Mieszkańcy i przyjaciele Somerset /Coleraine

Mieszkańcy i przyjaciele Somerset /Coleraine Strone załozylismy w celu kontaktu polskiej społecznosci z wolontariuszami Somerset Residents Association. Prowadzimy zajecia dla dzieci z Coleraine I okol


𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 & 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ♻️

There will be no bin collections on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. 🚛

Bins scheduled to be collected on Christmas Day will be collected on Friday 20th December in the Limavady area and on Saturday 21st December in the Ballymoney, Coleraine and Moyle areas.

Bins scheduled to be collected on Boxing Day will be collected on Saturday 21st December in the Limavady area and on Sunday 22nd December in the Ballymoney, Coleraine and Moyle areas.

Bins scheduled to be collected on New Year’s Day will be collected on Friday 3rd January in the Limavady area and on Saturday 28th December in the Ballymoney, Coleraine and Moyle areas.

Household Recycling Centres will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Open as normal at all other times.

Grinch wraca do Coleraine już w piątek 29go

Grinch wraca do Coleraine już w piątek 29go

🎄🎁 Brace Yourselves, Coleraine… The Grinch is BACK! 🎁🎄

That’s right, folks! The Grinch is swapping Whoville for Bridge Street this festive season! Whether you’re naughty, nice, or just in it for the banter, you won’t want to miss this FREE event, brought to you by Coleraine BID. 🎅💚

📅 Dates & Times:
✨ Friday 29th November: 2pm – 4pm
✨ Saturday 30th November: 10am – 1pm
✨ Sunday 1st December: 1pm – 3pm

✨ Friday 6th December: 2pm – 4pm
✨ Saturday 7th December: 10am – 1pm
✨ Sunday 8th December: 1pm – 3pm

✨ Friday 13th December: 2pm – 4pm
✨ Saturday 14th December: 10am – 1pm
✨ Sunday 15th December: 1pm – 3pm

✨ Friday 20th December: 2pm – 4pm
✨ Saturday 21st December: 10am – Noon
✨ Sunday 22nd December: 1pm – 3pm

🎅 Pro Tip: Bring your cameras and your best Who-liday cheer – or don’t, because the Grinch thrives on your festive frustration! 😏🎄

Spread the word and come join the festive fun on Bridge Street! It’s guaranteed to be a Grinch-tastic time! 🥳

Coleraine w piątek 29go listopada

Coleraine w piątek 29go listopada

🎅✨ Ho, ho, hold onto your Santa hats! It's time to sleigh into the holiday spirit as Santa himself spreads festive cheer across the Borough! 🎄

Starting this week, watch our streets come alive with the magic of twinkling Christmas lights, toe-tapping music, jolly family-friendly festivities, and, of course, a special visit from the big man in red! 🎁

🎶 Mark your calendars for these festive dates: 🎄 Ballymoney kicks things off this Thursday, 21st November
🎅 Limavady jingles all the way on Saturday, 23rd November
✨ Ballycastle lights up on Thursday, 28th November
🎁 Coleraine wraps it all up on Friday, 29th November

Już od jutra w centrum Coleraine

Już od jutra w centrum Coleraine

Halloween is fast approaching, and Coleraine town centre is gearing up for a fantastic week of family fun—all organised by the members of Coleraine BID, and the best part? It’s completely free to enjoy, daily from 1-3pm!

Starting on Friday, 25th October, visitors can look forward to seeing Beetlejuice wandering the streets from 1-3pm, with a return appearance on Monday, 28th October. On Saturday, 26th October, Wednesday Addams & Uncle Fester will be making their spooky rounds from 1-3pm. On Tuesday, 29th October, Jack Skellington & Sally will join the fun from 2-3pm, while Huggy Wuggy & Kissy Missy will be out spreading thrills on Thursday, 31st October from 1pm.

The much-loved Pumpkin Patch on Bridge Street and the eerie Little Shop of Horrors in the Diamond Arcade will be open from Friday, 25th October through to Thursday, 31st October, 1-3pm daily (except for Sunday, 27th October). Families can pick pumpkins for free and create lasting memories at the Pumpkin Patch, while thrill-seekers can visit Coleraine’s haunted highwayman, Cushy Glenn, or face Judge Bloody Hutchinson in the Little Shop of Horrors.

Visitors will also have the chance to capture epic photos with a smoke-breathing Hungarian Horntail Dragon, fresh from the Triwizard Tournament.

On Wednesday, 30th October, Coleraine BID will host its annual Fancy Dress Competition and BIG stage show around the Town Hall from 12:30pm, presented by Brian Moore. Brian will also bring his music to the event, ensuring a lively and entertaining atmosphere. The day’s festivities will continue with a Children’s Spooky Disco from 1-2:30pm, followed by sing-along performances from the Saunderson Sisters, offering a full day of family fun and prizes.

This Halloween Spooktacular, organised by Coleraine BID, promises a week of myth, legend, and spooky entertainment. Families can enjoy ghoulish daytime activities, visit local cafes, or indulge in some retail therapy—perfect themed days out for everyone!

To stay updated on all the Halloween fun, pictures, and more events, make sure to check out Coleraine BID on Facebook.


[EN] Did you know that the stunning Northern Ireland coast is a hidden gem for many Polish families living here? It's no secret that Polish people in Northern Ireland have developed a special love for the breathtaking landscapes, especially the majestic coastline that stretches along the Atlantic. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce a fantastic opportunity that combines nature, wellness, and a bit of adventure!

We're thrilled to partner with Marzena from The Flow Project NI—an inspiring initiative that promotes health and wellbeing. Marzena has poured her passion for the gorgeous Northern coast into this project, and we want YOU to be a part of it.

On the 16th of November (Saturday), we’re hosting a unique surfing session in Portrush that promises to be an unforgettable experience. If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at surfing or just enjoy a day out by the sea, this is the perfect chance! No prior swimming skills are required, don’t worry! Our sessions will be conducted by experienced, certified instructors who will guide you every step of the way. Plus, we’ll provide all the necessary equipment—you just need to bring your enthusiasm and a sense of adventure!

This two-hour surfing experience is completely free for members of the Polish community, but spaces are limited. What better way to connect with nature and meet new friends from our community than by riding the waves? Whether you're looking to catch your first wave or simply step outside of your comfort zone, this could be the start of a new hobby or an exciting weekend adventure.

If you’re interested in securing a spot, please reach out to Marzena soon at [email protected]! Since we’re on a first-come, first-served basis, it’s important to act quickly to ensure you don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.

[PL] Oszałamiające wybrzeże Irlandii Północnej stało się ulubionym miejscem wypoczynku dla polskiej społeczności. Jest wymarzonym środowiskiem do czynnego wypoczynku, słynącym z piaszczystych plaż oraz idealnych warunków do uprawiania sportów wodnych.

Mamy przyjemność ogłosić, że wspólnie z Marzeną z Flow Project NI organizujemy darmową sesję surfingową w Portrush, która odbędzie się 16 listopada (Sobota). Jeśli marzysz o spróbowaniu swoich sił na desce lub chcesz po prostu spędzić miły dzień nad morzem, daj nam znać! Nie potrzebujesz wcześniejszego doświadczenia — nasi certyfikowani instruktorzy zadbają o Twój komfort i bezpieczeństwo.

Co więcej, sesja jest całkowicie bezpłatna dla członków polskiej społeczności. Jeśli chcesz wziąć udział w projekcie, skontaktuj się z Marzeną drogą mailową: [email protected]. Nie zwlekaj, bo liczba miejsc jest ograniczona!


[ENG] In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Polish community in Northern Ireland, and at the special invitation of the Polish Folk Group "Bociany" at the Association of Polish Culture and Tradition "Made in Poland," PL20NI and the Polish School "POLCA," we are delighted to invite you to a concert by the Harcerski Zespół Pieśni i Tańca "Dzieci Płocka." This wonderful event will take place on October 29th at 7 PM at Culturlann Mc Adam O Fiaich, 216 Falls Rd, Belfast BT12 6AH.

We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by the 28th of October 2024, at the latest. You can do so by reserving a free ticket at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dzieci-pocka-gala-concert-belfast-tickets-1049664553937

The Harcerski Zespół Pieśni i Tańca "Dzieci Płocka," named after Druh Wacław Milke, is the oldest children's group in Poland, operating continuously since 1946. Over the years, what began as a small school scouting team has transformed into a separate institutional entity that now engages over five hundred children and youth. Despite the changes, "Dzieci Płocka" remain true to the traditions and goals set in the early years of the institution. Today, the group entertains, educates, and nurtures children and youth using scouting methods. More than 500 young participants, aged between 5 and 20, represent nearly all educational institutions in Płock.

With thousands of concerts both in Poland and across nearly all of Europe, Asia, and North America, participation in numerous national events, representing Poland at festivals and gatherings, outdoor shows, repeated appearances in television recordings and film productions, numerous medals, awards, distinctions, and collaborations with renowned artists, the achievements of the "Dzieci Płocka" group can be summarised as truly impressive.

[PL] Z okazji 20lecia Polonii w Irlandii Północnej i na specjalne zaproszenie Polskiej Grupy Ludowej "Bociany" przy Stowarzyszeniu Kultury i Tradycji Polskiej " Made in Poland", projektu PL20NI oraz Polskiej Szkoły " POLCA" mamy zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa na koncert Harcerskiego Zespołu Pieśni i Tańca " Dzieci Płocka", który odbędzie się 29go pażdziernika o godzinie 7pm w Culturlann Mc AdamO Fiaich, 216 Falls Rd, Belfast BT12 6AH.

Będziemy wdzięczni za potwierdzenie obecności najpóźniej do 28 października 20024 roku. Można tego dokonać rezerwując bezpłatny bilet pod linkiem: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dzieci-pocka-gala-concert-belfast-tickets-1049664553937

Harcerski Zespół Pieśni i Tańca "Dzieci Płocka" im. Druha Wacława Milke jest najstarszym zespołem dziecięcym w Polsce. Działa nieprzerwanie od 1946 roku. Na przestrzeni wielu lat pracy z kilkunastoosobowej przyszkolnej drużyny harcerskiej Zespół przerodził się w odrębną zinstytucjonalizowaną placówkę skupiającą ponad pół tysiąca dzieci i młodzieży. Pomimo zmian "Dzieci Płocka" pozostają wierne tradycji i celom jakie wyznaczono w początkowej fazie istnienia placówki. Dziś Zespół uczt, bawi i wychowuje dzieci i młodzież w oparciu o harcerskie metody wychowawcze. W zajęciach uczestniczy ponad 500 dzieci i młodzieży w wieku od 5 do 20 lat reprezentujących niemal wszystkie płockie placówki oświatowe.

Kilka tysięcy koncertów zarówno w kraju, niemal całej Europie, Azji oraz Ameryce Północnej, udział w wielu imprezach ogólnopolskich, reprezentowanie Polski na festiwalach i zlotach, widowiska plenerowe, wielokrotny udział w nagraniach telewizyjnych oraz produkcjach filmowych, liczne medale, nagrody, wyróżnienia i odznaczenia, współpraca z wybitnymi artystami to najkrócej przedstawiony dorobek Zespołu "Dzieci Płocka".


Witajcie moi drodzy sąsiedzi i znajomi.
Odnoszę się do sytuacji opublikowania bulwersującego filmu dotyczącego osób zamieszkujących naszą ulicę tj Somerset Drive. Zapewne wielu z was widziało film ,nagrany przez p. Andrzej Kwaśny -pseudo pesymista zagranicą, który mówi mową nienawiści do Polaków i o Polakach. Ja ze swojej strony dołożę starań, aby ta osoba poniosła konsekwencje . Proszę was o zapisanie jak największej ilości dowodów tj filmów, screenów, opinii , komentarzy zarówno z tego filmu, jak i innych , ponieważ planujemy zgłosić to na Policję lub do innych organizacji zajmujących się dyskryminacją.

Już w ten czwartek o godz 14.30 w centrum Coleraine powitamy naszą medalistkę

Już w ten czwartek o godz 14.30 w centrum Coleraine powitamy naszą medalistkę

🏅 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐡 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 🏅

Olympic rowing gold medallist, Hannah Scott is coming home to Coleraine with her gold medal tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday 14th August).

Come and join the celebrations in Coleraine’s Diamond, outside the Town Hall from 2.30pm to 4pm.

Hannah will arrive in the town centre at The Diamond, where members of the public are welcome to join in the celebrations and congratulate Hannah on her win!

Hannah will then enjoy a private reception in Coleraine Town Hall, hosted by the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan.

Let’s give our very own superstar a special welcome home!

Coleraine BID Causeway Chamber Bann Rowing Club Visit Causeway Coast and Glens

Już w ten czwartek 15go od godz 20 polska impreza

Już w ten czwartek 15go od godz 20 polska impreza

Piatek- sobota-niedziela

Piatek- sobota-niedziela

⚽ The KIDS will 🎉 this! ⚽ Kick Off the Super Cup NI 2024 in Coleraine!

Prepare for an unforgettable football extravaganza on Sunday, 21st July! Coleraine town centre is transforming into a hive of fun and excitement to launch the Super Cup NI 2024, brought to you free by the members of Coleraine BID. The match kicks off at 2pm, and entry is free for all!

⚽ Freestyle Frenzy and Goalie Glory
From 2:30pm to 4:30pm, be amazed by Sam Madden, the football freestyler who stuns the crowd with every trick! As an official FIFA World Cup performer and three-time Irish Champion, Sam’s skills will have you cheering louder than ever!

🥅 Fancy yourself a striker? Take on the 'Beat the Goalie' Challenge presented by the Harry Gregg Foundation from 2pm to 6pm. Test your shooting skills and win some fantastic spot prizes. Are you ready to hit the back of the net?

🦸‍♂️ Superhero Sightings and Sonic Speed
Superman, Supergirl, and Sonic are taking a break from their heroic duties to visit Coleraine! From 2pm to 3pm and again from 4pm to 5pm, snap selfies and high-fives with these legendary heroes. It’s a superhero half-time show you can’t miss!

🎶 Musical Magic and Kiddie Kicks
Keep the tempo up with live music from the amazing Gareth Burns from 3pm to 6pm. His tunes will have you dancing in the streets, celebrating the spirit of the Super Cup NI.

🎲 For the younger fans, there’s a soft play zone around the Town Hall from 2pm to 6pm. Let the little ones run around and have a blast while you enjoy the day’s festivities.

⚽ Parade of Champions
As we approach full-time, get ready for the grand opening parade! The Super Cup NI 2024 players will gather in the Mall Car Park and march through Coleraine town centre from 7pm, spreading football fever and community spirit. It’s a celebration of unity and a beautiful game.

Don’t miss this all-star football event brought to you free by the members of Coleraine BID!


Household Recycling Centre opening hours will be extended to 7:45pm every Tuesday and Thursday during June, July and August, last entry is 10 minutes prior to closing time.

Householders are kindly asked to sort their waste before leaving home, separating recyclables from non-recyclable (landfill) waste. Please speak to site attendant on duty should you require any assistance.

More information about Council's recycling locations can be found here: https://bit.ly/455Y7YQ

Targi pracy we wtorek 18go czerwca

Targi pracy we wtorek 18go czerwca

Causeway Coast and Glens Job Fair
Tuesday 18 June 2024, 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Coleraine Leisure Centre, 23 Railway Road, Coleraine BT52 1PE
Free Admission

Find job opportunities, chat with local employers from various sectors and improve your employment prospects with practical advice and support.

Local organisations from various sectors will attend and there will be information available on local support services.
BSL & ISL signers available 4.00pm - 6.00pm.

For more information, please visit https://www.jobapplyni.com/ or email: [email protected]

Details of all job related events can also be found at



Vacancies currently exist within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council for the following posts and applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates:

Economic Development Officer
Salary: PO1 (SCP 29-32) £37,336-£40,221 per annum
Tenure: This is a permanent post
Location: 7 Connell Street, Limavady, BT49 0HA

Recruitment Schedule
Closing Date for submission of applications: Monday 24 June 2024 at 4 pm
It is envisaged that Shortlisting and Interviews will take place as follows:
Shortlisting: Friday 28 June 2024
Interviews: Tuesday 9 July 2024

Planning Assistant (2 Posts)
Salary: SO1 (SCP 25-27) £33,945-£35,745 per annum
Tenure: There are two permanent posts
Location: Cloonavin, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine, BT52 1EY

Recruitment Schedule
Closing Date for submission of applications: Monday 24 June 2024 at 4pm
It is envisaged that Shortlisting and Interviews will take place as follows:
Shortlisting: Monday 8 July 2024
Interviews: Thursday 25 & Friday 26 July 2024

Duty Officer (2 Posts)
Salary: £33,945-£35,745 + 10% per annum
Tenure: There are two permanent posts
Location: 1 post at Coleraine Leisure Centre and 1 post at Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre

Recruitment Schedule
Closing Date for submission of applications: Monday 24 June 2024 at 4pm
It is envisaged that Shortlisting and Interviews will take place as follows:
Shortlisting: Wednesday 3rd July
Interviews: TBC

To view all these opportunities, please visit

PLEASE NOTE: Only application forms containing all the information which has been sought will be considered. The shortlisting panel will base shortlisting decisions on the information contained within the Essential Criteria narrative sections of the application form, however Desirable Criteria may be used. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide sufficient relevant information including dates in this section of the form for each criteria.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer.


Spaces are still available on Council’s Summer Recreation Programme. Camps will run from Monday 1st July to Friday 16th August.

Participants can look forward to the choice of more than 20 different courses, community schemes and inclusive family events.

Read more: bit.ly/3UtH122







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