So I guess it goes without saying that we didn't hit our 2024 target for the release of Echoes. Alas the post-production process has been more pain-staking than I’d hoped. However, the good news is I can confirm that we are a handful of shots away from a finished film, and Dylan is working hard on scoring as I type this. So we are very, very close to a release, and I can also confirm that the running time is 32 minutes.
I'm very reluctant to even attempt an estimated release date other than soon, because like a poor marksman I keep missing the target, but it will be this year and it will certainly be before Summer. And with that in mind I'd like to thank you all for your continued patience. 🙂
In the meantime, I thought you all might like to see the completed cold open. It's not much, but it will give you a good idea of how the final film will look and sound.