I am really sorry I have lost track a little of who wanted to be added to the Deepdowndirty promo email list and / or added to the private label group (where I always share promos and remix ops / requests for collab).
If you would like to receive promos pls would you leave a note re the genre(s) in the comments of this post and name / pref tag the radio station you air on.
If you'd like to be added to DeepDownDirty's private group, please go here DeepDownDirty PRIVATE GROUP.
- Radio stations if you are looking for DJs please request to be added to the group.
- Record labels seeking to connect with new producers also welcome. Please feel free to introduce yourself once accepted to the group.
- Producers seeking remixers for releases on other labels please request to be added to the group.
This is pretty much how we have always done things but now my time is scarce and I have less time to find the info and share it myself with people but I am very happy to accommodate any member of the music fam who would like to make new music accquaintances.