And after the violence… comes the flow!
P.s I didn’t add the 1 hand… @x._andie_.x chose to add that herself 🥰😍
We’ve been asked to perform at a charity event on Friday for @zoesplacebabyhospice
@court_reading getting those lines DOWWWWWWWN 😍😍😍
We’re excited to get our lollipop in action 😍
Ooooft we’re gonna know about this tomorrow 😂😂
Great fun today in our advanced contemporary class.
Was a wild one. Hot baths all round 🥰💛
Aerial is so much more than learning cool moves.
At aerial we learn to respect this beautiful art-form.
We learn patience.
We learn tenacity.
We learn to fight for what we want.
We learn that if we tell ourselves we can’t, then we’re probably right.
We learn that we cannot grow if we’re not on our own team.
Tonight this one nearly let her demons win. (You know those ones, who tell us we can’t).
Instead. She took a moment, and decided to be on her own side. She decided she could. And then she did.
It’s these moments I live for as a teacher. This is true growth. To start breaking down all those habits built over a lifetime. To believe and trust in yourself. There is power and strength in that.
This is the beginning girl. I CANNOT wait to see you unlock it further 💛
While we live in self doubt, we are self doubt.
Remember that inner child. You wouldn’t continuously tell a child they can’t do something then expect them to achieve.
Enough of that now: it doesn’t serve us.
Proud teacher moment.
We’re now offering private contemporary classes 🥰😍
It’s took me a while to build my own confidence back up for teaching dance. Especially in a private but this weekend is the first I’ve had without any anxiety before class.
It reminds me how important it is to keep pushing myself through my anxiety. (Im the boss brain. Get back in your box 😂)
Come dance with me.
An hours private is £30 💛
Perfect way to finish a weekend of classes and workshops 🥰💛😍
Thanku for trusting me as always.
It’s an honour to watch you all grow in confidence and self belief. 💛
Thanku @miss_v_burlesque for a fabulous evening of Burlesque.
Our last workshop of the month!
We’ve pinned next months workshops to out grid. So get booking! They’re not to be missed 🥰😍
Friday nights at rebel are about moving that body and feeling fabulous 😍😍
Have you thought about trying our Burlesque class? Stop watching from the shadows and join the fun 😍
Another incredible evening with our Rebel Burlesque beauties 🥰🔥
Cannot believe the confidence in the room! Wow!
#burlesque #dance #performance #adultdance #empowerment
Todays vibes are brought to you by the sandwich monster 🤣🤣
Happy international dance day.
An artform I love so much.
A way of feeling without speaking.
Happy little therapy.
I feel so grateful for dance, and all it’s taught me about who I am and want to be 💛