Scotica Film

Scotica Film Scottish-based outdoor, adventure, environmental and aerial filmmakers. Let Scotica take you on a different journey.


What does it mean to be connected to nature? There are so many ways to feel more connected, and one of those ways, for so many folk, is through a lens.

For photographer Karen Miller Photography, looking through her camera is her way to connect with the animals she photographs. Karen’s photography feels intimate and altogether quite different to a lot of other wildlife photography we’ve seen.

And so this short film, Finding Bo, was born, and we have spent a lot of time understanding Karen’s process, both out in wild spaces and in front of the edit screen.

We are so excited to put out the trailer next week ahead of our premiere screening at Montrose Land and Sea festival next weekend.

- A fleeting moment from the film.

We have a brand new blog post: the Scotica Autumn 2024 Update“Sometimes in the west of Scotland we are blessed with the ...

We have a brand new blog post: the Scotica Autumn 2024 Update

“Sometimes in the west of Scotland we are blessed with the kind of summer weather which makes autumn take one by surprise. ‘Surely the leaves can’t be falling already,’ I think, ‘we’ve barely had two sunny days to rub together’. Well, fortunately for the Scotica team, we’ve been able to spend some of this season away in warmer climes, working hard and receiving a fair dose of sunburn. Here we have a short update covering some of the fun projects we’ve been working away on over the past couple of months….”

Read the full blog post at


A behind the scenes moment from our latest shoot in the Italian Alps. A real mix of Type 1 & Type 2 fun - relentless, sweaty uphill, achey legs, tent shivering, and a lot of snack breaks with sensational views. And also the joy of witnessing pastel alpine light dance across the mountains, starry skies, and waking up to the warm sunshine on our faces.

Filmmaking in these spaces isn’t always easy, but these moments of perfect conditions, of feeling so tiny in grand spaces, and the contentedness from the simplest things, it really is unrivalled.


We’ve been off grid the last couple of days, soaking in the mountains views a little further afield than home. There’s something pretty magic about watching the sun go down in the mountains, about the journey to getting there, and the lasting emotions that experiences like these bring. Whether it’s commercial or documentary, it is a privilege to shoot in these spaces, and it’s always feels real.

- some moments from a past shoot, in the shadow of the Cuillin, on the beautiful Isle of Skye.

Director: Gregor D Sinclair
B-Cam: Eilidh Munro
AC: Charlie Harris
AD: Michael Yeoman
HMUA: Emma Gandolfo
Models: Ben Oakes /Andrew Wood / Emma Hamilton / Rita Yost
Client: Talisker
Agency: Fold7 / Kate Hinton / Verity Fine Hosken / Chhaya Kapila


Scotica Director, Gregor, has been out this week tending to the honeybee apiary, and had these musings to share:

”Honeybees are fascinating and remarkably intelligent beasts. But what a lot of folk don’t realise is that, for the most part, they’re essentially livestock. Apis mellifera ligustica, the most common species in commercial beekeeping, is a domesticated variety from Italy, while our own native ‘dark honeybee’, Apis mellifera mellifera, is confined only to a few isles in the Outer Hebrides.

”Beekeeping is a wonderful way to connect with your environment and produce delicious local food. However, we have lost two thirds of our pollinators in the past twenty years alone, a sobering statistic. And competition with large commercial honey farms has only exacerbated the issue.

”So when we talk about ‘saving our bees’, let’s concentrate on the hundreds of other species our isles are home to - such as the 24 varieties of bumblebee, or mason bees, or my personal favourite, the ashy mining bee. And let’s bring back Apis mellifera mellifera!”


A moment from one of our latest shoots, camera in hand and exploring what's beneath the surface in our UK waters.

Did you know that seagrasses are the ocean’s only flowering plants? Over millions of years seagrass has slowly ‘devolved’ back into the water, and as such provides a truly unique ecosystem for countless fish, invertebrates and microscopic life. According to Project Seagrass, these ecosystems can support up to 30x the number of species as surrounding areas. And, like kelp forests, they are a fantastic store of carbon.

Seagrass ‘meadows’ have been one the decline in the UK for the past century, thanks in part to disease, dredging and sewage dumping. It’s more important than ever to make sure these incredible habitats are protected and restored.


It’s been a heavy week in the UK and we’re thinking a lot about belonging, in the outside space, in our cities. Our work and our ethos as a company centres on a respect for nature, but also on respect for community, and the creation of a safe and positive space for everybody.

Film and photography, commercial or documentary - it is not created in a vacuum. Our work is part of the world and what is happening around us.

Solidarity to those affected by the ongoing riots and attacks across the UK. We stand against racism, and islamophobia, always.

This last week has been location scouting and time away from the screens in the beautiful French Alps. Hiking, climbing,...

This last week has been location scouting and time away from the screens in the beautiful French Alps. Hiking, climbing, and basking in the sunshine. It’s been so good to get a bit of a reset after a lot of shoot prep.

We’re so excited to head back into the Alps in a couple of weeks for our upcoming shoot, exploring the trails, searching for bright wildflower, arms-wide descents, and making a film that captures the joy of trail running and being outside.


Fling up yer pollen, and
Smooch a songbird,
For today we jubilate this lush and canny land!

Find yerself some favourite spot:
Somewhere that’s fizzing with field-loads of insects,
A place popping off, with furry little lifeforms,
Some thoroughfare encircled by wildflower festivals.

And once you’ve found it throw yer head back,
Follow a beech tree up its bark,
Until ye fall down on yer marsh,
And from the grass tell the sun
“Good work!”.

Give a river some vivid tribute,
Then take your vow of shushness.
Soak, In celebratory silence...

Chattiest silence I’ve ever heard!

View the full film:


Director/Editor: Gregor D Sinclair
Writer: Raymond Wilson
Camera: Gregor D Sinclair, Rachel Sarah
Voice Artist: Tim Lee
Client: Forest Carbon Ltd / Carbon Club

A few behind the scenes moments from our recent shoot for Goretex Brand, this time a bit closer to home, shooting in the...

A few behind the scenes moments from our recent shoot for Goretex Brand, this time a bit closer to home, shooting in the Scottish Highlands.

In contrast to our last ice climbing captures in the wintry expanses of Rjukan, we were focusing in on the finer details, ditching the studio and embracing the multi-faceted space of the workshop. Such a lovely an atmospheric summer day in the shadow of mist-covered mountains. Feeling very thankful for the sun making a brief appearance as well as the breeze to keep the midgies at bay.

Shooting with TCO London
📸 Fred Murray & Rachel Sarah

We're really excited to announce that we're one of three recipients of the 2025 film grant from Run The Alps for "It's A...

We're really excited to announce that we're one of three recipients of the 2025 film grant from Run The Alps for "It's All Downhill From Here", a short film featuring Trina & Gloria, exploring ageing, joy, and friendship in trail running.

We're so excited to get stuck into our shooting next month, and bury ourselves in creative pre-production.

And a big congratulations to fellow grant recipients Summit Fever Media, and Soren & Luke.

Today, Scotica is proud to publicly release its new constitution, a series of documents detailing our modus operandi, th...

Today, Scotica is proud to publicly release its new constitution, a series of documents detailing our modus operandi, the rules and principles we follow and, most crucially, the values we hold at our core.

We are releasing these documents as part of our commitment to transparency around ethics and governance in the industry. We want to encourage feedback and discussion around this material, and incorporate as wide a variety of perspectives as possible.

This is a short taster of the core values and principles upon which our constitution is based and we’d love to hear your thoughts.

The full documents are available for viewing at

The earth needs our vote.Tomorrow, July 4th, is the UK’s first chance in half a decade to make our collective feelings k...

The earth needs our vote.

Tomorrow, July 4th, is the UK’s first chance in half a decade to make our collective feelings known. We may be preaching to the choir here, but we encourage all those with a vote to consider who you feel is genuinely treating the environmental crises seriously, and who you feel has the capacity to enact real change.

Voter apathy is expected to play a major role in deciding the outcome of this election, with undecideds, non-voters and spoiled ballots surpassing any party’s polling figures. If we want to see a brighter future for the UK and the environment, we all have a duty to exercise our democratic right and keep turnout high.

No seat is truly safe and no ballot paper is wasted. To quote a slogan which has been doing the rounds, change will only come if we vote for it.


It's been really refreshing creating and sharing our new values, and this is our final official value - to create a positive environment.

We shed our ego; creating a positive space is one of our most fundamental values at Scotica. Creative collaboration is at our core, and everybody is valued and heard.

Safeguarding the well-being of everyone who’s a part of our shoots is one of our most fundamental values. Through our professionalism, planning, and experience, we do everything we can to keep our cast, crew and clients safe – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Cold product shots from last winter shooting for  in Iceland. We find our creative joy in capturing outside, often in ex...

Cold product shots from last winter shooting for in Iceland.

We find our creative joy in capturing outside, often in extreme environments. The process of photography and cinematography was taken out of the studio and onto the glacier, the black sand beaches.

Of course it’s not necessarily easier - the weather often throws curve-balls and carrying kit on a glacier can be a little more awkward, but we almost like it that way. Any excuse to be outside, with camera in hand.



A flashback from Rachel Sarah's body of work - moments from directing a campaign in her pre-Scotica days.

"I loved working on this campaign - highlighting our connections to the outdoors and the work we can do in to break down barriers for others. Lauren, Trina & Jade have their own reasons to be in the outdoors, but they also spent their time within their own communities, bringing the outdoors and nature to those who need it.

In a world that, in many ways, is becoming disconnected, this idea of education, uplifting, and collaboration is one I'm looking to more and more within my own world and work as a filmmaker."


Director: Rachel Sarah
Cinematography: Rachel Sarah & Emma Crome
Photography: Jessie Leong
Agency: Brandnation
Client: Merrell

“The snow has melted from the tops of the mountains and, as I write, I’m looking out over Highland landscapes as they’re...

“The snow has melted from the tops of the mountains and, as I write, I’m looking out over Highland landscapes as they’re turning more and more green. It’s pretty nice to be welcoming some warmth after a long winter, although I’m less enamoured with the return of the midgies.”

- An excerpt from our latest blog post and Summer update, written by . Have a read of full thing through the link in our profile for a little insight into the last few months, as well as what’s to come.

"The snow has melted from the tops of the mountains and, as I write, I’m looking out over Highland landscapes as they’re...

"The snow has melted from the tops of the mountains and, as I write, I’m looking out over Highland landscapes as they’re turning more and more green. It’s pretty nice to be welcoming some warmth after a long winter, although I’m less enamoured with the return of the midgies."

- An excerpt from our latest blog post and Summer update, written by Rachel Sarah. Have a read of full thing for a little insight into the last few months, as well as what's to come.

The snow has melted from the tops of the mountains and, as I write, I’m looking out over Highland landscapes as they’re turning more and more green. It’s pretty nice to be welcoming some warmth after a long winter, although I’m less enamoured with the return of the midgies.

So great to see the news of Scotica's growing team in The Herald this week. It's been a joy to go into this year with a ...

So great to see the news of Scotica's growing team in The Herald this week. It's been a joy to go into this year with a strong team and collaborative mindset, and we're looking forward to seeing where we go from here.

One of Scotland’s leading film production companies has expanded its offering across the country following the appointment of a…


We've really enjoyed putting our thoughts, feelings, and values to paper recently and, when talking about what is important to us, authentic representation was top of the list.

We are working to build a culture that celebrates and highlights authenticity, seeking out those lesser told stories in the UK and beyond.

A strong creative team is one that fully represents the project, and we aim to provide opportunities and mentorship behind the camera for creatives from all backgrounds.

We are continually learning, building a creative community driven by a shared passion for sustainability – both in front of and behind the camera.


We have lost 70% of our ancient woodland here in the UK.

Though we can never regain what we have lost, conservation efforts have lead to UK woodland cover more than doubling in the last 100 years. Despite this increase, woodland biodiversity is still decreasing, and the UK is failing to meet its tree-cover targets needed to meet carbon net zero by 2050.

”We need to at least quadruple the current rate of woodland creation and increase the proportion of UK-grown native species to help tackle the effects of climate change and give nature a fighting chance of recovery.”*

On our recent shoot with , looking at a five year old new woodland, we looked around at the increased biodiversity. The wildflower, the birds, and the change we could already see, so soon. With so much happening in the world, we hope that being able to play our part, in using film to to highlight these issues and showcase the work being done, can add to positive change, on a local and global level.

*Sources: The Woodland Trust / WWF


Being transparent about our values is so important to us for a myriad of reasons, and one of the things we're passionate about is treading lightly on the landscape, ensuring there is no disturbance to local fauna and flora, and working in a way which is sensitive to those most intimately connected with the land, its ecology and history.

All Scotica shoots are designed to have the lowest possible environmental footprint; we minimise travel, hire local as much as possible, and offset through tree-planting. We aim for zero to landfill and prioritise vegetarian catering.

Our focus has always been and will always be on promoting, preserving and revitalising the incredible natural landscapes we’re privileged enough to have on our doorstep.


It feels like it’s instantly gone from winter into summer in Scotland and we’re not quite sure we’ve acclimatised just y...

It feels like it’s instantly gone from winter into summer in Scotland and we’re not quite sure we’ve acclimatised just yet. We are still in the edit for some winter projects and also reminding ourselves that this summer is training time for the next winter season of documentary shooting ahead. We’re planning some very cold water and mountain days ahead, so we’re trying not to get too comfortable with the heat, even though the Highlands have been practically tropical these last weeks.

- a few moments from one of our chilliest shoots so far, in Norway with TCO London shooting for GORE-TEX Brand


There's been a lot of change here at Scotica Film and, although we've always had ethics at the heart of all we do, we thought it was time to rewrite our values, with added insight from our new Creative Director Rachel Sarah.

Our aim has always been and will always be on promoting, preserving and revitalising the incredible natural landscapes we're privileged enough to have on our doorstep.

We capture the spirit of hope, of community, to show how the outdoors, and protecting nature, can inspire the best in us.

Our focus is in telling outdoor and environmental stories that have a positive impact on people and planet. In our commercial and our documentary film work, it is key for us to work alongside brands and organisations who also have ethics at their heart.



Today we're welcoming Rachel Sarah as our brand new Creative Director at Scotica Film.

We pride ourselves on creating films which cut to the core of issues around environment and adventure sport, and bringing on one of the UK’s top adventure filmmakers has felt like a very natural partnership.

We are so looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in the coming years, with many exciting documentary projects already on our slate.

And so, here is the brand new Scotica showreel - a perfect blend of this brand new journey.



Our posts have largely been filled with icy climbs and wintry memories lately but, as we welcome this beautiful start to May, it felt like it was time for something a little different.

We've been pretty excited to be in the midst of the edit for our latest documentary short. This is a film that explores intimate connections to nature, celebrates wildlife here in Scotland, and is already taking us on a bit of an emotional journey.

Here's a tiny snippet of what we've been immersing ourselves into, both in the edit and in our down time. Sound on for maximum effect 🍃



We've been doing a lot of re-writing and thinking about the values of Scotica these last months. How things are changing and how some things remain constant. A real appreciation for landscape, for local, for community, has always been within our values, and it will continue to be. Scotland and beyond.

This small excerpt from a past project, and the words spoken as part of it, sum it all up quite well -

"My relationship with the land is intimate, I just feel I have real roots in the landscape, it gives me nourishment for my soul."


It was such a privilege to film with Tamara Lunger and Jessie Dufton this past winter season, and hear their stories as they climbed together for the first time.

On shoots like this, as filmmakers, we always take something away with us. On this shoot, in Rjukan, we took away appreciation for the weather being so still, and also appreciation for Jesse and Tamara sharing their experiences with us, with the camera, and with those watching.

We're never entitled to people's stories, their experiences, their wisdom, joy, difficulties, lessons. Every film that we make, we remind ourselves of that.

You can watch the full film here:


Shot for GORE-TEX Brand with TCO London




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