See linked article but put in simple terms the current owners have come to an agreement with Summerhall Arts and Edinburgh Palette to extend the 3 year least post purchase to cover Summerhall resident businesses, big thanks to Sam Gough and the team for pulling this together !
Thanks to all our customers who have expressed concern over the sale of Summerhall, and what that means for the continuation of Tonegarden, we strongly value your support.
Some of the recent press releases have given the impression Summerhall (the whole site) will be safe for 3 years under any new owner, due to an agreement with the current owner to make this a condition of sale, unfortunatley this is not the case. The 3 year lease will only apply to the newly formed charity Summerhall Arts and the spaces they would be leasing under new ownership- venues, gallery space, pub, etc...... these account for 40% of the overall site, the remaining 60% of the site is occupied by over 120 resident artists and creative businesses, which will not be safeguarded by the 3 year lease guarantee, this means a new buyer could still develop the majority of the site leaving the resident businesses to find new homes, or as very possibilly in Tonegarden's case close all together.
Summerhall's resident creative business community has started it's own campaign- to increase awareness of the many, often unique, resident businesses forming our own creative village which, is a year round contributor to the local economy and provides employment to well over 120 people.
Please help us share awareness on this situation by sharing this post 👍
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