Happy anniversary ⚡️ A year ago Grainne and William were married in the most magical place @cabracastlehotel. We got the last squeeze of the summer sun and the first kiss of Autumn (that evening mist ✨)
Thank you for having me be part of it ⚡️
Photographer - @donaldoherty
Celebrant - @thecelebrantandreahall
Make up - @cathybrennanmakeup
Dress - @thevow_bridalstudio
#irishweddingvideographer #cabracastle #wcbh
City vibes in a rainy daze with a pint of plain and two cool cats ⚡️Niall & Claudia ⚡️
#citywedding #belfastwedding #guinnessbrides #guinness #belfastbars #wcbhcouple
Leanne & John ⚡️a pair of diamonds and can’t forget indi🐶 🫶 ⚡️ all the craic, all the dog cuddles and a few tears of joy ⚡️ what a class day and thank you for having me be part of it 🙏
🏩 - @evergladeshotelderry
💇♀️- @luxhairbeautystudio
💄- @kendramakeupartist
💐 - @johnpaulflorist
#derryweddingphotographer #wcbhcouple #derrywedding #dogsatweddings
What a day and what a couple ⚡️Catherine & Kian ⚡️ the craic and and all the feels ✨ not even the Irish wether could keep the craic from being mighty 🍾
Venue - @beechhillcountryhouse
Photo - @jamesaikenphotography_
We can…capture those moments ⚡️
Hey there I am Tomas (Tom if you are in a hurry) I film and create magical wedding films for all the modern lovers 🫶 every wedding is special and ever couple is unique, let’s capture this adventure together ⚡️
#wcbhfilm #wecanbeheroes #irelandweddingvideographer #derrywedding #donegalwedding #irishweddingblog #onefabday
Two diamonds 💎 Kerri & Joe ⚡️
🏩 - @redcastlehotel
📸 - @stephen_latimer_photography
#donegalwedding #irishweddingvideographer #redcastlehotelwedding #wcbhfilm #donegal #irishwedding #irelandweddingfilm #autumwedding
It’s all about that’s little moments ✨ Aimme & Ray ⚡️
📸 - @lisa.mcgrath.photography
🏩 - @evergladeshotelderry
💄 - @blushandglow_dani
💇♀️ - @martinasheerin
🌸 - @johnpaulflorist
👗 - @ultimate.dresses
🤵♂️ - @freddiehatchet
Earrings ✨- @nomadabyrachel
#wcbhfilm #derrywedding #irelandweddingvideographer #evergladeshotelderry #derryweddingvideographer