The Blether

The Blether We tell stories, real ones, we want you to debate. There are magazines in Glasgow who warp truths &

RED HOT RAGINGAnyone with tickets for tonight’s gig featuring The Red Hot Chilli Peppers will be annoyed, to say the lea...


Anyone with tickets for tonight’s gig featuring The Red Hot Chilli Peppers will be annoyed, to say the least, as they’ve cancelled last minute….

From their twitter account:

Due to illness RHCP will not be able to perform in Glasgow tonight July 1. We are working on ways to reschedule. Pls hold onto your tickets & wait for an update soon. RHCP love Scotland & are deeply disappointed not to be able to perform the show. Thank you for your understanding

ANYTHING GOESWho watches the James English - Anything Goes podcast on YouTube? If not, get it watched…James is from Poss...


Who watches the James English - Anything Goes podcast on YouTube? If not, get it watched…

James is from Possil and now he interviews some of the craziest ex-criminals, plus other guest. But, for The Blether, the ones that are more identifiable are his True Crime selection, everyone from Paul Ferris to an over the phone telephone call with Charles Bronson.

Most of his guests have turned their lives around, and it’s a real inspiration to watch.

THE DEMON DRINK‘Mon, we’ve all been that steamboats, more than once, when the inner demon comes oot tae play…There’s an ...


‘Mon, we’ve all been that steamboats, more than once, when the inner demon comes oot tae play…

There’s an exhibition on at the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery in Glasgow’s West end featuring work by Glasgow-based comic artist Frank Quitely.

The exhibition is on until 18 September 2022
Hunterian Art Gallery - Admission free.

*Photo of The Devil on Islay, created for Bowmore Single Malt Whisky.

Dear followers (I know there's not many but I appreciate it) and people who have taken an interest in The Belther's page...

Dear followers (I know there's not many but I appreciate it) and people who have taken an interest in The Belther's page so far.... my sincere apologies for lack of posts. Just had so much on for awhile personally. However, I really do want to get this up and running, a place to discuss anything and everything - no holds barred, good debate, perhaps the odd we argument as long as it doesn't fall into the realms of the ludicrous.

I want to make this an honest platform, talk about current affairs predominantly in Glasgow, but not always.

I know most will be wanting True Crime and similar themes, which is fine, who doesn't?... So let's get the posting started again.

So where to start... the absolute disgrace of the City Centre and the moment, it's decline, Sauchiehall Street, the run down grimy pound shops everywhere, 'American Candy' shops... what the hell is going on?? Who is the blame in your eyes?

It's a sad state of affairs, once Buchanan Galleries is gone, what will be left? Now they're talking about a 'Green Area' at Charing Cross above the M8! What the actual f**k. The mind boggles. Put money elsewhere, like homelessness and a variety of serous issues.

Your comments would be most welcomed...

ADDICTS IN CRISISAfter nine people have tragically died within just weeks after allegedly taking dangerous street Va**um...


After nine people have tragically died within just weeks after allegedly taking dangerous street Va**um, in and around the Renfrewshire Area, it seems as if there is a massive drought in the horizon for these tablets, usually containing Etizolam, rather than the real McCoy Diazepam.

Etizolam became popular as a ‘Designer Drug’ during the days of ‘Research Chemicals’ when a number of legal highs, some often very potent, could be bought online from various vendors. Now it’s used to make millions of street Va**um, that are sold in loose quantities (25 for a tenner), rather than the boxed ones sold on the street

Although Etizolam, itself, is used in places such as Japan as a prescription drug.

The problem with Etizolam, is that it has a shorter half-life than traditional Diazepam, meaning that users need to top up during inter-dose withdrawals. This makes it easy to overdose on, plus the fact that street Va**um - with every batch users don’t know the exact strength, or what’s even in them.

The tragic nine deaths has been said that the toxic batch was laced with rat poison and concrete.

Manufacturers of these pills are said to be ‘shutting shop’, it could be linked to the deaths, or also Scotland's biggest street va**um factory being uncovered at an industrial unit in Lanarkshire at the end of last year.

Whatever your views on drug abuse is, it is a concern for users who turn to these things for a number of reasons, often not getting real help from doctors or drug workers - also, withdrawals from any benzodiazepine can lead to death from seizures.

If you’re a user yourself - stay safe.

Will the Addiction Centres cope with such an influx?

Discuss below…

WHAT A BRAW STORY It’s been oot for awhile but, alongside the infamous ‘No Mean City’, this debut novel by Douglas Stuar...


It’s been oot for awhile but, alongside the infamous ‘No Mean City’, this debut novel by Douglas Stuart ‘Shuggie Bain’ tells a very realistic tale of Glaswegian life in the time it’s set. It’s amazing worldwide critical reviews are entirely worthy.

If you’re a reader, then this is a rare read for Glaswegians and non-Glaswegians alike.


PUTIN NEEDS PUTIN’ DOONIt has probably been a thought that’s ran through many minds across the planet… ‘could this be th...


It has probably been a thought that’s ran through many minds across the planet… ‘could this be the start of World War Three’.

It’s truly unbelievable that Russia invaded Ukraine in the early hours, around 5am in Ukraine, this morning.

Only earlier this month, US president Joe Biden said “That's a world war when Americans and Russians start shooting at each other," vowing he would not deploy American troops to Ukraine under any circumstances.

However, for millions of Ukrainian people the fears over how the crisis will impact their daily lives is now a reality.

The former Prime Minister of Ukraine calling this a “critical moment” and “It could be the start of a Third World War. We should realise it as Putin will never stop.”

Whether WW3 or not, this will be the largest conflict in Europe since 1945. Russian President Vladimir Putin warned other countries that any attempt to interfere would “lead to consequences you have never seen in history.”

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced the military alliance would defend every inch of its territory should Russia attack a member country, of which Ukraine is not part.

Please leave your comments below.

EH? 🦇Glasgow City Council have paid Warner Bros. Pictures £150’000 towards the production of Batgirl currently being fil...

EH? 🦇

Glasgow City Council have paid Warner Bros. Pictures £150’000 towards the production of Batgirl currently being filmed…

Now, call me naive, but I always presumed that a production company would pay us to shoot here.

It’s great having a vigilante crime fighter in our city but paying someone to act as one - doesn’t sound right. Plus, as previously mentioned in other posts, the state of the city centre, couldn’t 150k go towards, well, sorting s**t out?


YOUNG RETRO FLEETOIt’s odd, but I always thought the demise of the Glaswegian Gang Culture (Young Teams, no the real gan...


It’s odd, but I always thought the demise of the Glaswegian Gang Culture (Young Teams, no the real gangsters) was a direct link to the rise of Social Media… just like any other youth subculture, their online persona became more important than reality.

However, apparently Scots gangs are making a comeback and actually using Social Meida…. TikTok of all things to share videos of attacks.

Does anyone else wish it was Goths instead?!? Now that’s saying something - no offence to goths 😉



REMEMBER THE GOOD AULD DAYS? (PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE)  Victorian times - Second City of the British Empire  1988 - Garden...


Victorian times - Second City of the British Empire 1988 - Garden Festival 1990 - European Capital of Culture 1999 - UK City of Architecture.

Yes we understand that these might not be to eveyones's taste, especially the 'Second City of The British Empire - a proud fact for many, others not so much. That’s why we love a good discussion and a Blether. We all have very different and valid points to make. What the hell has happened?

Take a walk up Sauchiehall Street, these days, and you won't want to go back. Have a walk around Central Station, which at one point was impressive, and you may not actually come back. Once a vibrant City, that's been left to rot, it's never looked worse in the last forty years at least.

We need money invested not just in student accommodation - where did all the students go to live before they had these 'flats' built? Some look like five-star-luxury next to some of the old housing schemes. Now they're discussing pulling down the Buchanan Galleries, only built in 1999 - what will be worth going into town for shopping? Yes, there is Braehead and Silverburn, but it's all Americanised. Which is the same as these soulless, grim retail parks, usually with a Frankie and Benny and a fast food chain.


*The Blether is a news source, written by a once proud Glaswegian who sees a lot of issues, for the Glasgow people. We want to hear what you have to say more than anything. There’s one certain Glaswegian magazine that costs £1.80 in many newsagents, you might know the one I mean that focuses mainly on crime 😉 - but, what probably started off as a good idea has become a parody of itself. SO, we want is to hear from you...good or bad... two sides to every story. Let's BLETHER! Sometimes the topics won't just be about Glasgow, we might put up an article regarding a suggestion made by a reader, or film, music, current affairs, etc - they do say PEOPLE MAKE GLASGOW, well, let's show 'em!*

A MAN has been found dead in Glasgow.Police have taped off part of the road at Danes Drive, near to Kingsway Court, Scot...

A MAN has been found dead in Glasgow.

Police have taped off part of the road at Danes Drive, near to Kingsway Court, Scotstoun.

The man was found at around 5.30am this morning.

Officers are treating his death as unexplained and enquiries are ongoing to establish the circumstances.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “Around 5.30am on Monday, April 5, a man was found dead in Danes Drive.

“Enquiries are ongoing to establish the identity of the man and the circumstances surrounding his death, which police are treating as unexplained."

HAS GLASGOW GIVEN UP ON SOME OF IT'S MOST DEPRIVED AREAS?From Wikipedia..."Within fifteen years of the closing of the Sa...


From Wikipedia...
"Within fifteen years of the closing of the Saracen foundry, Possil had become the hub of the Glasgow he**in trade include and was to remain so during the 1980s. Large portions of the Possil have been destroyed, many of the old tenements being flattened and the residents forced to move to other areas.[citation needed] Saracen Street remains the main shopping area, but the whole area has been undergoing mass redevelopment since the late 1990s, which has seen many new houses being built. More and more small local businesses are appearing in Saracen Street as well. A sports centre (Millennium Centre) was constructed to highlight the rebirth of Possil but has since closed down. However the area is improving with better standards in the community and a Strathclyde Police crackdown on the overflowing drug wars and usage.[citation needed] Though this has been threatened by nationwide budget cuts."

Anyone reading this, that's been in 'Possil' within the last few years, will know that 'improving with better standards' is far from the truth. It still has an open air drug market, it's like a forgotten part of Glasgow, hidden away like some kind of dark secret. What about the people, many with addiction and alcoholism, are they just to be left there, where's the help? Some will say, why can't they help themselves, but we're talking about a whole community, caught slap bang in the middle of a feud between the Daniel and Lyons Crime Families, which has gone on for two decades and has involved a slew of shootings, fatal and near-fatal, firebombing, attacks with machetes and knives.

Then there is Govanhill on Glasgow's Southside, recognised as one of Scotland's deprived communities, which falls under Nicola Sturgeon's own constituency. Riddled with flats that are basically brothels run by scumbags involved in human-trafficking.

It really begs the question... where is the Glasgow that I used to know?

HAAPY MAW’S DAY!Lager Lovelies... that hazy time when beer was for 'real men'.Oh yeah, Happy Maw's Day!         *xist   ...


Lager Lovelies... that hazy time when beer was for 'real men'.

Oh yeah, Happy Maw's Day!



Give us something to...
BLETHER about. PM us and we can have a chat about your story that needs to be heard.

SELF HELP FOR ABSOLUTE... C@CKS!Why be a dick when you can be a c**t?If you can, laugh at someone else’s expense, you’ll...


Why be a dick when you can be a c**t?

If you can, laugh at someone else’s expense, you’ll be amazed at how good it feels.

If you feel lost, steal someone’s map - it will get you to where you need to be.

If you don’t feel yourself steal someone else’s identity.

Always be truthful, if they’ve got a big bum be honest.

It could be worse, you could be dead.

The best CVs are the ones full of lies, so be a damn good liar and get that dream job.

Start a cult, it will give you a sense of belonging, plus let your leadership qualities shine.

Exercise is good for natural endorphins - but so is sitting eating junk food watching TV all day - Just Do It.

If you find someone’s wallet, do the right thing. Keep the money and had the wallet and cards in. The person will be at least be half grateful for your half a good deed.

Stop blaming yourself up for your mistakes and blame someone else.

Show you’re not a complete ar****le by being a bit of an ar****le.

If you want to leave a job, tell your boss what you really think of them, it’s better than handing in your notice, as they will need to make you redundant anyway, so win win.

Always check for CCTV before committing a crime, however petty.

If someone hurts you, mentally or physically, start writing their phone numbers on the back of toilet doors advertising s*x.

The only way to properly beat someone, before a possible job promotion, is with a bat. They won’t turn up for their interview and you’ll get the position (always remember to wear a balaclava).

If you just can’t be bothered with a day at work. Fake a fit. Nobody will argue.

Feel good about yourself by only hanging about (secretly) with really dim-witted ugly people.

Always carry a few nails, incase of emergencies, you never know when you need to burst someone’s car tyres.

Everyone is your enemy until you’re doing better, in life, than them.

Do a runner from a restaurant at least once. Especially at lunchtime - what was that nonsense about there’s no such thing as a free lunch?

Always cheat in games, being a winner by deception is so much more fun than winning for real.

If you have regrets, push them away to the very back of your mind, as more will be added throughout life, so you’ll need room.

DANGEROUS PEOPLE A mum-of-three, Teah Vincent, was cleared after admitting she did initiate s*x with a 14 year old teena...


A mum-of-three, Teah Vincent, was cleared after admitting she did initiate s*x with a 14 year old teenager at her home, but told the court she believed he was over 16 - it begs the question would the same outcome happen if it was a man having s*x with a teenage girl?

A similar incident happened in 2017 when Lucy Haughey, who had appeared on reality TV Show ‘Come Dine With Me’, hit the headlines when she appeared in Glasgow Sherriff Court after boasting to a friend about having s*x with one of her friend's 15-year-old sons. She escaped a sentence, but did have to complete a community payback order, now she goes by the name of L.W Hawksby and has written two books; one called ‘Dangerous Normal People’, which is about understanding or spotting a narcissist before committing to a relationship and claims to enable the reader to spot a ‘Casanova Psychopath’, as she calls them – a bit rich coming from someone who groomed an underage boy, is it not?

Some would call that predatory behaviour and now, under a different name, she has written a book from the eyes of a victim. If the tables were reversed would a man be let off so lightly, probably not, there would be a lynch mob ready with their pitchforks and quite rightly so.

The law is the law and it should not matter if the accused is a man or a woman, because it should never mater whether the victim is a boy or a girl, in cases such as this. Underage is underage and it shouldn’t be taken as lightly, as it often is, when teenage boys are preyed upon by women.





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