🎬The Knocking (2022)
The Knocking (2022), directed by Max Seeck and Joonas Pajunen, is a chilling supernatural thriller that delves deep into the unsettling emotions of grief, family bonds, and the unknown. Set in a remote forest in Finland, the film follows three adult siblings who return to their late parents' house to settle their affairs. What begins as a somber reunion soon spirals into a terrifying encounter with the supernatural, as the siblings find themselves trapped in a world where past traumas resurface and dark forces seem to manifest in their family home.
The plot of The Knocking centers around the three siblings—Anna, Mikael, and Emilia—who arrive at their childhood home to go through their deceased parents' belongings. The house, nestled in a dense forest, holds memories of their upbringing, but it also seems to conceal something darker. Soon after their arrival, strange occurrences begin to unsettle the family. Doors slam, strange knocking sounds echo through the house, and the atmosphere becomes increasingly oppressive. As the siblings struggle to make sense of these eerie events, they uncover secrets about their parents and their own past that force them to confront the unresolved traumas that have haunted them for years. The supernatural events in the house are not just a random occurrence but seem intricately connected to the family's history and the unresolved emotions that linger in the home.