You Must Stand Up Reel (Facebook Post).mp4
A very important book for the times we are all living in right now.
Buy a copy of ‘You Must Stand Up’ here: 📙✊🏻
Rigged PB (Facebook Post) (1).mp4
'Rigged' by Andy Verity exposes a cover-up at the highest level on both sides of the Atlantic, upending the official story of the biggest scandal since the global financial crisis.
Out in paperback now! Order your copy here:
Rigged PB (Facebook Post).mp4
'Rigged' by Andy Verity exposes a cover-up at the highest level on both sides of the Atlantic, upending the official story of the biggest scandal since the global financial crisis.
Out in paperback August 15th, pre-order your copy now:
Cover Reveal (Instagram Post).mp4
'Crypto Confidential' by Jake Donoghue tells the salacious story of the industry everyone is talking about right now.
Pre-order your copy now:
the explosive secret history of interest rate rigging (1).mp4
Make sure you check out this upcoming event for Andy Verity, author of 'Rigged: The Whistleblowers Jailed after Exposing the Rotten Heart of the Financial System' at the Oxford Literary Festival:
happy New Year 2023 (Facebook Post) (1).mp4
New Year New...Books? Here's the ultimate New Year book guide to kick off your 2024 reading. All available via our website:
SHH TWT (Facebook Post).mp4
Get the New Year off to a good start by reading 'The Super Helper Syndrome' 📘 ✨
Now on sale via Amazon Kindle
Zero Alt TWT (Facebook Post).mp4
Have you made any New Years Resolutions yet? 🧠 ✨
'Zero Altitude' is a book all about how going flight free can save the planet - and change how you see the world. Order your copy now and start the new year right:
Rigged TWT (Facebook Post).mp4
Want to get a head start on your New Year reading list? 'Rigged' by Andy Verity
is a cover-up at the highest level on both sides of the Atlantic, involving whistleblowers wrongly jailed in a series of miscarriages of justice. Check it out here:
Milk Without Honey Cover Reveal TWT (Facebook Post).mp4
'Milk Without Honey' is an impactful and beautiful graphic novel about the plight of the bees 🐝
Coming March 2024, pre-order your copy now:
World Mental Health Day (Instagram Post).mp4
Here are a few reading recommendations for #WorldMentalHealthDay2023 📚 ✨
Do you already own any of these? 💭
Click here to find out more:
Eliminating Poverty Q10 TWT (Facebook Post (Landscape)).mp4
In this groundbreaking book, Helen Rowe brings together the latest research with stories from across Britain to show us that ending poverty in the twenty-first century is possible. Order your copy now: