Every time you or your child opens a book they are entering a magical world beyond the pages. Would you rather enter a story through a painting or a wardrobe? Tell me in the comments.#Narnia #marypoppins #thelionthewitchandthewardrobe #enteringastory #storyworld #storystarters #imagineaworld #openabook #booklife #bookworm #beautifulbooks #bigbooks #fiction #ilovereading #bibliophile #childrensbooks #picturebooks #earlyreading #chattygoosepublishing
Amazing @caraart_ ! Very proud of you!! #bookfundraiser #charityaution #socialprf #whalestory #goatstory #chattygoosepublishing
What’s making you flip with joy today? Love this clip from @discover_whales it’s the image of the flip along with the wonderful sound of the splash. ( See the instagram stories and highlight to hear the sound). I think today for me the splashing rhythmic sound of the rain giving my day a beat gave me joy as I sat at the computer working. Check out the link in the bio to see the books I’ve published. #simplepleasures #simplethingsinlife #whaleflip #whalestories #booksabouttheocean #seasidestories #undertheseatheme #eyfsbooks #earlyreaders #chattygoosepublishing
Listen to Inky The Story Whale by @katyloufoster and @caraart_ and share with friends who’d love this under the sea adventure! Link to purchase in bio.
#inkythestorywhale #mischievious #magicalstory #whalestory #octopusstory #underthesea #undertheseatheme #booksforchildren #booksforearlyreaders #rhymingbooks #rhymingbooksforchildren #inspiredbynature #heartleaf #seasidestory #writingforchildren #writinginspiration #writerstips #writeabook #wordsthatinspire #aspiringchildrensauthors #aspiringauthors #chattygoosepublishing #endlessimagination #schoolinspiration
What happens when an octopus and a whale meet? Mischievous magic!! Read the lovely whale and octopus story to discover a world where leather jacket wearing seahorses and a tea drinking octopus discover the stories from the seagulls flying above through Inky’s magical story bubbles! #inkythestorywhale #mischievious #magicalstory #whalestory #octopusstory #underthesea #undertheseatheme #booksforchildren #booksforearlyreaders #rhymingbooks #rhymingbooksforchildren #chattygoosepublishing
So my silly dog refused to move when the throw was being put down! Can you spot the tail wagging? #bookcharacterinspiration
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Book Signing
Signing a few Inky The Story Whale books. Let me know if you’d like a signed copy. 😊
Worth the wait!!
Inky the Story Whale is on sale for £7.99 … the print version is running on snail time at the moment but we will update soon with better availability on all platforms! We’d love you to purchase a copy of Inky The Story Whale on the Kindle version on Amazon today for £2.99 and would be so thrilled if you’d leave a review. We think you are going to love the illustrations and lovely rhyming story! The print version will be worth the wait too!
written by Katy Foster, illustrated by Cara Hodgson and designed by Lorraine Inglis is on sale 22.02.22!!
Purchase from online link in comments. Get excited with us, tell your friends and family! If you love the story(we think you will) we’d love you to write a review! Send us a message if you do and we’ll keep in touch! #newbook #newpicturebooks #newrhymingbook #newpicturebooksforchildren
Proof Copy Checking
It might be raining outside but Inky The Story Whale is brightening up the inside!