Insta posts and quotes Branded (1)
I've been a member of the Inner Hub and followed @thetwolauras for some months now, and it's been the best investment I could have made in my business. The world of social media changes constantly... (..yes Instagram, I'm talking about you!!!), and it can be difficult to keep up with it all.
I keep up with it all, so you don't have to!
#thetwolauras #socialpro #meetthesocialpro #marketingvirtualassistant #marketingva #virtualassistantchichester #vachichester #instagram #instagramchanges #socialmediamanager
Insta posts and quotes Branded (11)
What areas are you finding particularly tricky to keep on top of in your business?
#virtualassistantservices #pollypeartmarketing #virtualassistantchichester #marketingsupportchicheser #reclaimyourtime #pollypeartmarketing #askforhelp #vachichester #virtualassistant #virtualasssitantchichester #virtualassistantsupport #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamanager #socialmediamanagerchichester #chichestersmallbusiness #pollypeartmarketing #chichester#marketingvachichester #socialmediaoverwhelm #chichestermarketingservices #virtualassistant #cuttingthroughtheoverwhelm #smallbusinesschichester #chichestersmallbusiness #chichester #pollypeartmarketing #overwhelmatwork #outsourcing
Insta posts and quotes Branded (7)
Mondays always start with a coffee. Well, everyday does actually!
How do you start your day?
#coffeefirst #pollypeartmarketing #howdoyoustartyourday #startoftheweek #happymonday #smallbusinesschichester #chichestersmallbusiness #coffeebeforeanything #socialmediamanagerchichester #virtualassistantchichester
Insta posts and quotes Branded (1)
What do you struggle with most when it comes to your social media?
Is it ideas? Strategy? Confidence? Writing copy? Hit me with those struggles below!
#pollypeartmarketing #socialmediatipsandtricks #socialmediastruggles #socialmediastrugglesarereal #smallbusinesschichester #socialmediamanagerchichester #socialmediaoverwhelm #cuttingthroughtheoverwhelm
Google search post
Have you and your business been absent from social media for a while and you're worried how to suddenly start posting again?
I get it, life is busy, BUSINESS is busy, your marketing might have fallen to the bottom of the pile. You might be worried about starting to post again, or how to explain the big gap in content. Don't panic, just go for it, keep it simple. Don't overthink it, you don't even need to explain why there's been a pause.
Post a quote, or a piece of inspiration.
Post a picture of something that has made you happy this week... and start re-engaging with your audience again! Most of all... don't worry!
#socialmediatipsandtricks #socialmedia101 #socialmediamanagerchichester #socialmediatips #chichestersmallbusiness #smallbusinessadvice #dontworry #keepgoing #chichester #pollypeartmarketing
Friday feeling!
Happy Friday!
My early morning dog walks are my favourite part of the day. They give me a chance to just 'be' before the craziness of the day ahead!
Wishing everyone a happy bank holiday weekend, what have you got planned?
(Please don't rain!!🤞☀️)
#chichesterwalks #lovewhereyoulive #chichesterbusinesses #chichestersmallbusiness #socialmediamanagerchichester #pollypeartmarketing