
Snapp-it Their heart-felt donations and fund raising events provide invaluable support to which without, this project could not survive. Courageous, Kind & Strong.

Teen Mental Health Charity No.1207483

Snapp-it Is a free, mobile application that provides a safe & confidential, sign-posting service supporting the mental, emotional, physical and sexual health & wellbeing of Children & Young People SNAPP-IT CIO No.1207483

A multi-award winning teen mental health charity supporting over 30,000 CYP in +80 secondary schools, colleges and Children S

ervice (NEET, LAC, SEN, home schooled and permanently excluded) settings across the entire Derbyshire region.

- It's all about knowing what to do, where to go and what to say -

A free, digital, mobile application that provides a safe & confidential, sign-posting service supporting the mental, emotional, physical and sexual health & wellbeing of Children & Young People (aged 13-25),

A safe, discreet and confidential innovation that brings all the best and most trusted support and self-help services into one single, smart-health platform, streamed for safety all via a QR code scan and smart-phone device.

- Engaging Assembly Talks that improve mental health & save lives

- Free wearable CYP Inspired QR coded devices such as wristbands,
smartcards, lanyard & phone badges

- Training Senior Mental Health Lead to greater and more effective
triage and signposting, with huge reductions on workload & cost

- Training Mental Health Ambassadors to triage and signpost their
own peers within their own setting, empowering young minds with
the right resources, tools, wisdom and know-how

- Provides highly vetted resource support and guidance mapping so
you know exactly where to look, what information to source and
the right services to apply, we do all the hard work so you don't
have too

- A fully GDPR compliant smart health innovation that doesn't
request, copy, store of share any personal information from a users

- Excellent testimonials from all +100 schools, colleges, children's,
social and health care setting deliveries.

- Winner of 13x Voluntary Community Social Enterprise Awards
including Most Innovative Project, Organisation of the Year,
Volunteer of the Year, Partnership of the Year, Derbyshire Times
Business Excellence, Outstanding Champion of Champions Award
& Community Hero.

- 'Principal's Charity' of The Chesterfield College Group 24/25

- Charity of the Year - The Learning Curve Beauty Academy 24/25

- Charity of the Year - Netherthorpe High School 24/25

- Tesco's Stronger Starts Charity Oct 24 - Jan 25

- Finalist Nominee of National Children & Young Person's Award

- Corporate Partnerships
Randall Foundation - Foundation Derbyshire
Derbyshire County Council
Derbyshire Voluntary Action
Chesterfield Borough Council
Bolsover District Council

- Community Heroes
We give special thanks to the friends & families of our community hero's who share incredible kindness and love. It is these wonderful people who care, giving everything & so much more. In memory of loved ones' they leave a legacy that lasts forever in the hearts & minds of our young people. We honor our Community Heroes

- Corporate Sponsors
SNAPP-IT CIO are continually looking for amazing Corporate Sponsors who would like to help make a huge difference in supporting Young People in our community - improving lives - saving lives, each and everyday. Please drop us an email at: [email protected]

On Monday Afternoon Hayley met with family resource worker Mandi from the Derbyshire County Council’s Children’s Service...

On Monday Afternoon Hayley met with family resource worker Mandi from the Derbyshire County Council’s Children’s Services Contract Care Team for Fostering.

We provided X60 Snapp-it wellbeing packs to support the young people in Foster Care and their foster cares across Derbyshire. πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

The wellbeing support packs contain snapp-it QR coded devices, empowering our young people to get the right support, Snapp-it provides a safe and secure means of reaching out and accessing a wealth of local & national mental, emotional, physical and sexual health & wellbeing service providers.
All the hard work has been done to ensure each student has the right information to make a well informed choice - connecting them to the right service so they get the right help at the right time.
Taking the anxiety out of taking action enabling each and every student the best chance to grow into independent healthy adults without carrying the weight of the world with them. πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

This was only made possible by the kind and generous donation gifted by the family of our Community Hero Shaun Thelwell.
Along with this delivery in Shaun’s memory we have previously supported Staveley fc and will be delivering support to the young people at Pilsley fc in the spring.πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Jay Cotton Jay Cotton Men-Talk Men-Talk Chat Room Bradley Littlewood fans

This morning Hayley delivered Snapp-it wellbeing support packs to Netherthorpe School, these packs support student ambas...

This morning Hayley delivered Snapp-it wellbeing support packs to Netherthorpe School, these packs support student ambassadors to be able to positively signpost fellow students to the right supported the right time πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

The wellbeing support packs contain over x500 snapp-it QR coded devices, empowering our young people to get the right support, Snapp-it provides a safe and secure means of reaching out and accessing a wealth of local & national mental, emotional, physical and sexual health & wellbeing service providers.
All the hard work has been done to ensure each student has the right information to make a well informed choice - connecting them to the right service so they get the right help at the right time.
Taking the anxiety out of taking action enabling each and every student the best chance to grow into independent healthy adults without carrying the weight of the world with them. πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Today was only made possible by the kind and generous funding snapp-it received from the Bolsover Rotary Club which procured all the Snapp-it support devices that created the wellbeing packs given today.

We would like to give a special thank you to the members of Bolsover Rotary for choosing to support the vital work that we do supporting young people’s mental health here at and helping us to support more young people in our local community and through the Netherthorpe student ambassador programme.πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™Œ

fans Jay Cotton Jay Cotton Men-Talk Men-Talk Chat Room Bradley Littlewood

This morning Hayley visited Netherthorpe School to celebrate the wonderful donation they have made to Snapp-it as one of...

This morning Hayley visited Netherthorpe School to celebrate the wonderful donation they have made to Snapp-it as one of their chosen charities of the year. πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Students raised funds by completing a 3 mile sponsored walk and raised an absolutely incredible Β£1600, This was split between both chosen charities of the year and . πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Pictured presenting the Cheque is both head girls and two of the wonderful student ambassadors along with Mrs.Newton.

We would like to give a special thank you to Mrs.Newton for all her incredible hard work and being such a support working with us as a charity to better support the students at Netherthorpe, but most importantly the wonderful sixth form students for choosing us to be one of their chosen charities this year πŸ™πŸ» all those who took part in the walk and everyone who sponsored students and fundraised πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Ashgate Hospice Jay Cotton Jay Cotton Netherthorpe School

On Monday 20th of January Snapp-it received an amazing donation gifted by the wonderful Lisa Flint & Justin Evans For Β£7...

On Monday 20th of January Snapp-it received an amazing donation gifted by the wonderful Lisa Flint & Justin Evans For Β£750 .

The money was raised over several fundraising events last year including those organised by the wonderful Lisa Flint, Ryan Chapman, and the good people of Shirebrook, including funds raised at the Ash Barker boxing fight night for what would have been his 40th birthday.. He sadly took his own life too soon. πŸ’™
Lisa also hosted a Mindfulness event at the Shirebrook Town show last year, Which were delighted to attend, during the event she hosted Meditation demos, a drumming circle and mindfulness fun for the kids along with a raffle. Her local Men’s and women’s Mindfulness groups helped with this also πŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ’œπŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

They raised a fantastic Β£4500 in total and chose to split the amount between 4 local charities which were the Lashes Foundation, Walking 4 Hope-Charity Page, Enlighten The Shadows and Snapp-It.
We all received an amazing Β£750 each. πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

The remainder of the money they raised will be paying for local families who have lost people to su***de to be part of Baton Of Hope 2025 as baton bearers and to cover the costs of transport and associated expenses. πŸ’œ

The Β£750 donation Snapp-it received will go straight back into the local community of Shirebrook to support our young people this includes providing support packs to the local Academy so students can have discreet instant access to mental health support, providing early intervention support through the Snapp-it project πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

We would like to give a special thanks to Lisa and all the wonderful people of Shirebrook and all those who were involved in raising these funds not just for supporting our charity but choosing to support the other wonderful charities too, every single donation makes such a difference to the work we all do in the local community.
So Thank you so so much πŸ™πŸ» πŸ’›


MBSQualia-Wellness Connections - Lisa Flint Jay Cotton Jay Cotton Hayley Oxer Men-Talk Men-Talk Chat Room fans

πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™ŒHayley Oxer Jay Cotton Jay Cotton Snapp-it


Hayley Oxer Jay Cotton Jay Cotton Snapp-it

Chesterfield Town U11

Progress report

Saturday 25th January

We worked on some fitness then worked on stability, turning and sprinting, changing direction, we then did the drills with a ball. We worked on fast dribbling stopping the ball placing it on a cone? We also did pass and move talking. We then had a small game with defenders vs attackers which was good for defenders to play out and score and the attackers to pass and move to create goal opportunities.

This was all put I to practice into the game for another improving performance.


πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Come On You Black And White WizardsπŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

Thank you to our local sponsors Hall Plant Hire Ltd , teen mental health charity, Snapp-it and new sponsor William-Boulton for their fantastic support.


Team Snapp-it’s Hayley & Jay are in Tesco Extra Chesterfield raising awareness of the support our charity provides today...

Team Snapp-it’s Hayley & Jay are in Tesco Extra Chesterfield raising awareness of the support our charity provides today πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Come along and say hello πŸ‘‹ and find out about all our free support information available for young people’s mental health πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

We would like to give special thanks to the wonderful Tesco Community Champions Karen and Jane πŸ™Œ for inviting us back into the store once again, these ladies have been a massive support in the work that we do by helping us raise awareness, improve and support the young people in our community and we appreciate them so so much πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

The support information and snapp-it devices given out during todays event were only made possible through funding from our sponsor Adam at Chester Street Gym & UltraTan πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ Thank you Adam Bingham for your continued support and helping us continue the vital work that we do πŸ™πŸ»

Jay Tesco Extra Chesterfield Community Group Men-Talk fans

New Inn, Clay Cross Thank you for choosing to support Snapp-it πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™ŒYour continued support makes such a difference to the ...

New Inn, Clay Cross Thank you for choosing to support Snapp-it πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ
Your continued support makes such a difference to the work we do and the young people we support πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Jay Cotton Hayley Oxer Jay Cotton Bradley Littlewood Bradley Wilson

πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ The Voluntary sector awards is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the work amazing local volunteers do to support ...

πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ The Voluntary sector awards is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the work amazing local volunteers do to support our local community πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Volunteer Centre Chesterfield and NE Derbyshire

Laura and Dale have shown such strength after all they have been through losing their son Toby they created Time for dad...

Laura and Dale have shown such strength after all they have been through losing their son Toby they created Time for dads to help other families and change the law πŸ’™πŸ¦‹

The original petition they filed through isn’t recognised through the government, so they have started a new one to change the law so fathers are able to take time off following the loss of a child.
Dale lost his employment when he was going through the worst time of his life and as a family they are now trying to change the law so other families don’t have to suffer in the same way.

So please please support them and sign the petition! They only have 6 months to get enough signatures to take this further with the government, So please support them and click the link below to sign the petition today ! πŸ‘‡

Snapp-it Jay Cotton Hayley Oxer Jay Cotton Bradley Littlewood Men-Talk Bradley Wilson Men-Talk Chat Room

A couple who lost their baby boy three weeks after his birth are campaigning to change the law after the dad says he was β€œhounded” by his employer to return to work after two weeks.

Today Hayley is here at  for the β€˜Brew  Monday’ event taking place in the heart space ! β˜•οΈThe college have chosen to do ...

Today Hayley is here at for the β€˜Brew Monday’ event taking place in the heart space ! β˜•οΈ

The college have chosen to do β€˜Brew Monday’ on what is usually known as β€˜Blue Monday’ as a way to encourage students to open up and start that conversation over a cuppa β˜•οΈ as January can be a tough time for so many people πŸ’™
Today is about raising awareness of mental health and su***de prevention but most importantly to get that conversation going πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

There are some wonderful organisations here to support students at this event and as always we are so grateful to be apart of it πŸ™Œ

A massive thank you to the wonderful safeguarding team for organising such a wonderful event πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

This delivery was only made possible by the kind and generous funding which we received from Foundation Derbyshire and the Randal Foundation.
This funding has been used to purchase snapp-it devices which were given out to students at this event in aims to improve and save young people’s lives.

***deprevention β˜•

Chesterfield College Snapp-it Jay Cotton Bradley Littlewood Men-Talk Men-Talk Chat Room Jay Cotton fans

Today Hayley from team Snapp-it met with the wonderful George from  πŸ™ŒπŸ’™ πŸ™ŒIt was a fantastic opportunity to find out about...

Today Hayley from team Snapp-it met with the wonderful George from πŸ™ŒπŸ’™ πŸ™Œ
It was a fantastic opportunity to find out about the amazing work this organisation is doing and is planning to do in the future, also looking at ways we can support each other as partnering organisations to best support those who use both our services πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ


Take Back Your Mind UK Men-Talk Men-Talk Chat Room Bradley Wilson Bradley Littlewood Jay Cotton Jay Cotton fans



Several Chesterfield Town U11's also decided to go bowling at Chesterfield Bowling this morning, joined by one of the Chesterfield Town U13 Girls players.

Competition was fierce among the players and parents, but it ended with smiles all around on a frosty morning. πŸ–€πŸ€βš½πŸ€πŸ–€

Thank you as always to sponsors Hall Plant Hire Ltd Snapp-it and William Boulton for their support.

πŸ“£ Appreciation Post πŸ“£We would like to extend a special Thank you to the wonderful Landlady Hazel and all the amazing sta...

πŸ“£ Appreciation Post πŸ“£

We would like to extend a special Thank you to the wonderful Landlady Hazel and all the amazing staff & customers at the New Inn, Clay Cross for their continued support this year.πŸ™πŸ»
We have just received a fantastic donation of Β£49.07 which was raised through them placing one of our collection boxes on their bar over the last couple of months πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Every penny raised makes a huge difference to such a small charity as us. So Thank you for choosing to support the work that we do, We appreciate you more than you know.πŸ™πŸ»


fans Hayley Jay Jay Snapp-it Men-Talk Men-Talk Chat Room

πŸ“£ Appreciation Post πŸ“£Thank you to the amazing guys at PCrefurb and Rural Action Derbyshire for making it possible for us...

πŸ“£ Appreciation Post πŸ“£

Thank you to the amazing guys at PCrefurb and Rural Action Derbyshire for making it possible for us to continue the work that we do πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Hayley Jay Cotton Jay Cotton

This year we have been partnering with Rural Action Derbyshire to provide refurbished devices to members of the Digital Support Derbyshire Network. Earlier this month we were able to send to Snapp-it two refurbished Lenovo laptops which had been donated to us by Sodexo.

We were approached by Jason, the Co-Chief Executive Officer, who explained that SNAPP-IT is a digital, signposting app that has been created to support young people (aged 13-25) with their mental, emotional, physical and sexual health & wellbeing. A self-harm and su***de prevention innovation that ensures young people have access to all the right services and all the right support, at all the right times - improving lives and saving lives, each and everyday.

The snapp-it mobile app is accessed via a QR code scan and is completely free to use. Based in Chesterfield, the snapp-it app currently supports over 30,000 children & young people in +80 schools, colleges and children's social and healthcare settings across the entire Derbyshire region.

When Jason received the laptops he sent this message: "I would just like to offer a huge, big thanks to Sam at Action Rural Derbyshire and Julia and the wonderful team at PCrefurb. The process to obtain critical IT kit was made easy and I was guided at every step, which took away all the anxiety from the application process.

Our Snapp-it charity was fortunate enough to receive 2x i7 laptops which arrived super quick and in perfect condition. As a small charity, we are unable to obtain enough funding to maintain or replace our own legacy IT kit to which without, the charity cannot function.

This amazing IT kit is fundamental to supporting young people in our local community with their mental, emotional, physical and sexual health & wellbeing.

I would emphatically encourage other members to apply and highlight the scheme to businesses whom can supply bulk donations to a scheme that is a real lifesaver.
Thank-you all once again for being so amazing."

If you are part of an organisation in Derbyshire providing digital support you can enquire about joining the Network by contacting Rural Action Derbyshire:

Last Monday the wonderful Luis from   organised a charity football match with students from  at Queen's Park Sports Cent...

Last Monday the wonderful Luis from organised a charity football match with students from at Queen's Park Sports Centre to raise funds at support our charity as this years principal’s charity of the year πŸ™Œβš½οΈπŸ™Œ

It was a great match played by all and we would like to thank for organising this wonderful event and helping to support the work that we do with young people’s mental health πŸ™πŸ»βš½οΈπŸ™Œ

fans Snapp-it Jay Hayley Jay Bradley Bradley Men-Talk Men-Talk Chat Room




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