We’re back with another news roundup- check out these stories and more in our print edition, hitting newsstands today!
#edinburgh #thestudent #studentnewspaper #universityofedinburgh #edinburghnews #edinburghuniversity
Missed our latest print edition? Catch up on the headlines before our final print of the semester drops this week!
#University of Edinburgh #thestudent #edinburgh #studentnewspaper #edinburghnews
Will the real Paul Mescal please stand up?? Last night in Edi’s very own little slice of Ireland, @dropkickmurphysedin, the hunt was on for a little slice of everyone’s favorite Irishman, which begged the question: what makes the perfect Paul? Some competitors brought the booty shorts, others the brooding, other crowd favorites ran away before the competition even began- arguably making them the real winners, even if they have to pay for their own Gladiator tickets.
What ensued can only be described as chaos, with University of Edinburgh first-year Eve Scott coming home with the coveted trophy
Big thanks to @eutvsoc for all their help filming and editing, Louisa McDaniel for her creative direction, Anna Claire Shuman’s newfound Reels hosting skills, and the Dropkick’s team for all their accommodation. See you all at the next one!
#edinburgh #thestudent #studentnewspaper #universityofedinburgh #edinburghnews #paulmescal #paulmescallookalike #dropkicks
The Student spoke to BBC journalists Clive Myrie, Jeremy Bowen and Victoria Derbyshire in between their live broadcasts on the eve of the historic US election in their DC newsroom. They told us about their night so far and how they’re feeling about the current political climate in the US.
Donald Trump won last night’s election to become the 47th President of the United States, beating Vice President Kamala Harris.
Thank you to @thereelclivemyrie @vicderbyshire and @jeremy.bowen for taking the time to speak to us on such a busy night!
#thestudent #studentnewspaper #theuniversityofedinburgh #edinburgh #washingtondc #uselection #donaldtrump #kamalaharris
Our features writer Stella Hardy sat down with Shanley Breese and James Leith, both founding committee members of the new @uoescots society.
Read about it in our last print edition, or check out the full interview on the @eutvsoc YouTube channel.
Can’t wait to pick up a copy of our new print edition? Catch up on all the news you missed last week with our news editor Sam Mark’s roundup of the biggest headlines.
#news #edinburghnews #studentjournalism #roundup
A series of showcase days hosted by the British Standard Institution and the International Electrotechnical Commission began yesterday at the EICC, covering themes including AI, Net Zero, Quantum, and Smart Cities. We spoke to Civil Engineering student Sulakna Herath about her upcoming speech for the Net Zero showcase this Thursday; for more information and to register to attend, visit the link in our stories or go to bsigroup.com.
#bsi #iec #netzero #sustainability #climatechange #climatecrisis #engineering #networking #bsishowcase
A few weeks ago @dishoom invited The Student round for breakfast and dinner to try out some updated menu items, and we had the time of our lives! Massive thank you to the team at Dishoom Edinburgh for a truly fantastic experience that gave us all impostor syndrome, and go check out Dishoom’s new dishes today!
#edinburgh #thestudent #studentnewspaper #universityofedinburgh #dishoom #dishoomedinburgh #gifted
The UK government is considering restrictions on zero-hour contracts, which are popular among students looking for part time work while at uni, as part of their workers rights bill. So, why would the government want to restrict them? News contributor Dom Croot explains the reasoning behind restricting these “exploitative” contracts and the potential consequences if they are banned.
#thestudent #eutv #zerohourcontracts #edinburgh #edinburghnews #universityofedinburgh #uoe #studentnewspaper