Colour Bird Studios

Colour Bird Studios 🎥Production Company
đź“ąPromoting Indie Filmmaking
Platforming The Industries Future

Hello We hope you’re all having a great day!So we’ve been seeing a lot of comments about our response times to people tr...


We hope you’re all having a great day!

So we’ve been seeing a lot of comments about our response times to people trying to contact us, and we just wanted to address this quickly.

So we’ve been spending a lot of time replying to as many people as we can, both on our Facebook Messenger and our email, and we’re happy to say we have caught up with the majority of messages. However, we have seen a few people compare us to production companies with large teams that generally have the time and resources to respond more regularly than us.

We know that a lot of you understand this because of all the lovely messages and emails we’ve been receiving recently. But for those who have criticised us for not caring or just generally stating that we’re not serious, we will address this one final time.

Firstly, we are not a large company; we are a small independent production company, which is something we have repeatedly stated since our first film announcement.

Secondly, we are going to make mistakes, but we are trying our best. There’s a lot that goes into filmmaking, and we're also trying to build a production company that is well structured and that meets our ambition. It takes time, and there’s a lot to learn.

And lastly, we do not have a big team that we can dedicate to regularly replying to everyone; it is only 4 of us, and we are all very busy. We have been replying as much as we can; however, we still have to work on the film and also handle our personal lives. So please be patient and bear with us.

If you haven’t been responded to, this may be because you requested an audition through the improper method, by contacting our page rather than our email, which is why you wouldn’t have received a response (auditions have now been closed, so please don’t send another request to the email). For any future questions you may have, please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you there. Please do not try to contact us through our Facebook Messenger, as we will not be checking this as often.

We’re very sorry for the long message, but we’re hoping that now we have put this behind us, we can go back to having fun with filmmaking and trying to create not only one of the best independent action drama films of the past decade but also an innovative production company like no other.

I hope you all have a great rest of your day, and we appreciate all the love and support we have been receiving lately! 🩵🩷

-Colour Bird Team

We think it’s important to share with all of you what our goal is, and what we aim to achieve in the industry.

We think it’s important to share with all of you what our goal is, and what we aim to achieve in the industry.



Hello Everyone!

So we’ve just made this quick video to give you all an update on what’s been going on with our first feature film “Cypher: Agent Down”.

This film has quite literally changed my life, and we haven’t even started production yet! I cannot express how much I appreciate every single one of you that follows our page, and I cannot wait to to show you all the work we have put in to establishing ourselves!

I understand that having to delay Agent Down may seem like a bad thing, but in the long run we know that this gives us the greatest chance of not only creating a better film, but also being able to continue the Cypher Series in the way that I have personally always dreamed of!

We’re going to be a lot more active across all of our socials, and there’s some big things coming soon, which we’re so excited to tell you all about.

I’ll speak to you all soon, and again thank you all so much for even being there in the first place! 🩵

Kindest Regards
Alastaire Bird

*To all the people who received a call back confirmation, we will be in contact via email soon to give you a bit more detail on what our timeline is looking like.

Hello everyone, Please feel free to take a moment and head over to our instagram page for all updates on everything that...

Hello everyone,

Please feel free to take a moment and head over to our instagram page for all updates on everything that’s happening in the world of colour bird!


*GET TO KNOW COLOUR BIRD CO OWNER*OWEN JOHN-Hello I’m Owen, I am 21, from Woking, Surrey The first time I really got me ...


Hello I’m Owen, I am 21, from Woking, Surrey

The first time I really got me hooked on film and series’ was in secondary school. I couldn’t think of any subject that I wanted to take for my GCSEs so I chose media and business. The latter I hated, I found it so boring but media on the other hand I enjoyed so much. The only lesson other than PE I looked forward to going to and actually paying interest. From then on I have watched plenty of films and series and always enjoy listening to people talk about a film I’ve seen to get their insights and compare them to mine.

Personally Im looking forward to working with this great team of talented filmmakers and creators and I can’t wait to see how this develops.


*GET TO KNOW COLOUR BIRD CO OWNER* MEGAN O’LOUGHLIN-Hi I’m Megan, a freelance cinematographer and writer. From a young a...


Hi I’m Megan, a freelance cinematographer and writer. From a young age my imagination has always been the stem of breaking into my world and being able to take myself places I never thought I could go and develop my own pathway. I feel every young filmmaker have struggled to find a way to break into the industry and trust their creative visions with company’s that can squash them. Our worlds are different and extraordinary and deserve to be shown and that is what we want to do with this company. We want to take short, feature, indie, high budget, scripts and edits into a place where they are valued each and every one of them and are shown to as many people we can. We all want to be apart of this journey. Which is why I am so excited to work hard and make this positive impact happen.


*GET TO KNOW COLOUR BIRD CO-OWNER*LAUREN MASSEYHiya, I’m Lauren, a freelance director and editor. I’ve always been intri...


Hiya, I’m Lauren, a freelance director and editor. I’ve always been intrigued by how many roles that Directors interact with and seeing the whole film come together from early development to the final edit. My favourite influences are Damien Chazelle (I love his musical filmmaking style) and Greta Gerwig (she can put a fun twist on any story!) We hope to encourage and showcase young filmmakers like ourselves to build each other up in this industry and I can’t wait to share new experiences with you all through Colourbird!


*GET TO KNOW COLOUR BIRD CO-OWNER*ALASTAIRE BIRDHello!My name’s Alastaire, I’m 23, and I’m from a small seaside town cal...



My name’s Alastaire, I’m 23, and I’m from a small seaside town called Lee-On-The-Solent, in the South of Hampshire.

Films have always been a big part of my life. When I was 6, I started making short films with my childhood friend, on their dad's old VHS Camera, and instantly I fell in love with coming up with stories, and capturing them on film. Luckily this has been a Hobby that stuck, and landed me some interesting job roles based around content creation in the past. But it never felt right to create YouTube content for businesses, and I wanted to create something more ambitious. I wanted to create not only my own feature film, but a platform that can celebrate other Filmmakers, that share the same passion as me. Which is exactly what we’re working towards with Colour Bird Studios!

Over the last couple of months, we’ve been hard at work, building the foundation for a reputable Indie Studio. It’s not been easy, and there’s still a lot of work to do, but I can confidently say that with the team we have now, we are going to break expectations of what a Small Indie Studio can do!

I’m so excited to share what we have planned!


Introducing, the Colour Bird Studios team!We are delighted to announce to you all the members behind Colour Bird Studios...

Introducing, the Colour Bird Studios team!

We are delighted to announce to you all the members behind Colour Bird Studios, we’ve been itching to share this exciting news with our followers and here is a little introduction to our amazing team.

Owen, head of marketing.


Good Morning Everyone, I just wanted to send a quick message out there, to those who received a rejection email.

A lot of you who auditioned have been so supportive and lovely about us and our production. As I’m sure most of you know, we had a fairly rocky start, but so many of you were understanding and compassionate, and I appreciate that so much, that I couldn’t ever put it into words. I’m so sorry if any of you feel let down by the response you may have received. It doesn’t feel right to do this to any of you. All of you are such incredible actors, and it’s clear to me that you have a bright future ahead of you. To be completely honest this is a part of the proccess I will always hate going forward, as I know this is the part that upsets people. I truly hope I haven’t ruined anyone’s day, and I really hope to see you again for our future casting call for supporting actors.

*In regards to those who may not have received their responses*

So most of the Self Tape audition responses went out yesterday, however due to the way WeTransfer send it’s files over, we have been unable to give you our response. WeTransfer sends them over via a “NoReply” email address, so any replies we’ve been sending have just bounced back. But we will be gradually going through each of them, and sending you your responses soon.

Have a good day everyone!



*To those who sent in YouTube audition tapes that show as not viewed, aswell as WeTransfer links that appear to be unopened.*

So we’ve had a few people say that their YouTube videos were showing as not being Viewed, and obviously with those of you taking the time to learn the lines and submit a tape, of course we’re not going to let that time go in vain. So I’ve done some investigating Into this, to find out what has happened, and you are completely correct.

There is a folder of 40-50 YouTube auditions that have not been reviewed. And honestly that is completely my fault. While transferring data from my old Laptop to my Desktop, the file containing a lot of those links was misplaced, and was not grouped together with the other tapes for review.

Of course, with this being a mistake that I take full responsibility for, I will review all of those tapes tonight. So these will still be considered, and I completely apologise for this, and am very grateful to those who let me know.

In regards to WeTransfer links that have been showing as unopened. As many of you know, This has been a continuous issue, and we’re not sure why it’s been happening, but if you sent a WeTransfer link before 7/01 I can assure you it has been opened, and we have reviewed it.

I hope everyone’s having a good day, and I look forward to speaking with some of you very soon!



Hello Everyone,

So it’s been a while!

We want to thank everyone for their patience in regards to hearing back from us. I just wanted to update you all on what’s been going on over the past few weeks, aswell as give you an update on what’s going on with the audition responses.

So firstly let’s talk about the self tapes. As I said before, narrowing down hundereds of great Actors/Actresses has been one of the hardest parts of Pre-Production so far. However we have finally got our shortlists of those who we would like to continue a conversation with, aswell as invite back to our London Call Backs.

We will be sending emails out tomorrow, and the day after, to all of those who sent in videos of themself doing a script read.

I don’t even know what to say in regards to thanking you all for giving Agent Down a chance. This experience continues to become more and more surreal as the days pass, and that’s mostly because of you. Whitnessing all of your talent, tailored towards our script has been one of the most interesting experiences I have personally had in the past few years of my life. So thank you all!

Now in regards to the crew side of production.

As you all may be aware, This production has been a lot of work so far to stay caught up with, and obviously it couldn’t carry on the way it was going. So I’m extremely happy to announce that we have added 9 extra people to our crew, meaning for the first time in 3 months, I’m actually getting a decent night sleep!

I have absaloute confidence in all of the Crew that we have added so far, and I now have more faith than ever, that this film has every opportunity to succeed. However obviously alot of you have enquired about Crew Work, and we still have positions available. We will be looking into hiring some more Crew soon, so make sure you keep an eye out for that post on our page.

Again I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has shown love and support, and I can’t wait for you all to meet our new team!

Have a great day, and hopefully we’ll speak soon!


*WHAT IS THE CYPHER SERIES?*So it’s time to reveal what our plans are with the Cypher Series, aswell as revealing a bit ...


So it’s time to reveal what our plans are with the Cypher Series, aswell as revealing a bit about why we believe our film is different, compared to the rest of the larger franchises.

So the Cypher series is a story that spans over the course of 8 Films, With each film fitting together like the pieces of a puzzle, while still having an original and fresh storyline.

But what is Cypher?

Cypher is the name of a “Secret Surveillance” group, that is contracted with the British Government. Being hired to carry out Off Record missions, that can’t be linked to any individual nation.

The series is inspired by the Incredibly popular Bond films, but rather than focusing more on one Individual Agent, it focuses more on each aspect of the Team Carrying out operations together. As the series goes on, you’ll meet our incredibly diverse set of Agents, aswell as being introduced to many more original characters, that you’ll get to know, and hopefully love as much as we do.

Each agent has experience as a skilled combatant, With each of them bringing a complex and individual personality, built on a rich professional history. Agents coming from a range of different Professions, such as Soldiers, Mercenaries, and Assassins, bring a unique skillset and thought process, when it comes to carrying out tasks and operations.

Agent Down is a film that not only establishes our series in an action packed way, but we’ve worked hard on the story and script to make sure that it’s completely original to Colour Bird Studios, and hasn’t got a predictable resolution. We want to make sure that this film can carry its weight, and that even with a far lower budget compared to the average action film, is something worth watching. So you won’t only be introduced to a range of unique characters, But also a fresh take on the “Spy Genre” films.

We want you to really get to know our characters in an interesting way, which is why we’re taking Character development very seriously. By the end of the series we want to make sure fans truly care about each agent, and are left wanting more. Over the course of the series you’ll get a look into the history of each character, aswell as the complex relationship they have with one-other.

We know all of this seems very vague, and we wish we could release more about the plot, But we cannot wait for you all to meet the agents of Cypher, and we hope you can all trust us when we say…

It will very much be worth the wait.


We just wanted to say a massive thank you to every single Actor/Actress who submitted an audition tape for Agent Down! It’s a surreal experience watching so many incredible actors, not just reading parts of our script, but even giving their time to this project!

I don’t think I can put into words how incredible of an experience this has been so far, and we’re not even started on the official production! I’ll be going through each of your emails individually, which is going to take a while, so in the meantime I thought I’d just let you know what will happen next.

So we’ll be shortlisting those who have auditioned for each part, and coming to a decision of who will be invited for our London Call Backs. Now the issue here is that so many of you are so good at acting, that coming to that decision is going to take a while. So we’re going to try and reach out to everyone that auditioned by the end of January.

Successful or Not you should all be so ecstatic with your abilities, so many of you showed a side to the character that I hadn’t even thought of while writing them, and so many of you had actually left me speechless, with how much you understood the character. And with all that being said, we’re not even half way through watching all your auditions.

I am going to ask that everyone just hang in there until the end of January to hear back from us, I’m coming off the back end of Covid, so I’m fairly behind on a few things, but I promise everyone we’ll get back to you by then.

I hope to speak to you all soon! And again to every single person who has shown love and support towards us over the past weeks, we appreciate it so much!

Happy New Year Everyone 💙🩷

-Alastair Bird

*AUDITION SUBMISSIONS CLOSE TOMORROW*This is just a reminder that your auditions need to be submitted by Tomorrow, unles...


This is just a reminder that your auditions need to be submitted by Tomorrow, unless you have requested an audition in the past week, or an exception has been made, in which case you still have until the 7th.

If you have already sent your audition tape by email, we have received all of them, And if we have any issues at all with collecting your tape we will be in contact.

Also for whatever reason, we have had a few candidates WeTransfers notify them that we haven’t downloaded their tapes. I can assure you we have downloaded your tape, and we have put it in our review file. Please don’t resend your WeTransfer links, as it is taking up alot of hard drive space, as we are downloading all of them. If you believe that there may have been an issue with your submission being sent over please comment on this post, and we will go through the comments tomorrow and get in contact with those who we have no emails/expired links from.

Other than that we hope everyone’s having a good year so far, and we’re happy to say we are finally making good progress! Thank you to everyone for the Love and Support, and we hope to speak to you soon!


We want to wish everyone a Happy New Years, and we hope you all have a good night! 🎉We’re so grateful for all the suppor...

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Years, and we hope you all have a good night! 🎉

We’re so grateful for all the supportive messages, and comments that you have all left us, and we’re so excited to share more, and start giving you regular updates about “Cypher: Agent Down” in 2024.

We have been slowly getting through all of the audition tapes that have been submitted, and we have also been slowly going through the Amazing tracks that all of you Music producers have suggested for the film. We are in complete awe with the level of Acting, and Music Production that we have been recieving, and from the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you, for showing even a tiny bit of interest in our film!

2024 is going to be the year of the Colour Bird, and we’re so excited to have all of you along for the ride with us while producing Agent Down!

See you all next year🎉

And also just a reminder that the deadline for audition tapes to be submitted is on the 5th of January. Details on how to audition are below.

We just want to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS, from the team at Colour Bird Studios!

We just want to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS, from the team at Colour Bird Studios!

There’s something coming…

There’s something coming…



Hello Alastair Here,

I’d just like to introduce myself, and explain a little bit about who we are, and just to explain a bit about Colour Bird in general.

So I’m the head of Colour Bird Studios, we are a start up small indie studio, and we are almost finished with pre production on our first Feature Film “Agent Down”. This film has been in the works for months, and it truly is a passion project for all of us involved, and we are so excited to get the production moving, however it also seems like a-lot of actors/actresses feel the same as we do in our excitement.

The reception for the film has been overwhelming, so overwhelming in fact that we are extremely behind on a-lot of things that we should have done by now. And unfortunately that has now come back to bite us, with all the doubt that a-lot of you may have about our studio.

Now I’m not going to sit here and say that they’re all just being haters and critics, because truthfully they’re not. They’re well in their right to have their doubts, as this is your career that all of you are trying to build, and we are completely behind in establishing ourselves, and that should have been done a lot sooner. So for that I do apologise.

I would just like to share some figures with all of you, just so you can understand just how overwhelming all of this has been, and just so you can all see how busy we have been.

-In the first 12 hours of our casting call going live, we had 250 applicants, and that number has grown to over 400 since then.

-Since the casting call began, our page has gained 1200 followers in less than a week, and that was just from sharing the casting call in groups such as Actors UK, and other similar Groups.

-With the massive influx in followers, and over 28,000 impressions we had on our original casting announcement, we have had hundreds of messages. In fact we have averaged about 70-80 messages a day from people wanting to be involved in the production.

Now this may all sound great to a start up studio, and honestly we are so appreciative of everyone who has taken interest in the film, but we are a small team. After having a bit of a technical error with emails, I have been personally replying to audition requests since 11pm last night and I’m still not finished. And as of writing this I’m currently on 4 hours of sleep.

We love that all of you are excited about what you see in regards to Agent Down, and as someone who has poured their heart and soul into this movie for the past few months, It makes me so happy to share that excitement with you, however we want to address everyone’s concerns, and we want to do this as quickly as possible, so here is what we are going to do.

1. We are working on a website as we speak, and that website will contain contact info, details about our studio, as-well as a road map regarding the entire production of Agent Down.

2. We will be establishing ourselves more, including making the studio registered on Companies House.

3. We will be releasing the road map onto our page (as that’s where most of the people interested in being apart of the film will easily be able to view it) and we will also be uploading a Budget Breakdown so everyone can see details on that.

I believe there may have been a lot of misconception that we are a big studio, we are not, we are brand new. However we are able to look more professional than some of the other start up studios, as I have experience as a freelance Graphic Designer, as-well as social media marketer, and to add onto this I have been creating video content since I was 8. This isn’t about followers for me, or likes on a page, or becoming popular. Creating films is my passion, and Colour Bird Studios is a dream come true for me.

And with all this being said I also want to make sure that this is stated, as I believe this is the most important detail to all of this…

Yes Agent Down is a real production that we are going to film, and yes we really are looking for actors that will be in the film, but we are completely new to all of this, and we are still learning. But I do hope that everyone can give us a second chance to properly establish ourselves, and then we think you’ll all be shocked at what a small studio like us are able to achieve.

Kindest Regards
Alastair Bird
Head of Colour Bird Studios


Hi Everyone,

We just want to let everyone know that we are having an issue with our email at the moment. We received so many applications, in such a short amount of time, it’s taking a while to get back to everyone, however we will have more help responding tonight, so you should all receive your scripts by tonight.

Very sorry for the inconvenience, but we look forward to speaking to you all in the near future.

Alastair Bird
Head of Colour Bird Studios

We’ve been made aware that the profile for the role of Poppy was partly cut off, so we just wanted to do a second post s...

We’ve been made aware that the profile for the role of Poppy was partly cut off, so we just wanted to do a second post so that people interested in that role, can have a look at the whole profile.

Have a great evening, Audition confirmation emails will be going out shortly.

Alastair Bird
Head of Colour Bird Studios

*AUDITIONS ARE NOW OPEN*We are initially looking to hire our 6 Lead actors/actresses for our feature film “Agent Down - ...


We are initially looking to hire our 6 Lead actors/actresses for our feature film “Agent Down - A Cypher Series Film”. Attached to this post is a description on how to Audition, aswell as a brief character profile of each role.

To audition for the role please send an email to us using the address…

[email protected]

Your email should contain

-Your Full Name
-The role you are auditioning for
-The City you live in
-Any Showreels or previous work you may have
-Your Phone Number (If you would like us to call you regarding a call back audition)

Once your email has been sent, we will reply within 24 hours with a portion of your chosen roles script, and a guide on how to submit your audition tape.

The first stage of the auditions require you to do a script read on camera. You can do this either alone, or with a person of your choosing, but please make sure that the camera is positioned towards you, and that there is good lighting.

If you have any questions at all regarding the audition/role, please include these in your email, and we will answer them in your Audition Confirmation email, that will include the script.

Please make sure you have submitted your audition tapes by 5/1/24 as we may not be able to proceed with you, if it is later than this date.

We will be accepting auditions at a later stage for Supporting actors, so please make sure you are following our page, Colour Bird Studios to make sure you don’t miss our second Casting Call.

We’re wishing everyone good luck, and we’re looking forward to seeing all of your auditions.

Alastair Bird
Head of Colour Bird Studios

*AUDITIONS START THIS FRIDAY*First of all, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has shown interest in...


First of all, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has shown interest in taking part in “Agent Down”. We are extremely excited about this project and we cannot wait to begin production!

So in regards to the roles. We will be starting auditions for the lead roles, aswell as the supporting roles this Friday at 12pm.

We will release details on how to audition on the date but this is how they will work.


We will post what roles we are looking to hire for on our page, and to all those who we have spoken to on Messenger.

You will then need to send what role/roles you would like to audition for, aswell as any Showreels you may have, to the email that we will provide on the day. If you have already sent a show real over on messenger, please also attach it to your email, just to make sure we see it (If you don’t have a showreel don’t worry, we will still accept your audition)

After we have received you email, we will reply with a part of your chosen roles script. With this we will need you to film yourself doing a script read either by yourself, or with another person (whichever your more comfortable with). However in these script reads, please make sure that the light is okay, and that your camera/phone is propped up, so we are able to see you.

After you are happy with the Script Read we will ask that you either send it back on email, or that you send a link to the video so we can view it. We will be accepting the video auditions up until 05/01/24 so please please please make sure you have sent them in by then, as we will not be able to accept anything later.

If successful, we will invite you to do an in person call back in London at a later Date, in front of the Director, Casting Director, and Producer of the film.

We really hope this has cleared up any confusion anyone may have, and that this clarifies our proccess to you lovely people.

We’re so excited to see all your auditions, and we cannot wait to see you in person!

Kind Regards

Head of Colour Bird Studios

So after months of Pre-Production and a lot of technical delays behind the scene, We are so excited to finally announce ...

So after months of Pre-Production and a lot of technical delays behind the scene, We are so excited to finally announce our FIRST OF MANY feature length films…

Agent Down (A Cypher Series Film)

Agent Down is a modernisation of the classic British spy movies that dominated the late 1900s, and gives a fresh take on the Action genre.

As a small indie production company, we want to make a dent in the Film Industry, and we can’t wait to shock audiences with what a small studio is able to achieve!

This film is an absaloute passion project for us, and we can’t wait to share more details about the film in the Months to follow!

Anyway that’s all for now, but we’ll see you soon with some more info on the first instalment of The Cypher Series!

-Alastaire Bird
Head Of Colour Bird Studios


Kombucha Through Time



The Fermentation Show - Episode 12



Mini Video Promo






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