Our November issue of Medal News magazine is now available in newsagents. If you're not a regular subscriber but would like to find out more, please contact one of our lovely team on 01404 46972.
Our November issue of Medal News magazine is being posted our to subscribers today. If you're not a regular subscriber but would like to find out more, please contact one of our lovely team o 01404 46972.
Our October issue of Medal News Magazine is now available in all good newsagents! If you can't get to the shops, please give one of our friendly team a call on 01404 46972 to order your copy, or visit
Our October issue of Medal News Magazine is being posted out to subscribers tomorrow and will be pinging inboxes very soon. If you're not a regular subscriber, or just can't get to the shops, please give one of our friendly team a call on 01404 46972 to order your copy, or visit
The Medal Yearbook 2022 will be available in mid-October.
Once again, the Medal Yearbook will be available in both softback (£19.95) and deluxe hardback (£29.95) forms. The standard book is a full price guide to all the medals of Britain, Ireland and the Empire, with each one illustrated and explained. The deluxe edition also contains the modern medals of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
Pre-order yours today and get it post-free! Just visit or call us on 01404 46972 :-)
Our September issue of Medal News Magazine is now available in all good newsagents! To get your copy delivered straight to your door instead of going to the shops, call one of our lovely team on 01404 46972 or visit
Our September issue of Medal News Magazine has arrived in the office and will be posted out to subscribers tomorrow 🥳 If you're not a regular subscriber but would like to start, please give one of our friendly team a call on 01404 46972 or visit
Our August issue of Medal News Magazine is now available in all good newsagents! If you're not a regular subscriber and you'd rather not venture into the shops just yet, one of our lovely team can take your order on 01404 46972 if you give us a call 😃
Our August issue of Medal News Magazine has arrived at the office and will be posted out to subscribers tomorrow. 🥳 If you're not a regular subscriber and you'd rather not venture into the shops just yet, one of our lovely team can take your order on 01404 46972 if you give us a call 🥳
The June/July edition of Medal News Magazine is being posted out to subscribers today and will be available in newsagents from May 28.
Medal News Magazine and Token Publishing Spring 2021 Catalogue
Watch this video to see our current range of Military publications and visit our online shop at to find out more!
Watch our video for a short preview of some of the additional pages and information in our DELUXE HARDBACK edition of the Medal Yearbook 2021. The limited edition special DELUXE Hardback version features everything that is in the standard edition and also the welcome return of the current COMMONWEALTH medals, orders, and decorations of AUSTRALIA, CANADA, NEW ZEALAND & SOUTH AFRICA. Both editions continue to feature handy hints and tips for the collector as well as the CUMULATIVE INDEX to the YEARBOOK’s parent magazine MEDAL NEWS!
Keep checking our pages for more information and visit our shop at
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#battles #bravery #tokenpublishing #medalnews