it (with some of my favourite Roman spots featured in case you’re headed there anytime soon!)

No two brand shoots are the same... because no two businesses are the same. It drives me crazy seeing 'brand' photograph...

No two brand shoots are the same... because no two businesses are the same.

It drives me crazy seeing 'brand' photographers post carbon copy images- same set up, same props, same outfits, same lighting- with only one variable: a different face.

But every business is different- and so is every entrepreneur. Even within the same industry: your brand has a distinct personality, USPs, set of values, tone, and audience.

In short: your business is different, so your photos should be too!

I work with a lot of different businesses. Some are product based. Some are service based. Some are artists, most are creative, many work in similar industries.

But it's never a challenge to make each and every shoot different because it is custom built around you. From location and vibe, to outfits and props to setups and actions- and even my editing style. Swipe through the photos above to see the variety in the photos I create and businesses I've worked with this past 18 months.

Wondering if I have a niche if the business I work with are all so different? I do!

If you identify as a woman and run a business, are passionate about what you do, are based in Scotland (or willing to cover my travel) I want to work with you!

I'm booking now for April and May, DM me for more info or drop me an email: [email protected].

And go check out the amazing women led businesses you see featured in these photos too!

📸 .va .marketing

New year, new hair…And also new: my outlook on business growth and this work/life balancing act.Last year was my busiest...

New year, new hair…

And also new: my outlook on business growth and this work/life balancing act.

Last year was my busiest and biggest year ever in business, (despite being on mat leave for a good chunk of it) and you know what?

Being ‘busy’ isn’t all its cracked up to be.

I hit burn out big time and I was the most stressed/exhausted/unhappy I’d been in a long time. Maybe ever.

As much as I’m proud of my business growth I forgot why I became an entrepreneur in the first place- to choose how I want my days and weeks to look. To create a lifestyle that works for me. Not to work myself to the bone and leave zero time for fun/friends/self care.

SO… this year I’m taking on less. I’m not aiming for growth, I’m aiming to maintain. I’m being picky about the work I take on, only the kind of work I love to do.

Onwards and upwards, every day is a school day isn’t it?!

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is….giving back!! 🎅It’s been quite a year: my  busiest ever in business (despite ...

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is….
giving back!! 🎅

It’s been quite a year: my busiest ever in business (despite being on mat leave for a good chunk of it!) and no words can explain what the means to me, how proud I am of what I’ve built and also how thankful I am to each and every one of you for your support, trust and belief in me and what I do.

I normally send out Christmas cards to my clients but this year I’ve decided to give back in a different way- I’ve made a donation in your names to an amazing Glasgow based charity whose cause I believe very strongly in. (Swipe to see!)

You’ve given so much support and encouragement to me, I thought I’d pay it forward and keep those good vibes going.

That’s me signing off for the holidays- spending them at home in Canada for the first time in five years. 🍁

🎄Merry Christmas to you and yours, see you in 2023! 🥂

Yes, you read that right. 😳Had a great chat with Sarah   and Emmelie .va after networking today..... about how we all ta...

Yes, you read that right. 😳

Had a great chat with Sarah and Emmelie .va after networking today...
.. about how we all talk out loud about the kind of clients we want to attract but are usually not brave enoygh to shout out about who we DON'T want to work with.

(Despite it being the most well known marketing advice: try to attract everyone and you'll attract no one.)

😬 If there's one thing I've learned thr hard way in my many years being self employed it's that if you aren't a good fit for a client- taking the work is NEVER worth the paycheque.

So here I am, putting on my big girl pants and saying it out loud:

I DO NOT want to work with:

❌ People who only share the highlights (and none of the real stuff)
❌ People who are put off by unpolished, real content
❌ People who put competition over community
❌ People who don't believe in equality and diversity
❌ People who are put off by/ talk down to mums

I could get more political here, but let's start with the big picture stuff. baby steps, right?!

Now I'd love to see you share who you don't like to work with: comment below, or share in a story, or on your grid if you're really brave! 👀

(oh and please tag me if you do!)

A LOT has changed in two months... 🤯 and a few things have stayed the same. 🏡We've moved from our two bed flat in Finnie...

A LOT has changed in two months... 🤯 and a few things have stayed the same.

🏡We've moved from our two bed flat in Finnieston (the only neighbourhood I've lived in Scotland) to an old Victorian terrace Scotstoun...

And when I say our work is cut out for us I'm not kidding. 😳 Lets just say I'm slowly becoming a pro DIYer... and a person who spends a lot of time at B&Q! 😂

🏫My big kid has started school and my wee one is about to start nursery (!!!) and the early morning/Monday-Friday routine is proving to be a big adjustment.

Oh and we've introduced a new family member (meet Luna🌛).

💥Finally: After lots of careful thought/taking your feedback into consideration I'll be introducing some new services here too! (more on that soon). 👀

But I'm still here and excited to be starting back part time (three days per week for now, until I find a new work balance for my busy family life! )

🍰Still all about supporting small and local, still all about the coffee and still all about the cake.

Missed you all- time to catch up on what everyone has been up to! 👋

New Year- same old me… but with a new addition to my team! Which means some added challenges to work through as I naviga...

New Year- same old me… but with a new addition to my team!

Which means some added challenges to work through as I navigate running two businesses with a new baby, a four year old (and a four legged 11 y.o. too).

👋 Hello to all of you who have been following along her for awhile, and hello to my new followers too!

I’m Rhiannon: brand photographer and strategist extraordinaire! 💥

I work exclusively with small businesses for three reasons:

⚡️I am a huge supporter of local indie businesses in my personal life- so it only makes sense that I focus my work around them too

⚡️Small, creative businesses are WAY more fun and unique to work with than large, corporate ones

⚡️I want to live in a world where small businesses thrive, where communities support people living their dreams (rather than helping the big guys get richer)

📍 I am based in the West End of Glasgow, but work with businesses all across Scotland- from the highlands and the islands down to the borders (and everywhere in between, I LOVE to travel!).

🎙 As well as my work in brand photography and strategy, I host a podcast for female small business owners (link in bio) and do some freelance writing- storytelling in all it’s form is definitely my jam.

👀 I have lots of exciting things planned for this year: a big creative writing project for one, and a new, product based addition to my offering here which is something I’ve never tried before and am looking forward to challenging myself with. More on these soon!

⭐️ In the meantime, you can expect lots of honest perspective, tips, and small business shout outs on here- I’m all about using instagram for good!

Okay, signing off for now- 2022 let’s get started…

📸 of me & my crew by



Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm


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